Melanie joined WEX in 2018, bringing an almost 20-year track record of leading global talent acquisition, talent management, leadership development, and organizational development for large, multi-billion dollar corporations.
As CHRO of WEX, Melanie is responsible for developing and executing human resources strategy in support of the company’s overall business plan and strategic direction, specifically in the areas of succession planning, talent management, change management, organizational and performance management, training and development, and compensation and benefits.
Prior to joining WEX, Melanie served as Medtronic’s vice president of talent acquisition, talent management, and its chief learning officer and as Hewlett-Packard’s vice president of executive leadership development and organizational development. She also held HR Business Partner, global development, talent acquisition and talent management roles at Walmart, Bank of America, and Cigna.
Melanie earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Maine and an MBA with a concentration in finance from the University of Connecticut.
What is Melanie J. Tinto's net worth?
The estimated net worth of Melanie J. Tinto is at least $1.31 million as of July 31st, 2024. Ms. Tinto owns 8,461 shares of WEX stock worth more than $1,312,648 as of March 6th. This net worth approximation does not reflect any other investments that Ms. Tinto may own. Additionally, Ms. Tinto receives a salary of $933,320.00 as Insider at WEX. Learn More about Melanie J. Tinto's net worth.
How old is Melanie J. Tinto?
Ms. Tinto is currently 52 years old. There are 9 older executives and no younger executives at WEX. The oldest executive at WEX is Mr. Robert Joseph Deshaies, Chief Operating Officer of Benefits, who is 58 years old. Learn More on Melanie J. Tinto's age.
What is Melanie J. Tinto's salary?
As the Insider of WEX Inc., Ms. Tinto earns $933,320.00 per year. There are 4 executives that earn more than Ms. Tinto. The highest earning executive at WEX is Ms. Melissa D. Smith, Chair, CEO, and President, who commands a salary of $2,790,000.00 per year. Learn More on Melanie J. Tinto's salary.
How do I contact Melanie J. Tinto?
Has Melanie J. Tinto been buying or selling shares of WEX?
Melanie J. Tinto has not been actively trading shares of WEX in the last ninety days. Most recently, Melanie J. Tinto sold 1,564 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Wednesday, July 31st. The shares were sold at an average price of $185.04, for a transaction totalling $289,402.56. Following the completion of the sale, the insider now directly owns 8,461 shares of the company's stock, valued at $1,565,623.44. Learn More on Melanie J. Tinto's trading history.
Who are WEX's active insiders?
WEX's insider roster includes Carlos Carriedo (COO), David Cooper (CTO), Joel Dearborn, Jr. (Insider), Robert Deshaies (COO), Ann Drew (Chief Risk & Compliance Officer), James Groch (Director), Kenneth Janosick (Insider), Jennifer Kimball (CAO), Jagtar Narula (CFO), Scott Phillips (Insider), Hilary Rapkin (Insider), Roberto Simon (CFO), Melissa Smith (Chair, CEO, and President), Stephen Smith (Director), Regina Sommer (Director), Regina Sommer (Director), Melanie Tinto (Insider), Sara Trickett (Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary), and Jack VanWoerkom (Director). Learn More on WEX's active insiders.
Are insiders buying or selling shares of WEX?
In the last twelve months, insiders at the business services provider sold shares 11 times. They sold a total of 10,300 shares worth more than $2,008,731.34. The most recent insider tranaction occured on November, 29th when COO Robert Joseph Deshaies sold 175 shares worth more than $33,152.00. Insiders at WEX own 1.1% of the company.
Learn More about insider trades at WEX. Information on this page was last updated on 11/29/2024.