Charles (Charlie) Wagner joined Vertex in 2019 as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO). In this role, Mr. Wagner oversees the finance, internal audit, investor relations, and global security and facilities functions. Mr. Wagner has deep corporate finance and health care experience, including more than a decade in public and private company CFO roles.
Prior to joining Vertex, Mr. Wagner was Executive Vice President, Finance and CFO at Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. – a Carlyle Group portfolio company. In this role, he had leadership responsibilities for all aspects of finance, accounting, tax, treasury, global information systems, lender relations, and acquisitions and divestitures, as well as shared responsibility for several enterprise-wide projects. Prior to this, Mr. Wagner served as CFO for Bruker Corporation, Progress Software Corporation and Millipore Corporation. In addition to his corporate finance roles, Mr. Wagner served as an advisor at Bain & Company and Coopers & Lybrand.
From April 2014 to August 2017, Mr. Wagner served as a director and chairman of the Audit Committee of Good Start Genetics, Inc. Mr. Wagner previously served as a director of Bruker Corporation and member of the Audit Committee from August 2010 to June 2012. Mr. Wagner holds a B.S. in accounting from Boston College and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.
What is Charles F. Wagner, Jr.'s net worth?
The estimated net worth of Charles F. Wagner, Jr. is at least $25.65 million as of May 28th, 2024. Mr. Wagner, Jr. owns 50,387 shares of Vertex Pharmaceuticals stock worth more than $25,648,998 as of March 26th. This net worth approximation does not reflect any other assets that Mr. Wagner, Jr. may own. Learn More about Charles F. Wagner, Jr.'s net worth.
How do I contact Charles F. Wagner, Jr.?
The corporate mailing address for Mr. Wagner, Jr. and other Vertex Pharmaceuticals executives is 50 NORTHERN AVENUE, BOSTON MA, 02210. Vertex Pharmaceuticals can also be reached via phone at (617) 341-6100 and via email at Learn More on Charles F. Wagner, Jr.'s contact information.
Has Charles F. Wagner, Jr. been buying or selling shares of Vertex Pharmaceuticals?
Charles F. Wagner, Jr. has not been actively trading shares of Vertex Pharmaceuticals during the last quarter. Most recently, Charles F. Wagner, Jr. sold 3,250 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Tuesday, May 28th. The shares were sold at an average price of $454.79, for a transaction totalling $1,478,067.50. Following the completion of the sale, the chief financial officer now directly owns 50,387 shares of the company's stock, valued at $22,915,503.73. Learn More on Charles F. Wagner, Jr.'s trading history.
Who are Vertex Pharmaceuticals' active insiders?
Vertex Pharmaceuticals' insider roster includes David Altshuler (EVP), Kristen Ambrose (CAO), Stuart Arbuckle (COO), E. Morrey Atkinson, III (EVP), Sangeeta Bhatia (Director), Jonathan Biller (EVP), Joshua Boger (Director), Carmen Bozic (CMO), Reshma FASN (M.D.), Reshma Kewalramani (CEO), Yuchun Lee (Director), Jeffrey Leiden (Chairman), Joy Liu (SVP), Margaret McGlynn (Director), Michael Parini (EVP), Amit Sachdev (EVP), Bruce Sachs (Director), Bastiano Sanna (EVP), Paul Silva (CAO), Ian Smith (COO), Ourania Tatsis (EVP), and Charles Wagner, Jr. (CFO). Learn More on Vertex Pharmaceuticals' active insiders.
Are insiders buying or selling shares of Vertex Pharmaceuticals?
During the last year, insiders at the pharmaceutical company sold shares 20 times. They sold a total of 64,463 shares worth more than $30,955,261.94. The most recent insider tranaction occured on March, 10th when EVP David Altshuler sold 3,231 shares worth more than $1,615,500.00. Insiders at Vertex Pharmaceuticals own 0.2% of the company.
Learn More about insider trades at Vertex Pharmaceuticals. Information on this page was last updated on 3/10/2025.