Craig Eric  Anderson net worth and biography

Craig Anderson Biography and Net Worth

Insider of ACV Auctions
Craig Anderson has served as our Chief Corporate Development and Strategy Officer and Chief Legal Officer since June 2018. He previously served as Chief Financial Officer at Compass, a real estate platform, from July 2017 until March 2018. Before that, Mr. Anderson served as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer of Flywheel Sports, a technology-enabled fitness provider, from September 2015 to June 2017, as well as President and Chief Operating Officer at Opt-Intelligence, an advertising exchange, from April 2013 to September 2015. Mr. Anderson began his career as an attorney at O’Melveny & Myers LLP before moving to the investment banking division of The Blackstone Group. Mr. Anderson holds a B.A. in economics from the University of California, Berkeley, a J.D. from Harvard Law School and an M.B.A. from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

What is Craig Eric Anderson's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Craig Eric Anderson is at least $4.30 million as of September 12th, 2024. Mr. Anderson owns 328,167 shares of ACV Auctions stock worth more than $4,298,988 as of March 11th. This net worth approximation does not reflect any other investments that Mr. Anderson may own. Additionally, Mr. Anderson receives a salary of $797,300.00 as Insider at ACV Auctions. Learn More about Craig Eric Anderson's net worth.

How old is Craig Eric Anderson?

Mr. Anderson is currently 46 years old. There are 6 older executives and no younger executives at ACV Auctions. The oldest executive at ACV Auctions is Mr. William R. Zerella, Chief Financial Officer, who is 66 years old. Learn More on Craig Eric Anderson's age.

What is Craig Eric Anderson's salary?

As the Insider of ACV Auctions Inc., Mr. Anderson earns $797,300.00 per year. There are 4 executives that earn more than Mr. Anderson. The highest earning executive at ACV Auctions is Mr. George G. Chamoun, CEO & Director, who commands a salary of $1,230,000.00 per year. Learn More on Craig Eric Anderson's salary.

How do I contact Craig Eric Anderson?

The corporate mailing address for Mr. Anderson and other ACV Auctions executives is 640 ELLICOTT STREET SUITE 321, BUFFALO NY, 14203. ACV Auctions can also be reached via phone at 800-553-4070 and via email at [email protected]. Learn More on Craig Eric Anderson's contact information.

Has Craig Eric Anderson been buying or selling shares of ACV Auctions?

Craig Eric Anderson has not been actively trading shares of ACV Auctions over the course of the past ninety days. Most recently, Craig Eric Anderson sold 7,500 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Thursday, September 12th. The shares were sold at an average price of $20.00, for a transaction totalling $150,000.00. Following the completion of the sale, the insider now directly owns 328,167 shares of the company's stock, valued at $6,563,340. Learn More on Craig Eric Anderson's trading history.

Who are ACV Auctions' active insiders?

ACV Auctions' insider roster includes Craig Anderson (Insider), Kirsten Castillo (Director), George Chamoun (CEO & Director), Robert Goodman (Director), Brian Hirsch (Director), Vikas Mehta (COO), Michael Waterman (Insider), and William Zerella (CFO). Learn More on ACV Auctions' active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of ACV Auctions?

During the last year, insiders at the sold shares 39 times. They sold a total of 2,142,820 shares worth more than $39,950,039.44. The most recent insider tranaction occured on February, 4th when insider Michael Waterman sold 15,000 shares worth more than $304,050.00. Insiders at ACV Auctions own 8.5% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at ACV Auctions.

Information on this page was last updated on 2/4/2025.

Craig Eric Anderson Insider Trading History at ACV Auctions

Transaction DateBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionShares Held After TransactionDetails
9/12/2024Sell7,500$20.00$150,000.00328,167View SEC Filing Icon  
7/2/2024Sell7,500$17.81$133,575.00328,167View SEC Filing Icon  
4/9/2024Sell7,500$18.50$138,750.00194,525View SEC Filing Icon  
3/28/2024Sell5,000$19.07$95,350.00202,797View SEC Filing Icon  
2/28/2024Sell5,000$18.00$90,000.00202,797View SEC Filing Icon  
1/2/2024Sell129,552$14.89$1,929,029.28199,781View SEC Filing Icon  
12/21/2023Sell58,883$14.97$881,478.51199,413View SEC Filing Icon  
12/19/2023Sell40,252$14.86$598,144.72199,413View SEC Filing Icon  
9/12/2023Sell15,000$16.21$243,150.00207,684View SEC Filing Icon  
4/10/2023Sell84,242$12.08$1,017,643.36215,956View SEC Filing Icon  
12/13/2021Sell16,535$20.08$332,022.80View SEC Filing Icon  
12/10/2021Sell1,900$20.00$38,000.00View SEC Filing Icon  
11/22/2021Sell5,000$21.92$109,600.00View SEC Filing Icon  
10/14/2021Sell5,000$20.00$100,000.00View SEC Filing Icon  
8/24/2021Sell7,500$20.00$150,000.007,500View SEC Filing Icon  
7/30/2021Sell40,000$23.10$924,000.00View SEC Filing Icon  
See Full Table

Craig Eric Anderson Buying and Selling Activity at ACV Auctions

This chart shows Craig Eric Anderson's buying and selling at ACV Auctions by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table

ACV Auctions Company Overview

ACV Auctions logo
ACV Auctions Inc. operates a digital marketplace that connects buyers and sellers for the online auction of wholesale vehicles. The company's marketplace platform includes digital marketplace, which connects buyers and sellers by providing online auction, which facilitates real-time transactions of wholesale vehicles; Run List for pre-filtering and pre-screening of vehicles up to 24 hours prior to an auction taking place; ACV transportation service to enable the buyers to see real-time transportation quotes and status reports of the vehicle; ACV capital, a short-term inventory financing services for buyers to purchase vehicles; and Go Green's seller assurance service for against claims related to defects in the vehicle. It also provides remarketing centers, which offers value-added services, such as vehicle reconditioning and storage for dealers and commercial partners. In addition, the company offers data services, including True360 report, which provides cosmetic and structural vehicle assessments integrated into vehicle history reports for dealer to make wholesale and retail transaction decisions on and off the marketplace; ACV market report provides transaction data and condition reports for comparable used vehicles, including pricing data from third-party sources and allows dealers to determine pricing and valuation strategies for used vehicles; and ACV MAX inventory management software enables dealers to manage their inventory and set pricing while turning vehicles. Further, it provides data and technology through inspection, such as condition reports, virtual lift solutions, apex device, and vehicle intelligence platform; and marketplace enablement, comprising MyACV application, private marketplaces, operations automation, live appraisals, and programmatic buying service. ACV Auctions Inc. was incorporated in 2014 and is headquartered in Buffalo, New York.
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Today's Range

Now: $13.10
Low: $12.96
High: $13.88

50 Day Range

MA: $19.83
Low: $13.10
High: $22.25

2 Week Range

Now: $13.10
Low: $12.96
High: $23.46


2,885,049 shs

Average Volume

1,287,382 shs

Market Capitalization

$2.21 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


