Kathryn E.  Falberg net worth and biography

Kathryn Falberg Biography and Net Worth

Director of Trade Desk
Kathryn E. Falberg has served as a member of our board of directors since August 2016. Ms. Falberg served as executive vice president and chief financial officer of Jazz Pharmaceuticals, PLC from March 2012 to March 2014 after serving as senior vice president and chief financial officer since December 2009. From 2001 through 2009, Ms. Falberg worked with a number of smaller companies, including AdECN, while serving as a corporate director and audit committee chair for several companies. Ms. Falberg was with Amgen from 1995 through 2001, where she served as senior vice president, finance and strategy and chief financial officer and before that as vice president, controller and chief accounting officer, and vice president, treasurer. Ms. Falberg currently serves on the board of directors of BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Medivation, Aimmune Therapeutics and aTyr Pharma and previously served on several boards including Halozyme Therapeutics and QLT. Ms. Falberg received an M.B.A. and B.A. in Economics from the University of California, Los Angeles and is a Certified Public Accountant (inactive). We believe that Ms. Falberg is qualified to serve on our board of directors due to her extensive management experience, strategic leadership track record, and service on other boards of directors.

What is Kathryn E. Falberg's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Kathryn E. Falberg is at least $14.27 million as of March 8th, 2024. Ms. Falberg owns 242,609 shares of Trade Desk stock worth more than $14,265,409 as of March 27th. This net worth estimate does not reflect any other assets that Ms. Falberg may own. Learn More about Kathryn E. Falberg's net worth.

How do I contact Kathryn E. Falberg?

The corporate mailing address for Ms. Falberg and other Trade Desk executives is 42 N. CHESTNUT STREET, VENTURA CA, 93001. Trade Desk can also be reached via phone at (805) 585-3434 and via email at ir@thetradedesk.com. Learn More on Kathryn E. Falberg's contact information.

Has Kathryn E. Falberg been buying or selling shares of Trade Desk?

Kathryn E. Falberg has not been actively trading shares of Trade Desk during the last quarter. Most recently, Kathryn E. Falberg sold 103,030 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Friday, March 8th. The shares were sold at an average price of $81.90, for a transaction totalling $8,438,157.00. Following the completion of the sale, the director now directly owns 242,609 shares of the company's stock, valued at $19,869,677.10. Learn More on Kathryn E. Falberg's trading history.

Who are Trade Desk's active insiders?

Trade Desk's insider roster includes Lise Buyer (Director), Kathryn Falberg (Director), Thomas Falk (Director), Jay Grant (Insider), Blake Grayson (CFO), Jeffrey Green (Chairman, CEO and Founder), Samantha Jacobson (Chief Strategy Officer and Executive Vice President), Eric Paley (Director), David Pickles (CTO), Gokul Rajaram (Director), Paul Ross (CFO), Laura Schenkein (CFO), Brian Stempeck (Director), Susan Vobejda (CMO), David Wells (Director), and Vivian Yang (Insider). Learn More on Trade Desk's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Trade Desk?

During the last twelve months, insiders at the technology company sold shares 29 times. They sold a total of 2,688,380 shares worth more than $296,155,923.32. The most recent insider tranaction occured on January, 30th when CEO Jeffrey Terry Green sold 143,985 shares worth more than $17,540,252.70. Insiders at Trade Desk own 9.7% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Trade Desk.

Information on this page was last updated on 1/30/2025.

Kathryn E. Falberg Insider Trading History at Trade Desk

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Kathryn E. Falberg Buying and Selling Activity at Trade Desk

This chart shows Kathryn E Falberg's buying and selling at Trade Desk by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$0soldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$5M$0$5MTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

Trade Desk Company Overview

Trade Desk logo
The Trade Desk, Inc. operates as a technology company in the United States and internationally. The company offers a self-service cloud-based platform that allows buyers to plan, manage, optimize, and measure data-driven digital advertising campaigns across various ad formats and channels, including video, display, audio, digital-out-of-home, native, and social on various devices, such as computers, mobile devices, televisions, and streaming devices. It provides data and other value-added services. The company serves advertising agencies, brands, and other service providers for advertisers. The Trade Desk, Inc. was incorporated in 2009 and is headquartered in Ventura, California.
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Today's Range

Now: $58.80
Low: $58.50
High: $62.50

50 Day Range

MA: $87.66
Low: $53.59
High: $124.50

2 Week Range

Now: $58.80
Low: $53.39
High: $141.53


10,488,053 shs

Average Volume

4,672,829 shs

Market Capitalization

$29.17 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


