Jakki L.  Haussler net worth and biography

Jakki Haussler Biography and Net Worth

Jakki L. Haussler is Independent Director of the Company. Ms. Haussler co-founded Opus Capital Management, a registered investment advisory firm, in 1996 and currently serves as CEO providing executive oversight for corporate strategy. Haussler previously held positions as managing director at Capvest Venture Fund, LP, as well as partner at Adena Ventures, LP and is a founding member of the Transactional Law Practice Center at Salmon P. Chase College of Law at Northern Kentucky University. She currently serves on the boards of Morgan Stanley Funds and Cincinnati Bell Inc., where she chairs the company's Governance and Nominating Committee. Haussler graduated fro

What is Jakki L. Haussler's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Jakki L. Haussler is at least $273,332.13 as of November 20th, 2024. Ms. Haussler owns 3,425 shares of Service Co. International stock worth more than $273,332 as of March 28th. This net worth evaluation does not reflect any other assets that Ms. Haussler may own. Learn More about Jakki L. Haussler's net worth.

How do I contact Jakki L. Haussler?

The corporate mailing address for Ms. Haussler and other Service Co. International executives is 1929 ALLEN PARKWAY, HOUSTON TX, 77019. Service Co. International can also be reached via phone at (713) 522-5141 and via email at investorrelations@sci-us.com. Learn More on Jakki L. Haussler's contact information.

Has Jakki L. Haussler been buying or selling shares of Service Co. International?

Jakki L. Haussler has not been actively trading shares of Service Co. International over the course of the past ninety days. Most recently, Jakki L. Haussler sold 11,748 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Monday, September 12th. The shares were sold at an average price of $63.16, for a transaction totalling $742,003.68. Following the completion of the sale, the director now directly owns 4,937 shares of the company's stock, valued at $311,820.92. Learn More on Jakki L. Haussler's trading history.

Who are Service Co. International's active insiders?

Service Co. International's insider roster includes Alan Buckwalter, III (Director), Tony Coelho (Director), John Faulk (SVP), Jakki Haussler (Director), Victor Lund (Director), Tammy Moore (Insider), Elisabeth Nash (VP), Ellen Ochoa (Director), Thomas Ryan (Chairman of the Board and CEO), Gregory Sangalis (VP), Eric Tanzberger (CFO), Steven Tidwell (VP), W. Waltrip (Director), Sumner Waring, III (COO), and Marcus Watts (Director). Learn More on Service Co. International's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Service Co. International?

During the last year, insiders at the sold shares 10 times. They sold a total of 259,952 shares worth more than $21,079,348.28. The most recent insider tranaction occured on March, 10th when CEO Thomas L Ryan sold 50,000 shares worth more than $4,228,000.00. Insiders at Service Co. International own 5.1% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Service Co. International.

Information on this page was last updated on 3/10/2025.

Jakki L. Haussler Insider Trading History at Service Co. International

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Jakki L. Haussler Buying and Selling Activity at Service Co. International

This chart shows Jakki L Haussler's buying and selling at Service Co. International by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$0soldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$500k$0$500kTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

Service Co. International Company Overview

Service Co. International logo
Service Corp. International engages in the provision of funeral goods and services. It operates through the Funeral and Cemetery segments. The Funeral segment offers services related to cremations, including the use of home facilities and motor vehicles, arranging and directing services, removal, preparation, embalming, memorialization, and catering. The Cemetery segment provides property interment rights, including lawn crypts, mausoleum spaces, niches, and interment options. The company was founded by Robert L. Waltrip in July 1962 and is headquartered in Houston, TX.
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Today's Range

Now: $79.81
Low: $79.43
High: $80.38

50 Day Range

MA: $78.91
Low: $75.81
High: $84.40

2 Week Range

Now: $79.81
Low: $67.19
High: $89.37


1,039,907 shs

Average Volume

984,416 shs

Market Capitalization

$11.51 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


