Brenda M.  Hall net worth and biography

Brenda Hall Biography and Net Worth

Brenda Hall is Executive Vice President, Commercial Lines Chief Operating Officer. She oversees regional operations and corporate commercial lines underwriting.

Ms. Hall joined Selective in 2001 and held several leadership positions including Vice President, Underwriting. She was promoted to Senior Vice President, Director of Field Underwriting in 2008, then Senior Vice President, Chief Strategic Operations Officer in 2015, where she was responsible for the development, implementation and oversight of the company’s strategic plan and the integration of predictive modeling into underwriting operations.

Prior to joining Selective, Ms. Hall was a Marketing Manager at Westfield Insurance and a Senior Underwriter at Zurich.

What is Brenda M. Hall's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Brenda M. Hall is at least $969,324.42 as of March 4th, 2024. Ms. Hall owns 10,511 shares of Selective Insurance Group stock worth more than $969,324 as of March 27th. This net worth estimate does not reflect any other assets that Ms. Hall may own. Additionally, Ms. Hall receives a salary of $1,190,000.00 as EVP at Selective Insurance Group. Learn More about Brenda M. Hall's net worth.

How old is Brenda M. Hall?

Ms. Hall is currently 53 years old. There are 6 older executives and no younger executives at Selective Insurance Group. The oldest executive at Selective Insurance Group is Mr. Michael Haran Lanza, Executive VP, General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer, who is 62 years old. Learn More on Brenda M. Hall's age.

What is Brenda M. Hall's salary?

As the EVP of Selective Insurance Group, Inc., Ms. Hall earns $1,190,000.00 per year. The highest earning executive at Selective Insurance Group is Mr. John Joseph Marchioni CPCU, CEO, President & Chairman, who commands a salary of $3,090,000.00 per year. Learn More on Brenda M. Hall's salary.

How do I contact Brenda M. Hall?

The corporate mailing address for Ms. Hall and other Selective Insurance Group executives is 40 WANTAGE AVENUE, BRANCHVILLE NJ, 07890. Selective Insurance Group can also be reached via phone at (973) 948-3000 and via email at Learn More on Brenda M. Hall's contact information.

Has Brenda M. Hall been buying or selling shares of Selective Insurance Group?

Brenda M. Hall has not been actively trading shares of Selective Insurance Group during the last ninety days. Most recently, Brenda M. Hall sold 2,626 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Monday, March 4th. The shares were sold at an average price of $105.88, for a transaction totalling $278,040.88. Following the completion of the sale, the chief operating officer now directly owns 10,511 shares of the company's stock, valued at $1,112,904.68. Learn More on Brenda M. Hall's trading history.

Who are Selective Insurance Group's active insiders?

Selective Insurance Group's insider roster includes John Burville (Director), Terrence Cavanaugh (Director), Wole Coaxum (Director), Wole Coaxum (Director), Brenda Hall (EVP), John Marchioni (CEO), Michael Morrissey (Director), Gregory Murphy (Director), Cynthia Nicholson (Director), William Rue (Director), Vincent Senia (EVP), and J. Brian Thebault (Director). Learn More on Selective Insurance Group's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Selective Insurance Group?

During the last year, Selective Insurance Group insiders bought shares 2 times. They purchased a total of 4,400 shares worth more than $372,244.00. During the last year, insiders at the insurance provider sold shares 1 times. They sold a total of 1,404 shares worth more than $130,024.44. The most recent insider tranaction occured on October, 25th when CAO Anthony D Harnett sold 1,404 shares worth more than $130,024.44. Insiders at Selective Insurance Group own 1.5% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Selective Insurance Group.

Information on this page was last updated on 10/25/2024.

Brenda M. Hall Insider Trading History at Selective Insurance Group

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Brenda M. Hall Buying and Selling Activity at Selective Insurance Group

This chart shows Brenda M Hall's buying and selling at Selective Insurance Group by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$0soldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$200k-$100k$0$100k$200kTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

Selective Insurance Group Company Overview

Selective Insurance Group logo
Selective Insurance Group, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provides insurance products and services in the United States. The company operates through four segments: Standard Commercial Lines, Standard Personal Lines, E&S Lines, and Investments. It offers casualty insurance products that covers the financial consequences of employee injuries in the course of employment and bodily injury and/or property damage to a third party; property insurance products, which covers the accidental loss of an insured's real property, personal property, and/or earnings due to the property's loss; and flood insurance products. The company also invests in fixed income investments and commercial mortgage loans, as well as equity securities, short-term investments, and alternative investments, and other investments. It offers its insurance products and services to businesses, non-profit organizations, local government agencies, and individuals through independent retail agents and wholesale general agents. The company was founded in 1926 and is headquartered in Branchville, New Jersey.
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Today's Range

Now: $92.22
Low: $90.13
High: $92.40

50 Day Range

MA: $86.62
Low: $78.49
High: $95.48

2 Week Range

Now: $92.22
Low: $78.13
High: $109.58


403,158 shs

Average Volume

354,247 shs

Market Capitalization

$5.61 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


