Ralph A. LaRossa was elected chief operating officer of Public Service Enterprise Group Inc., effective January 2020. In this role, he is responsible for overseeing all of the operating businesses of PSEG, including Public Service Electric & Gas, PSEG Long Island, PSEG Power and PSEG Services Corp. Mr. LaRossa is a member of PSEG’s Executive Officer Group.
Mr. LaRossa has been president and COO of PSEG Power since June 2017, a position he continues to hold. PSEG Power is a major, unregulated independent power producer in the United States with four main subsidiaries: PSEG Nuclear, PSEG Fossil, PSEG Energy Resources and Trade and PSEG Power Ventures.
In addition, Mr. LaRossa was appointed chairman of the board of PSEG Long Island in November 2020. PSEG Long Island is a New York subsidiary of Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated (PSEG), which has been managing the electric transmission and distribution systems on Long Island and in the Rockaways since January 2014. PSEG Long Island serves 1.1 million customers.
Previously, he served as president and COO of PSE&G, PSEG’s regulated utility business, since October 2006.
He is a graduate of Stevens Institute of Technology. In addition, Mr. LaRossa has completed the Harvard Business School’s Program for Management Development and MIT’s Reactor Technology Course for Utility Executives.
Mr. LaRossa is chairman of Choose New Jersey and serves on its board. In addition, he is a member of the board for Montclair State University and is a past chair of the American Gas Association.
What is Ralph A. LaRossa's net worth?
The estimated net worth of Ralph A. LaRossa is at least $10.33 million as of February 3rd, 2025. Mr. LaRossa owns 126,791 shares of Public Service Enterprise Group stock worth more than $10,331,184 as of March 26th. This net worth estimate does not reflect any other investments that Mr. LaRossa may own. Additionally, Mr. LaRossa receives an annual salary of $3,170,000.00 as Chair, President & CEO at Public Service Enterprise Group. Learn More about Ralph A. LaRossa's net worth.
How old is Ralph A. LaRossa?
What is Ralph A. LaRossa's salary?
How do I contact Ralph A. LaRossa?
The corporate mailing address for Mr. LaRossa and other Public Service Enterprise Group executives is 80 PARK PLAZA, NEWARK NJ, 07102. Public Service Enterprise Group can also be reached via phone at (973) 430-7000 and via email at carlotta.chan@pseg.com. Learn More on Ralph A. LaRossa's contact information.
Has Ralph A. LaRossa been buying or selling shares of Public Service Enterprise Group?
Over the course of the past ninety days, Ralph A. LaRossa has sold $231,517.78 of Public Service Enterprise Group stock. Most recently, Ralph A. Larossa sold 1,378 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Monday, February 3rd. The shares were sold at an average price of $83.10, for a transaction totalling $114,511.80. Following the completion of the sale, the chief executive officer now directly owns 126,791 shares of the company's stock, valued at $10,536,332.10. Learn More on Ralph A. LaRossa's trading history.
Who are Public Service Enterprise Group's active insiders?
Are insiders buying or selling shares of Public Service Enterprise Group?
During the last twelve months, insiders at the utilities provider sold shares 12 times. They sold a total of 53,570 shares worth more than $4,434,313.40. The most recent insider tranaction occured on February, 3rd when CEO Ralph A Larossa sold 1,378 shares worth more than $114,511.80. Insiders at Public Service Enterprise Group own 0.6% of the company.
Learn More about insider trades at Public Service Enterprise Group. Information on this page was last updated on 2/3/2025.