Tsafi  Goldman net worth and biography

Tsafi Goldman Biography and Net Worth

Chief Legal & Regulatory Officer of Payoneer Global

Tsafi Goldman is the Chief Legal & Regulatory Officer of Payoneer, responsible for the legal and regulatory aspects of Payoneer’s business activities and management of the company’s Legal & Regulatory department.

Tsafi’s experience as a lawyer includes a large range of commercial, corporate, and private equity legal work, representing early-stage and growth companies.

Prior to joining Payoneer, Tsafi was a partner at CBLS Law Offices, a boutique Tel-Aviv law firm, where Payoneer was one of her clients.

Earlier in her career, Tsafi held various positions in leading law firms, focusing on the high-tech and bio-med sectors, as well as in-house roles at Israel Chemicals group (ICL) and ECI Telecom. Before joining ECI Telecom, Tsafi worked as an associate at the law firm of Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co. Tsafi holds a LLB from Tel Aviv University.

What is Tsafi Goldman's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Tsafi Goldman is at least $5.77 million as of January 2nd, 2025. Ms. Goldman owns 741,748 shares of Payoneer Global stock worth more than $5,770,799 as of March 25th. This net worth estimate does not reflect any other assets that Ms. Goldman may own. Additionally, Ms. Goldman receives an annual salary of $813,200.00 as Chief Legal & Regulatory Officer at Payoneer Global. Learn More about Tsafi Goldman's net worth.

How old is Tsafi Goldman?

Ms. Goldman is currently 58 years old. There are 4 older executives and no younger executives at Payoneer Global. Learn More on Tsafi Goldman's age.

What is Tsafi Goldman's salary?

As the Chief Legal & Regulatory Officer of Payoneer Global Inc., Ms. Goldman earns $813,200.00 per year. There are 3 executives that earn more than Ms. Goldman. The highest earning executive at Payoneer Global is Ms. Beatrice Ordonez, Chief Financial Officer, who commands a salary of $2,230,000.00 per year. Learn More on Tsafi Goldman's salary.

How do I contact Tsafi Goldman?

The corporate mailing address for Ms. Goldman and other Payoneer Global executives is 2929 ARCH STREET STE 1703, PHILADELPHIA PA, 19104. Payoneer Global can also be reached via phone at 212-600-9272 and via email at investor@payoneer.com. Learn More on Tsafi Goldman's contact information.

Has Tsafi Goldman been buying or selling shares of Payoneer Global?

During the last quarter, Tsafi Goldman has sold $970,244.50 in Payoneer Global stock. Most recently, Tsafi Goldman sold 96,350 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Thursday, January 2nd. The shares were sold at an average price of $10.07, for a transaction totalling $970,244.50. Following the completion of the sale, the insider now directly owns 741,748 shares of the company's stock, valued at $7,469,402.36. Learn More on Tsafi Goldman's trading history.

Who are Payoneer Global's active insiders?

Payoneer Global's insider roster includes Scott Galit (Director), Tsafi Goldman (Chief Legal & Regulatory Officer), Beatrice Ordonez (CFO), and Avi Zeevi (Director). Learn More on Payoneer Global's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Payoneer Global?

During the last twelve months, insiders at the sold shares 23 times. They sold a total of 10,755,572 shares worth more than $97,255,256.69. The most recent insider tranaction occured on January, 21st when CFO Beatrice Ordonez sold 85,000 shares worth more than $884,000.00. Insiders at Payoneer Global own 5.6% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Payoneer Global.

Information on this page was last updated on 1/21/2025.

Tsafi Goldman Insider Trading History at Payoneer Global

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Tsafi Goldman Buying and Selling Activity at Payoneer Global

This chart shows Tsafi Goldman's buying and selling at Payoneer Global by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$970ksoldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$2M-$1M$0$1M$2MTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

Payoneer Global Company Overview

Payoneer Global logo
Payoneer Global Inc. operates as a financial technology company. It operates a payment infrastructure platform that provides customers with a one-stop, global, multi-currency account to serve their accounts receivable and accounts payable needs. The company delivers a suite of services that includes cross-border payments, physical and virtual MasterCard cards, working capital, risk management, and other services. It also offers various payment options with minimal integration required, full back-office functions, and customer support offered. The company's platform delivers bank-grade security, stability, and redundancy. It serves customers, such as small and medium-sized businesses in approximately 190 countries and territories worldwide. Payoneer Global Inc. was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in New York, New York.
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Today's Range

Now: $7.78
Low: $7.74
High: $7.97

50 Day Range

MA: $9.45
Low: $7.04
High: $11.04

2 Week Range

Now: $7.78
Low: $4.66
High: $11.29


2,591,398 shs

Average Volume

2,758,046 shs

Market Capitalization

$2.80 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


