Gregory L.  Henslee net worth and biography

Gregory Henslee Biography and Net Worth

Chairman of the Board of O'Reilly Automotive
Greg Henslee, Executive Vice Chairman of the Board, has been an O'Reilly Team Member since 1984. Greg's O'Reilly career began as a Parts Specialist in a store and progressed through the roles of Assistant Store Manager, District Manager, Computer Operations Manager, Director of Computer Operations and Loss Prevention, Vice President of Store Operations, Senior Vice President, President of Merchandise, Distribution, Information Systems and Loss Prevention, Chief Executive Officer and Co-President, President and Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Executive Officer. Greg has held the position of Executive Vice Chairman of the Board since 2018.

What is Gregory L. Henslee's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Gregory L. Henslee is at least $15.77 million as of February 24th, 2025. Mr. Henslee owns 11,397 shares of O'Reilly Automotive stock worth more than $15,767,237 as of March 26th. This net worth evaluation does not reflect any other investments that Mr. Henslee may own. Additionally, Mr. Henslee receives an annual salary of $865,260.00 as Chairman of the Board at O'Reilly Automotive. Learn More about Gregory L. Henslee's net worth.

How old is Gregory L. Henslee?

Mr. Henslee is currently 63 years old. There are 9 older executives and no younger executives at O'Reilly Automotive. The oldest executive at O'Reilly Automotive is Mr. David E. O'Reilly, Executive Vice Chairman, who is 74 years old. Learn More on Gregory L. Henslee's age.

What is Gregory L. Henslee's salary?

As the Chairman of the Board of O'Reilly Automotive, Inc., Mr. Henslee earns $865,260.00 per year. There are 3 executives that earn more than Mr. Henslee. The highest earning executive at O'Reilly Automotive is Mr. Brent G. Kirby, President, who commands a salary of $2,130,000.00 per year. Learn More on Gregory L. Henslee's salary.

How do I contact Gregory L. Henslee?

The corporate mailing address for Mr. Henslee and other O'Reilly Automotive executives is 233 S PATTERSON AVE, SPRINGFIELD MO, 65802. O'Reilly Automotive can also be reached via phone at (417) 862-6708. Learn More on Gregory L. Henslee's contact information.

Has Gregory L. Henslee been buying or selling shares of O'Reilly Automotive?

Within the last three months, Gregory L. Henslee has sold $4,041,455.95 in shares of O'Reilly Automotive stock. Most recently, Gregory L. Henslee sold 3,073 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Monday, February 24th. The shares were sold at an average price of $1,315.15, for a transaction totalling $4,041,455.95. Following the completion of the sale, the chairman now directly owns 11,397 shares of the company's stock, valued at $14,988,764.55. Learn More on Gregory L. Henslee's trading history.

Who are O'Reilly Automotive's active insiders?

O'Reilly Automotive's insider roster includes Jonathan Andrews (SVP), Brad Beckham (EVP), Doug Bragg (SVP), Jay Burchfield (Director), Robert Dumas (SVP), Larry Ellis (SVP), Jeremy Fletcher (SVP), Jeffrey Groves (SVP), Thomas Hendrickson (Director), Gregory Henslee (Chairman of the Board), Philip Hopper (Senior Vice President of Real Estate), Gregory Johnson (CEO), Scott Kraus (SVP), Jeffrey Lauro (SVP), Jeffery Loafman (SVP of Distribution Operations), Christopher Mancini (SVP), Thomas Mcfall (CFO), Mark Merz (SVP), John Murphy (Director), David Oreilly (Chairman), Lawrence Oreilly (Director), Dana Perlman (Director), Charles Rogers (SVP), Maria Sastre (Director), Jeff Shaw (COO), Jason Tarrant (SVP), Darin Venosdel (SVP), Andrea Weiss (Director), and Carl Wilbanks (SVP). Learn More on O'Reilly Automotive's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of O'Reilly Automotive?

During the last twelve months, insiders at the specialty retailer sold shares 18 times. They sold a total of 67,057 shares worth more than $76,305,893.87. The most recent insider tranaction occured on February, 25th when EVP Jason Lee Tarrant sold 1,992 shares worth more than $2,667,487.20. Insiders at O'Reilly Automotive own 1.6% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at O'Reilly Automotive.

Information on this page was last updated on 2/25/2025.

Gregory L. Henslee Insider Trading History at O'Reilly Automotive

Gregory L. Henslee Buying and Selling Activity at O'Reilly Automotive

This chart shows Gregory L Henslee's buying and selling at O'Reilly Automotive by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$4.04MsoldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$20M-$10M$0$10M$20MTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

O'Reilly Automotive Company Overview

O'Reilly Automotive logo
O'Reilly Automotive, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, operates as a retailer and supplier of automotive aftermarket parts, tools, supplies, equipment, and accessories in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Mexico. The company provides new and remanufactured automotive hard parts and maintenance items, such as alternators, batteries, brake system components, belts, chassis parts, driveline parts, engine parts, fuel pumps, hoses, starters, temperature control, water pumps, antifreeze, appearance products, engine additives, filters, fluids, lighting products, and oil and wiper blades; and accessories, including floor mats, seat covers, and truck accessories. It also offers auto body paint and related materials, automotive tools, and professional service provider service equipment. In addition, the company provide enhanced services and programs comprising used oil, oil filter, and battery recycling; battery, wiper, and bulb replacement; battery diagnostic testing; electrical and module testing; check engine light code extraction; loaner tool program; drum and rotor resurfacing; custom hydraulic hoses; and professional paint shop mixing and related materials. Further, it offers do-it-yourself and professional service for domestic and imported automobiles, vans, and trucks. The company was founded in 1957 and is headquartered in Springfield, Missouri.
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Today's Range

Now: $1,381.53
Low: $1,372.60
High: $1,391.79

50 Day Range

MA: $1,311.29
Low: $1,204.04
High: $1,375.99

2 Week Range

Now: $1,381.53
Low: $947.49
High: $1,391.79


189,098 shs

Average Volume

344,142 shs

Market Capitalization

$79.08 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


