Derek Reisfield has been a member of our board of directors since April 2016. Since 2015, he has been Vice President, Strategy and Business Development of Wayfare Interactive Technologies, Inc., a company that provides commerce search capabilities to digital publishers and marketers. In 2008, Mr. Reisfield co-founded BBN Networks, LLC, formerly known as BBN Networks, Inc., a digital advertising and marketing solutions company focused on the B2B sector, where he served as Chief Executive Officer until 2014 and as Chairman until 2015. Mr. Reisfield was Executive Vice President of Fliptrack, Inc., a social mobile gaming company, from 2007 to 2008. He was an independent consultant from 2002 to 2007 working with digital startups and large consumer oriented companies facing digital threats and opportunities. He was Co-Founder and Managing Principal of i-Hatch Ventures, LLC from 1999-2001, Co-Founder, Vice Chairman and Executive Vice President of Luminant, Inc., a digital financial and business news and information company, from 1999-2000, Co-Founder and Chairman of Marketwatch from 1997-1998, President CBS New Media from 1997-1998, Vice President, Business Development of CBS, 1996-97, Director of Strategic Management CBS and its predecessor Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Inc. 1996-1997. Prior to that, Mr. Reisfield was the Co-Founder of the Media and Telecommunications Practice of Mitchell Madison Group, LLC, a management consultancy and a leader of the Media and Telecommunications practice of McKinsey & Company, Inc. a management consultancy. He has served on several public corporation boards. Mr. Reisfield is a Director of the San Francisco Zoological Society. Mr. Reisfield holds a BA from Wesleyan University, and an AM in Communications Management from the Annenberg School of Communications of USC in 1986. We believe Mr. Reisfield’s experience in senior leadership positions at both privately held and publicly traded technology companies, including holding board positions in corporate governance, make him a well-qualified candidate to serve on our Board of Directors.
What is Derek Reisfield's net worth?
The estimated net worth of Derek Reisfield is at least $30,769.20 as of December 15th, 2022. Mr. Reisfield owns 37,296 shares of Ondas stock worth more than $30,769 as of March 26th. This net worth estimate does not reflect any other investments that Mr. Reisfield may own. Learn More about Derek Reisfield's net worth.
How do I contact Derek Reisfield?
Has Derek Reisfield been buying or selling shares of Ondas?
Derek Reisfield has not been actively trading shares of Ondas within the last three months. Most recently, Derek Reisfield sold 3,380 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Thursday, December 15th. The shares were sold at an average price of $1.85, for a transaction totalling $6,253.00. Following the completion of the sale, the chief financial officer now directly owns 37,296 shares of the company's stock, valued at $68,997.60. Learn More on Derek Reisfield's trading history.
Who are Ondas' active insiders?
Are insiders buying or selling shares of Ondas?
During the last twelve months, Ondas insiders bought shares 2 times. They purchased a total of 36,003 shares worth more than $25,539.71. During the last twelve months, insiders at the sold shares 4 times. They sold a total of 64,025 shares worth more than $54,356.13. The most recent insider tranaction occured on March, 21st when Director Jaspreet K Sood sold 8,842 shares worth more than $6,012.56. Insiders at Ondas own 13.9% of the company.
Learn More about insider trades at Ondas. Information on this page was last updated on 3/21/2025.