Andrew is a Managing Director of Bain Capital Life Sciences, a private equity fund that invests in biopharmaceutical, specialty pharmaceutical, medical device, diagnostics, and enabling life science technology companies globally. Previously, Andrew served as Chief Financial Officer of Editas Medicine, Inc.
Prior to joining Editas, Andrew was a portfolio manager at Millennium Management LLC, where he ran a healthcare fund focused on biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and medical device companies. Before joining Millennium, Andrew served as a securities analyst for several healthcare-focused hedge funds and investment banks. Previously, Andrew was Director of Life Sciences of Reify Corporation, a life science tools and drug discovery company.
Andrew serves as a director of Affinivax, Inc., Allena Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Atea Pharmaceuticals, Inc., BCLS Acquisition Corp., Dynavax Technologies, Inc., Imperative Care, Inc., JenaValve Technology, Inc., Mersana Therapeutics, Inc., and Xilio Therapeutics. Andrew received his M.D. and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in molecular genetics and cell biology.
What is Andrew A.F. Hack's net worth?
The estimated net worth of Andrew A.F. Hack is at least $199.41 million as of March 27th, 2024. Dr. Hack owns 2,697,267 shares of Nuvalent stock worth more than $199,408,949 as of March 26th. This net worth approximation does not reflect any other assets that Dr. Hack may own. Learn More about Andrew A.F. Hack's net worth.
How do I contact Andrew A.F. Hack?
Has Andrew A.F. Hack been buying or selling shares of Nuvalent?
Andrew A.F. Hack has not been actively trading shares of Nuvalent within the last three months. Most recently, Andrew A. F. Hack sold 880,000 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Wednesday, March 27th. The shares were sold at an average price of $72.77, for a transaction totalling $64,037,600.00. Following the completion of the sale, the director now directly owns 2,697,267 shares of the company's stock, valued at $196,280,119.59. Learn More on Andrew A.F. Hack's trading history.
Who are Nuvalent's active insiders?
Are insiders buying or selling shares of Nuvalent?
During the last year, insiders at the sold shares 48 times. They sold a total of 3,455,429 shares worth more than $304,416,997.08. The most recent insider tranaction occured on March, 17th when CEO James Richard Porter sold 27,000 shares worth more than $2,048,490.00. Insiders at Nuvalent own 12.5% of the company.
Learn More about insider trades at Nuvalent. Information on this page was last updated on 3/17/2025.