Mr. John D. McMahon is an Independent Director at MongoDB, Inc. and an Independent Director at Snowflake, Inc.
He is on the Board of Directors at Observe, Inc., Lacework, Inc., MongoDB, Inc., Cybereason, Inc., Snowflake, Inc., Sigma Computing, Inc. and Skyport Systems LLC. Mr. McMahon was previously employed as an Independent Director by Sumo Logic, Inc., a Senior Vice President-Worldwide Sales & Service by BMC Software, Inc., a COO & EVP-Worldwide Sales & Customer Services by BladeLogic, Inc., a President & Chief Executive Officer by IE-Engine, Inc., a Senior Vice President-Worldwide Sales by Ariba, Inc., an Executive Vice President-Worldwide Sales by GeoTel Communications Corp., an Executive Vice President-Worldwide Sales by Parametric Technology Corp., and a Principal by Cisco Systems, Inc.
He also served on the board at Fuze, Inc., Sprinklr, Inc., Aveksa, Inc., Birst, Inc. and Yottaa, Inc.
He received his undergraduate degree from New Jersey Institute of Technology.
What is John Dennis Mcmahon's net worth?
The estimated net worth of John Dennis Mcmahon is at least $3.98 million as of June 24th, 2024. Mr. Mcmahon owns 20,020 shares of MongoDB stock worth more than $3,977,173 as of March 26th. This net worth approximation does not reflect any other investments that Mr. Mcmahon may own. Learn More about John Dennis Mcmahon's net worth.
How do I contact John Dennis Mcmahon?
Has John Dennis Mcmahon been buying or selling shares of MongoDB?
John Dennis Mcmahon has not been actively trading shares of MongoDB during the past quarter. Most recently, John Dennis Mcmahon sold 10,000 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Monday, June 24th. The shares were sold at an average price of $228.00, for a transaction totalling $2,280,000.00. Following the completion of the sale, the director now directly owns 20,020 shares of the company's stock, valued at $4,564,560. Learn More on John Dennis Mcmahon's trading history.
Who are MongoDB's active insiders?
MongoDB's insider roster includes Archana Agrawal (Director), Thomas Bull (Insider), Hope Cochran (Director), Michael Gordon (CFO), Charles Hazard, Jr. (Director), Eliot Horowitz (CTO), Dev Ittycheria (President, CEO & Director), John Mcmahon (Director), Dwight Merriman (Director), Cedric Pech (CRO), and Mark Porter (CTO). Learn More on MongoDB's active insiders.
Are insiders buying or selling shares of MongoDB?
In the last year, insiders at the sold shares 54 times. They sold a total of 157,895 shares worth more than $45,922,401.53. The most recent insider tranaction occured on March, 3rd when Director Dwight A Merriman sold 3,000 shares worth more than $811,890.00. Insiders at MongoDB own 3.6% of the company.
Learn More about insider trades at MongoDB. Information on this page was last updated on 3/3/2025.