R. Steven  Hamner net worth and biography

R. Hamner Biography and Net Worth

R. Steven Hamner is one of our founders and has served as executive vice president and chief financial officer since September 2003. In August and September 2003, Mr. Hamner served as our executive vice president and chief accounting officer. From October 2001 through March 2004, he was the managing director of Transaction Analysis LLC, a company that provided interim and project-oriented accounting and consulting services to commercial real estate owners and their advisors. From June 1998 to September 2001, he was vice president and chief financial officer of United Investors Realty Trust, a publicly-traded REIT. For the 10 years prior to becoming an officer of United Investors Realty Trust, he was employed by the accounting and consulting firm of Ernst & Young LLP and its predecessors. Mr. Hamner received a B.S. in Accounting from Louisiana State University in 1979. Mr. Hamner is a certified public accountant.

What is R. Steven Hamner's net worth?

The estimated net worth of R. Steven Hamner is at least $11.99 million as of April 7th, 2022. Mr. Hamner owns 1,961,214 shares of Medical Properties Trust stock worth more than $11,988,901 as of March 26th. This net worth evaluation does not reflect any other assets that Mr. Hamner may own. Additionally, Mr. Hamner receives an annual salary of $2,140,000.00 as CFO at Medical Properties Trust. Learn More about R. Steven Hamner's net worth.

How old is R. Steven Hamner?

Mr. Hamner is currently 67 years old. There are 5 older executives and no younger executives at Medical Properties Trust. Learn More on R. Steven Hamner's age.

What is R. Steven Hamner's salary?

As the CFO of Medical Properties Trust, Inc., Mr. Hamner earns $2,140,000.00 per year. The highest earning executive at Medical Properties Trust is Mr. Edward K. Aldag Jr., Founder, Chairman, President & CEO, who commands a salary of $3,910,000.00 per year. Learn More on R. Steven Hamner's salary.

How do I contact R. Steven Hamner?

The corporate mailing address for Mr. Hamner and other Medical Properties Trust executives is 1000 URBAN CENTER DRIVE SUITE 501, BIRMINGHAM AL, 35242. Medical Properties Trust can also be reached via phone at (205) 969-3755 and via email at tberryman@medicalpropertiestrust.com. Learn More on R. Steven Hamner's contact information.

Has R. Steven Hamner been buying or selling shares of Medical Properties Trust?

R. Steven Hamner has not been actively trading shares of Medical Properties Trust in the last ninety days. Most recently, R Steven Hamner sold 285,000 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Thursday, April 7th. The shares were sold at an average price of $21.04, for a transaction totalling $5,996,400.00. Following the completion of the sale, the chief financial officer now directly owns 1,961,214 shares of the company's stock, valued at $41,263,942.56. Learn More on R. Steven Hamner's trading history.

Who are Medical Properties Trust's active insiders?

Medical Properties Trust's insider roster includes Edward Aldag, Jr. (CEO), R. Hamner (CFO), James Hanna (CAO), Rosa Hooper (SVP), Emmett McLean (COO), Elizabeth Pitman (Director), and Michael Stewart (Director). Learn More on Medical Properties Trust's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Medical Properties Trust?

In the last year, Medical Properties Trust insiders bought shares 1 times. They purchased a total of 8,087 shares worth more than $48,602.87. In the last year, insiders at the real estate investment trust sold shares 5 times. They sold a total of 77,976 shares worth more than $373,139.22. The most recent insider tranaction occured on December, 26th when CAO James Kevin Hanna sold 11,641 shares worth more than $43,304.52. Insiders at Medical Properties Trust own 1.5% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Medical Properties Trust.

Information on this page was last updated on 12/26/2024.

R. Steven Hamner Insider Trading History at Medical Properties Trust

See Full Table

R. Steven Hamner Buying and Selling Activity at Medical Properties Trust

This chart shows R Steven Hamner's buying and selling at Medical Properties Trust by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$0soldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$4M-$2M$0$2M$4MTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

Medical Properties Trust Company Overview

Medical Properties Trust logo
Medical Properties Trust, Inc. is a self-advised real estate investment trust formed in 2003 to acquire and develop net-leased hospital facilities. From its inception in Birmingham, Alabama, the Company has grown to become one of the world's largest owners of hospital real estate with 441 facilities and approximately 44,000 licensed beds as of September 30, 2023. Since the end of the third quarter, the Company has sold four facilities and now owns approximately 43,000 licensed beds in nine countries across three continents. MPT's financing model facilitates acquisitions and recapitalizations and allows operators of hospitals to unlock the value of their real estate assets to fund facility improvements, technology upgrades and other investments in operations.
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Today's Range

Now: $6.11
Low: $6.06
High: $6.20

50 Day Range

MA: $5.13
Low: $3.99
High: $6.18

2 Week Range

Now: $6.11
Low: $3.51
High: $6.55


7,533,506 shs

Average Volume

13,558,073 shs

Market Capitalization

$3.67 billion

P/E Ratio


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