Lee M.  Tillman net worth and biography

Lee Tillman Biography and Net Worth

CEO of Marathon Oil
Mr. Tillman was appointed chairman of the Marathon Oil board of directors in 2019, in addition to his responsibilities as president and CEO. He became a director, president and CEO of Marathon Oil in 2013.

Prior to joining Marathon Oil, he served as vice president of engineering for ExxonMobil Development Company (a project design and execution company), where he was responsible for all global engineering staff engaged in major project concept selection, front-end design and engineering. He served as North Sea production manager and lead country manager for subsidiaries of ExxonMobil in Stavanger, Norway, from 2007 and 2010, and as acting vice president, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company from 2006 to 2007. Mr. Tillman began his career in the oil and gas industry at Exxon Corporation in 1989 as a research engineer and has extensive operations management and leadership experience that has included assignments in Jakarta, Indonesia; Aberdeen, Scotland; Stavanger, Norway; Malabo, Equatorial Guinea; Dallas and New Orleans.

He is a board member of the American Heart Association and the American Petroleum Institute. He serves as Chairman and board member of the American Exploration & Production Council. He is also a member of the Engineering Advisory Council of Texas A&M University. National Petroleum Council, and the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Mr. Tillman is an emeritus board member of Spindletop Charities, and serves as a member of the Celebration of Reading Committee within the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation.

Mr. Tillman holds a B.S. in chemical engineering from Texas A&M University and a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from Auburn University.

What is Lee M. Tillman's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Lee M. Tillman is at least $17.03 million as of November 18th, 2024. Mr. Tillman owns 596,330 shares of Marathon Oil stock worth more than $17,025,222 as of March 25th. This net worth approximation does not reflect any other assets that Mr. Tillman may own. Additionally, Mr. Tillman receives a salary of $3,560,000.00 as CEO at Marathon Oil. Learn More about Lee M. Tillman's net worth.

How old is Lee M. Tillman?

Mr. Tillman is currently 62 years old. There are 4 older executives and no younger executives at Marathon Oil. Learn More on Lee M. Tillman's age.

What is Lee M. Tillman's salary?

As the CEO of Marathon Oil Co., Mr. Tillman earns $3,560,000.00 per year. Learn More on Lee M. Tillman's salary.

How do I contact Lee M. Tillman?

The corporate mailing address for Mr. Tillman and other Marathon Oil executives is 5555 SAN FELIPE STREET, HOUSTON TX, 77056. Marathon Oil can also be reached via phone at (713) 629-6600 and via email at [email protected]. Learn More on Lee M. Tillman's contact information.

Has Lee M. Tillman been buying or selling shares of Marathon Oil?

Lee M. Tillman has not been actively trading shares of Marathon Oil within the last three months. Most recently, Lee M. Tillman sold 256,591 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Monday, November 18th. The shares were sold at an average price of $29.07, for a transaction totalling $7,459,100.37. Following the completion of the sale, the chief executive officer now directly owns 596,330 shares of the company's stock, valued at $17,335,313.10. Learn More on Lee M. Tillman's trading history.

Who are Marathon Oil's active insiders?

Marathon Oil's insider roster includes Michael Henderson (VP), Lee Tillman (CEO), Patrick Wagner (Insider), Rob White (CAO), Dane Whitehead (CFO), and Gary Wilson (CAO). Learn More on Marathon Oil's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Marathon Oil?

During the last year, insiders at the oil and gas producer sold shares 6 times. They sold a total of 470,176 shares worth more than $13,380,072.94. The most recent insider tranaction occured on November, 19th when insider Patrick Wagner sold 36,094 shares worth more than $1,040,950.96. Insiders at Marathon Oil own 0.4% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Marathon Oil.

Information on this page was last updated on 11/19/2024.

Lee M. Tillman Insider Trading History at Marathon Oil

Transaction DateBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionShares Held After TransactionDetails
11/18/2024Sell256,591$29.07$7,459,100.37596,330View SEC Filing Icon  
3/19/2024Sell80,647$26.94$2,172,630.18596,330View SEC Filing Icon  
9/15/2023Sell159,722$27.36$4,369,993.92710,383View SEC Filing Icon  
11/8/2022Sell30,000$32.56$976,800.00916,219View SEC Filing Icon  
3/25/2022Sell270,588$26.09$7,059,640.92View SEC Filing Icon  
3/22/2022Sell242,473$25.04$6,071,523.92View SEC Filing Icon  
3/8/2022Sell298,914$24.95$7,457,904.30View SEC Filing Icon  
3/2/2022Sell54,151$23.11$1,251,429.61View SEC Filing Icon  
4/12/2021Sell67,500$11.08$747,900.001,270,512View SEC Filing Icon  
3/24/2020Buy56,600$3.58$202,628.001,108,630View SEC Filing Icon  
3/16/2020Buy27,500$4.00$110,000.001,080,630View SEC Filing Icon  
5/17/2018Sell400,000$21.65$8,660,000.00View SEC Filing Icon  
3/10/2015Buy28,791$26.00$748,566.00View SEC Filing Icon  
See Full Table

Lee M. Tillman Buying and Selling Activity at Marathon Oil

This chart shows Lee M Tillman's buying and selling at Marathon Oil by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table

Marathon Oil Company Overview

Marathon Oil logo
Marathon Oil Corporation, an independent exploration and production company, engages in exploration, production, and marketing of crude oil and condensate, natural gas liquids, and natural gas in the United States and internationally. The company also produces and markets products manufactured from natural gas, such as liquefied natural gas and methanol. In addition, it owns and operates Sugarloaf gathering system, a natural gas pipeline. The company was formerly known as USX Corporation and changed its name to Marathon Oil Corporation in December 2001. Marathon Oil Corporation was founded in 1887 and is headquartered in Houston, Texas.
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Today's Range

Now: $28.55
Low: $28.55
High: $28.55

50 Day Range

MA: $28.18
Low: $25.88
High: $28.99

2 Week Range

Now: $28.55
Low: $25.49
High: $30.06



Average Volume

7,206,049 shs

Market Capitalization

$15.97 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


