Tali  Notman net worth and biography

Tali Notman Biography and Net Worth

CRO of JFrog
Ms. Notman has served as our Chief Revenue Officer since January 2019, Vice President, Sales from May 2015 to December 2018 and previously served as our Director of Sales from September 2012 to April 2015 and as our Customer and Community Relation Manager from June 2011 to September 2012. From December 2007 to September 2010, she was the Director of Human Resources at AlphaCSP. Ms. Notman holds a B.A. in Social Sciences and a Masters in Legal Studies from Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

What is Tali Notman's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Tali Notman is at least $25.52 million as of March 3rd, 2025. Ms. Notman owns 744,903 shares of JFrog stock worth more than $25,524,101 as of March 26th. This net worth evaluation does not reflect any other assets that Ms. Notman may own. Additionally, Ms. Notman receives an annual salary of $917,930.00 as CRO at JFrog. Learn More about Tali Notman's net worth.

How old is Tali Notman?

Ms. Notman is currently 41 years old. There are 6 older executives and no younger executives at JFrog. Learn More on Tali Notman's age.

What is Tali Notman's salary?

As the CRO of JFrog Ltd., Ms. Notman earns $917,930.00 per year. Learn More on Tali Notman's salary.

How do I contact Tali Notman?

The corporate mailing address for Ms. Notman and other JFrog executives is 270 E CARIBBEAN DRIVE, SUNNYVALE CA, 94089. JFrog can also be reached via phone at 408-329-1540 and via email at investors@jfrog.com. Learn More on Tali Notman's contact information.

Has Tali Notman been buying or selling shares of JFrog?

Over the course of the past ninety days, Tali Notman has sold $3,252,054.40 in JFrog stock. Most recently, Tali Notman sold 16,548 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Monday, March 3rd. The shares were sold at an average price of $36.55, for a transaction totalling $604,829.40. Following the completion of the sale, the executive now directly owns 744,903 shares of the company's stock, valued at $27,226,204.65. Learn More on Tali Notman's trading history.

Who are JFrog's active insiders?

JFrog's insider roster includes Shlomi Ben Haim (Co-Founder, CEO & Chairman of the Board), Eduard Grabscheid (CFO), Jeff Horing (Director), Yoav Landman (CTO), Tali Notman (CRO), Yossi Sela (Director), Jacob Shulman (CFO), Frederic Simon (Director), and Elisa Steele (Director). Learn More on JFrog's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of JFrog?

During the last year, insiders at the sold shares 56 times. They sold a total of 1,154,713 shares worth more than $39,099,483.33. The most recent insider tranaction occured on March, 11th when Director Frederic Simon sold 35,000 shares worth more than $1,171,800.00. Insiders at JFrog own 15.7% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at JFrog.

Information on this page was last updated on 3/11/2025.

Tali Notman Insider Trading History at JFrog

Tali Notman Buying and Selling Activity at JFrog

This chart shows Tali Notman's buying and selling at JFrog by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$3.25MsoldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$2M$0$2MTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

JFrog Company Overview

JFrog logo
JFrog Ltd. provides end-to-end hybrid software supply chain platform in the United States, Israel, India, and internationally. The company offers JFrog Artifactory, a package repository that allows teams and organizations to store, update, and manage their software packages; JFrog Curation that functions as a guardian outside the software development pipeline, controlling the admission of packages into an organization, primarily from open source or public repositories; JFrog Xray, which scans JFrog Artifactory to secure all software packages; JFrog Advanced Security, an optional add-on for select JFrog subscriptions; and JFrog Distribution that provides software package distribution. It also provides JFrog Artifactory Edge that utilizes and leverages metadata from JFrog Artifactory to facilitate the transfer of the incremental changes in software packages from their previous versions; JFrog Mission Control, a platform control panel that provides a view of moving pieces of an organization's software supply chain workflow; JFrog Insight, a DevOps intelligence tool; JFrog Connect, a device management solution that allows companies to manage software updates and monitor performance in IoT device fleets; and JFrog Pipelines, a continuous integration and delivery tool for automating and orchestrating the movement of software packages. In addition, the company provides JFrog Pro that provides access to the universal version of JFrog Artifactory and ongoing updates, upgrades, and bug fixes; JFrog Pro X, a self-hosted-only subscription; JFrog Enterprise X, which offers cluster configuration, federated repositories, multi-region replication, larger enterprise-scale deployments, service-level agreement support, and deeper security; and JFrog Enterprise Plus, a full platform subscription option. It serves technology, financial services, retail, healthcare, and telecommunications organizations. JFrog Ltd. was incorporated in 2008 and is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California.
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Today's Range

Now: $33.60
Low: $33.33
High: $34.66

50 Day Range

MA: $35.62
Low: $32.47
High: $42.03

2 Week Range

Now: $33.60
Low: $22.91
High: $45.94


780,261 shs

Average Volume

1,117,130 shs

Market Capitalization

$3.42 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


