ICE Insider Trading

Insider Ownership Percentage: 1.10%
Insider Buying (Last 12 Months): $2,708,213.43
Insider Selling (Last 12 Months): $40,744,378.56

Intercontinental Exchange Insider Trading History Chart

This chart shows the insider buying and selling history at Intercontinental Exchange by year and by quarter.

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Intercontinental Exchange Share Price & Price History

Current Price: $150.31
Price Change: Price Increase of +2.02 (1.36%)
As of 12/20/2024 06:31 PM ET

This chart shows the closing price history over time for ICE up to the past year.

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Days: 30 | 90 | 365

Intercontinental Exchange Insider Trading History

Transaction DateInsider NameTitleBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionShares Held After TransactionDetails
12/18/2024Stuart Glen WilliamsCOOSell750$152.99$114,742.5012,780View SEC Filing Icon  
12/10/2024Andrew J. SurdykowskiGeneral CounselSell955$156.08$149,056.4044,702View SEC Filing Icon  
11/25/2024Benjamin JacksonPresidentSell5,828$160.00$932,480.00156,163View SEC Filing Icon  
9/26/2024Andrew J. SurdykowskiGeneral CounselSell2,048$159.57$326,799.3644,865View SEC Filing Icon  
9/18/2024Christopher Scott EdmondsInsiderSell602$162.81$98,011.6214,034View SEC Filing Icon  
9/18/2024Stuart Glen WilliamsCOOSell468$162.81$76,195.0813,530View SEC Filing Icon  
9/9/2024Warren GardinerCFOSell750$161.43$121,072.5016,576View SEC Filing Icon  
8/27/2024Judith A. SprieserDirectorSell1,941$160.69$311,899.2926,908View SEC Filing Icon  
8/23/2024James W NamkungCAOSell1,171$160.00$187,360.0016,665View SEC Filing Icon  
8/23/2024Martha A. TirinnanziDirectorSell509$158.98$80,920.823,958View SEC Filing Icon  
7/25/2024James W NamkungCAOSell1,043$150.00$156,450.0017,836View SEC Filing Icon  
7/17/2024Christopher Scott EdmondsInsiderSell1,000$148.60$148,600.0014,636View SEC Filing Icon  
7/9/2024Jeffrey C SprecherCEOSell58,389$141.68$8,272,553.521,179,993View SEC Filing Icon  
7/8/2024Mayur KapaniCTOSell395$141.13$55,746.3564,471View SEC Filing Icon  
6/26/2024Andrew J. SurdykowskiGeneral CounselSell1,898$136.66$259,380.6846,815View SEC Filing Icon  
5/28/2024Judith A. SprieserDirectorSell2,267$134.57$305,070.1928,849View SEC Filing Icon  
4/26/2024Andrew J. SurdykowskiGeneral CounselSell341$131.74$44,923.3448,713View SEC Filing Icon  
4/25/2024Intercontinental Exchange, IncMajor ShareholderBuy350,880$0.87$305,265.60649,934View SEC Filing Icon  
4/3/2024Jeffrey C SprecherCEOSell58,388$137.21$8,011,417.481,179,895View SEC Filing Icon  
3/28/2024Judith A. SprieserDirectorSell2,238$137.36$307,411.6829,347View SEC Filing Icon  
3/8/2024Warren GardinerCFOSell500$138.83$69,415.0018,326View SEC Filing Icon  
3/4/2024Intercontinental Exchange, IncMajor ShareholderBuy2,762,009$0.87$2,402,947.837,476,345View SEC Filing Icon  
2/21/2024Jeffrey C SprecherCEOSell48,166$136.35$6,567,434.101,179,895View SEC Filing Icon  
2/20/2024Lynn C MartinInsiderSell3,772$136.59$515,217.4858,999View SEC Filing Icon  
2/13/2024Benjamin JacksonPresidentSell27,970$134.74$3,768,677.80138,487View SEC Filing Icon  
2/13/2024Judith A. SprieserDirectorSell2,246$134.02$301,008.9231,585View SEC Filing Icon  
2/12/2024Douglas FoleySVPSell7,070$136.09$962,156.3018,383View SEC Filing Icon  
2/12/2024Warren GardinerCFOSell2,176$136.00$295,936.0012,061View SEC Filing Icon  
2/8/2024Elizabeth Kathryn KingInsiderSell3,783$132.03$499,469.4917,242View SEC Filing Icon  
2/8/2024James W NamkungCAOSell1,182$132.03$156,059.4616,396View SEC Filing Icon  
1/4/2024Jeffrey C SprecherCEOSell58,388$125.90$7,351,049.201,152,375View SEC Filing Icon  
12/26/2023Andrew J. SurdykowskiGeneral CounselSell2,364$126.00$297,864.0043,493View SEC Filing Icon  
12/13/2023James W NamkungCAOSell1,171$120.00$140,520.0018,677View SEC Filing Icon  
12/11/2023Christopher Scott EdmondsInsiderSell1,266$115.00$145,590.0011,533View SEC Filing Icon  
12/8/2023Warren GardinerCFOSell500$112.34$56,170.0015,025View SEC Filing Icon  
12/4/2023Benjamin JacksonPresidentSell10,100$114.78$1,159,278.00125,184View SEC Filing Icon  
12/4/2023Christopher Scott EdmondsInsiderSell2,030$115.00$233,450.0012,799View SEC Filing Icon  
11/24/2023Douglas FoleySVPSell1,600$114.46$183,136.0016,802View SEC Filing Icon  
11/8/2023Benjamin JacksonPresidentSell5,000$108.72$543,600.00125,184View SEC Filing Icon  
9/21/2023Jeffrey C SprecherCEOSell88,683$112.82$10,005,216.061,169,965View SEC Filing Icon  
9/14/2023Benjamin JacksonPresidentSell2,000$117.14$234,280.00125,647View SEC Filing Icon  
9/11/2023Christopher Scott EdmondsInsiderSell1,427$115.00$164,105.0014,829View SEC Filing Icon  
9/8/2023Warren GardinerCFOSell500$115.43$57,715.0015,525View SEC Filing Icon  
8/23/2023Douglas FoleySVPSell1,600$113.99$182,384.0018,402View SEC Filing Icon  
8/21/2023Martha A. TirinnanziDirectorSell496$113.56$56,325.762,878View SEC Filing Icon  
8/21/2023Martha A. TirinnanziDirectorSell496$113.56$56,325.762,878View SEC Filing Icon  
7/12/2023Benjamin JacksonPresidentSell3,000$115.54$346,620.00125,647View SEC Filing Icon  
7/12/2023Christopher Scott EdmondsInsiderSell1,044$115.54$120,623.7616,256View SEC Filing Icon  
6/9/2023Warren GardinerCFOSell500$110.52$55,260.0016,025View SEC Filing Icon  
6/6/2023Benjamin JacksonPresidentSell2,000$108.50$217,000.00125,526View SEC Filing Icon  
6/2/2023Christopher Scott EdmondsInsiderSell4,223$108.14$456,675.2217,179View SEC Filing Icon  
5/23/2023Douglas FoleySVPSell1,600$108.48$173,568.0019,881View SEC Filing Icon  
5/23/2023Jeffrey C SprecherCEOSell85,461$107.89$9,220,387.291,188,085View SEC Filing Icon  
5/17/2023Martha A. TirinnanziDirectorSell150$107.70$16,155.001,834View SEC Filing Icon  
2/23/2023Douglas FoleySVPSell1,600$104.80$167,680.0021,481View SEC Filing Icon  
2/22/2023Jeffrey C SprecherCEOSell81,827$104.02$8,511,644.541,203,104View SEC Filing Icon  
11/29/2022Jeffrey C SprecherCEOSell30,000$105.37$3,161,100.002,971,705View SEC Filing Icon  
11/23/2022Douglas FoleySVPSell1,600$105.98$169,568.0020,934View SEC Filing Icon  
11/14/2022Andrew J. SurdykowskiGeneral CounselSell2,500$105.00$262,500.0040,507View SEC Filing Icon  
9/21/2022Jeffrey C SprecherCEOSell87,377$94.95$8,296,446.151,255,207View SEC Filing Icon  
8/26/2022Andrew J. SurdykowskiGeneral CounselSell2,500$107.00$267,500.0042,007View SEC Filing Icon  
8/23/2022Douglas FoleySVPSell1,600$107.73$172,368.0022,402View SEC Filing Icon  
5/26/2022Jeffrey C SprecherCEOSell83,621$98.97$8,275,970.371,277,280View SEC Filing Icon  
5/24/2022William Jefferson HagueDirectorSell583$97.66$56,935.7816,127View SEC Filing Icon  
5/23/2022Douglas FoleySVPSell1,600$99.08$158,528.0024,002View SEC Filing Icon  
5/19/2022Christopher Scott EdmondsInsiderSell492$93.61$46,056.1214,119View SEC Filing Icon  
4/11/2022Mark WassersugCOOSell11,000$128.53$1,413,830.0027,229View SEC Filing Icon  
3/10/2022Mark WassersugCOOSell11,000$126.60$1,392,600.00View SEC Filing Icon  
3/4/2022David S. GooneInsiderSell36,570$135.02$4,937,681.40View SEC Filing Icon  
2/24/2022Lynn C MartinInsiderSell5,471$120.95$661,717.45View SEC Filing Icon  
2/24/2022Warren GardinerCFOSell2,034$120.95$246,012.30View SEC Filing Icon  
2/22/2022Jeffrey C SprecherCEOSell10,000$123.11$1,231,100.00View SEC Filing Icon  
2/10/2022Mark WassersugCOOSell11,022$127.00$1,399,794.00View SEC Filing Icon  
2/9/2022Charles R. CrispDirectorSell3,127$129.70$405,571.90View SEC Filing Icon  
See Full Table

SEC Filings (Institutional Ownership Changes) for Intercontinental Exchange (NYSE:ICE)

89.30% of Intercontinental Exchange stock is owned by institutions. Institutional ownership can be a sign of analyst confidence in the fundamentals of the stock.

Institutional Buying and Selling by Quarter

This chart shows the instiutional buying and selling at ICE by year and by quarter.

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Intercontinental Exchange Institutional Trading History

Reporting DateHedge FundShares HeldMarket Value% of PortfolioQuarterly Change in SharesOwnership in CompanyDetails
12/19/2024Principal Financial Group Inc.656,874$105.52M0.1%+3.7%0.114%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
12/9/2024Copley Financial Group Inc.2,978$0.48M0.4%N/A0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
12/6/2024Retirement Systems of Alabama125,223$20.12M0.1%-1.0%0.022%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
12/3/2024Oddo BHF Asset Management Sas92,628$14.88M0.7%N/A0.016%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
12/2/2024Inspire Trust Co. N.A.12,000$1.93M0.5%+2.4%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/27/2024Franklin Resources Inc.5,265,020$865.46M0.2%+8.0%0.917%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/26/2024Peapack Gladstone Financial Corp22,015$3.54M0.1%-1.0%0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/25/2024Synovus Financial Corp33,874$5.44M0.1%+7.1%0.006%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/25/2024Tidal Investments LLC98,482$15.82M0.2%+180.6%0.017%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/25/2024Destination Wealth Management172,828$27.76M0.9%-1.8%0.030%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/25/2024Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB21,811$3.50M0.1%N/A0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/25/2024World Investment Advisors LLC52,946$8.51M0.2%+759.2%0.009%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/25/2024Sanctuary Advisors LLC76,732$12.22M0.1%+26.7%0.013%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/25/2024Pine Valley Investments Ltd Liability Co14,928$2.40M0.1%-6.1%0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/22/2024Stock Yards Bank & Trust Co.5,679$0.91M0.0%-3.4%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/21/2024Anchor Investment Management LLC8,395$1.35M0.1%-2.5%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/20/2024Morse Asset Management Inc26,349$4.23M0.9%-8.2%0.005%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/20/2024Virtu Financial LLC17,535$2.82M0.2%N/A0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/20/2024Bard Financial Services Inc.8,575$1.38M0.2%-5.5%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/19/2024M&T Bank Corp46,689$7.50M0.0%+33.2%0.008%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/19/2024Unigestion Holding SA2,228$0.36M0.0%-88.7%0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/19/2024TCW Group Inc.703,244$112.97M1.0%+2.3%0.122%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/18/2024Soltis Investment Advisors LLC1,450$0.23M0.0%N/A0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/18/2024Rehmann Capital Advisory Group6,843$1.10M0.1%+1.9%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/18/2024TD Private Client Wealth LLC17,882$2.87M0.1%+3.0%0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/18/2024Teachers Retirement System of The State of Kentucky42,656$6.85M0.1%-5.7%0.007%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/18/2024Toronto Dominion Bank310,560$49.89M0.1%+1.6%0.054%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/18/2024Chiron Investment Management LLC46,992$7.55M2.7%+3.9%0.008%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/18/2024Brown Financial Advisors2,946$0.47M0.2%-44.5%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/18/2024Coldstream Capital Management Inc.13,806$2.20M0.0%+48.8%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/18/2024RB Capital Management LLC4,539$0.73M0.2%-6.3%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/16/2024Geode Capital Management LLC11,555,615$1.85B0.1%+1.5%2.013%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Goodman Advisory Group LLC10,915$1.75M0.5%-9.1%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Prestige Wealth Management Group LLC1,329$0.21M0.0%-50.6%0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Brophy Wealth Management LLC4,395$0.71M0.3%N/A0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024M&T Bank Corp46,689$7.50M0.0%+33.2%0.008%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024LRI Investments LLC24,796$3.98M0.3%+2,300.4%0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio253,426$40.71M0.2%-0.8%0.044%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Roffman Miller Associates Inc. PA106,490$17.11M1.0%+8.6%0.019%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Nomura Asset Management Co. Ltd.169,270$27.19M0.1%+6.5%0.029%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024MML Investors Services LLC54,673$8.78M0.0%+10.6%0.010%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024First National Bank of Omaha49,603$7.97M0.5%-17.1%0.009%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Main Management ETF Advisors LLC5,432$0.87M0.0%N/A0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Orion Portfolio Solutions LLC41,483$6.66M0.1%-4.2%0.007%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024XTX Topco Ltd22,934$3.68M0.3%+89.1%0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Zurich Insurance Group Ltd FI210,773$33.86M0.3%N/A0.037%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024iSAM Funds UK Ltd12,383$1.99M1.1%+105.9%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024National Bank of Canada FI307,651$49.42M0.1%-42.2%0.054%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Glen Eagle Advisors LLC1,556$0.25M0.0%+14.7%0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024iA Global Asset Management Inc.255,659$41.07M0.7%-15.2%0.045%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024EP Wealth Advisors LLC6,922$1.11M0.0%+3.9%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024United Services Automobile Association12,789$2.05M0.1%-18.8%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Insigneo Advisory Services LLC6,800$1.09M0.1%-3.0%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Kovitz Investment Group Partners LLC868,053$137.33M0.9%-7.0%0.151%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Wellington Management Group LLP3,353,500$538.71M0.1%-18.9%0.584%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Worldquant Millennium Advisors LLC340,277$54.66M0.4%N/A0.059%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Two Sigma Advisers LP1,756,400$282.15M0.7%+285.9%0.306%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Texas Capital Bank Wealth Management Services Inc1,266$0.20M0.0%N/A0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Stansberry Asset Management LLC72,497$11.65M1.5%+0.7%0.013%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024State Street Corp23,651,598$3.80B0.2%+1.2%4.119%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Stifel Financial Corp489,507$78.64M0.1%-3.7%0.085%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Quadrature Capital Ltd34,134$5.48M0.1%+419.5%0.006%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Quantinno Capital Management LP38,541$6.19M0.1%+17.8%0.007%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Quarry LP4,335$0.70M0.2%+7,374.1%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Royal London Asset Management Ltd.305,794$49.12M0.1%+4.0%0.053%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Resurgent Financial Advisors LLC4,107$0.66M0.4%+2.3%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Phase 2 Partners LLC21,219$3.41M2.0%N/A0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Port Capital LLC379,576$60.98M2.7%+0.8%0.066%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Prana Capital Management LP385,570$61.94M2.8%+63.1%0.067%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Millburn Ridgefield Corp922$0.15M0.0%-18.2%0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Morse Asset Management Inc26,409$4.24M0.9%-8.0%0.005%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Motley Fool Asset Management LLC23,108$3.72M0.2%+3.7%0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024NFJ Investment Group LLC94,624$15.20M0.4%-38.6%0.016%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024IHT Wealth Management LLC2,063$0.33M0.0%+13.8%0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Ingalls & Snyder LLC48,481$7.79M0.3%+1.9%0.008%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Integrated Wealth Concepts LLC4,332$0.70M0.0%-6.5%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Investment Management Corp of Ontario19,010$3.05M0.1%+48.4%0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Itau Unibanco Holding S.A.7,084$1.14M0.0%+99.2%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Janus Henderson Group PLC4,520,639$726.20M0.4%+326.3%0.787%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Harmony Asset Management LLC14,276$2.29M0.8%-23.4%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024HighTower Advisors LLC255,900$41.05M0.1%-2.8%0.045%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Hilltop Holdings Inc.8,744$1.41M0.1%N/A0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Hollow Brook Wealth Management LLC1,379$0.22M0.1%N/A0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Holocene Advisors LP311,666$50.07M0.2%-17.5%0.054%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Centiva Capital LP8,883$1.43M0.0%+114.0%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Chevy Chase Trust Holdings LLC307,973$49.47M0.2%-1.7%0.054%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Cinctive Capital Management LP8,846$1.42M0.1%-90.5%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Ascent Group LLC12,048$1.94M0.1%-5.3%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Benjamin Edwards Inc.7,191$1.16M0.0%+150.4%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Atom Investors LP1,897$0.31M0.0%N/A0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Alerus Financial NA32,536$5.23M0.4%-4.5%0.006%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Point72 Hong Kong Ltd100,764$16.19M1.1%N/A0.018%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024FSA Wealth Management LLC196$31K0.0%N/A0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Erste Asset Management GmbH96,125$15.44M0.2%N/A0.017%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2024Morton Community Bank24,498$3.94M1.0%-1.0%0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2024Timber Creek Capital Management LLC37,191$5.97M1.7%+2.6%0.006%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2024BRITISH COLUMBIA INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Corp95,703$15.37M0.1%-12.7%0.017%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2024Edgestream Partners L.P.3,212$0.52M0.0%N/A0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2024Kolinsky Wealth Management LLC1,414$0.23M0.1%N/A0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2024Point72 Europe London LLP47,892$7.69M0.5%-16.6%0.008%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
Data available starting January 2016

See Full Table
Intercontinental Exchange logo
Intercontinental Exchange, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, engages in the provision of market infrastructure, data services, and technology solutions for financial institutions, corporations, and government entities in the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Singapore, India, Abu Dhabi, Israel, and Canada. It operates through three segments: Exchanges, Fixed Income and Data Services, and Mortgage Technology. The company operates regulated marketplaces for listing, trading, and clearing an array of derivatives contracts and financial securities, such as commodities, interest rates, foreign exchange, and equities, as well as corporate and exchange-traded funds; and trading venues, including regulated exchanges and clearing houses. It also offers energy, agricultural and metals, and financial futures and options; and cash equities and equity options, and over-the-counter and other markets, as well as listings and data and connectivity services. In addition, the company provides fixed income data and analytic, fixed income execution, CDS clearing, and other multi-asset class data and network services. Further, it offers proprietary and comprehensive mortgage origination platform, which serves residential mortgage loans; closing solutions that provides customers connectivity to the mortgage supply chain and facilitates the secure exchange of information; data and analytics services; and Data as a Service for lenders to access data and origination information. Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.
Read More on Intercontinental Exchange

Today's Range

Now: $150.31
Low: $148.00
High: $151.34

50 Day Range

MA: $158.88
Low: $148.29
High: $166.89

52 Week Range

Now: $150.31
Low: $122.65
High: $167.99


6,272,922 shs

Average Volume

2,636,590 shs

Market Capitalization

$86.30 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield




Who are the company insiders with the largest holdings of Intercontinental Exchange?

Intercontinental Exchange's top insider shareholders include:
  1. Intercontinental Exchange, Inc (Major Shareholder)
  2. Jeffrey C Sprecher (CEO)
  3. Benjamin Jackson (President)
  4. Mayur Kapani (CTO)
  5. Lynn C Martin (Insider)
  6. Andrew J Surdykowski (General Counsel)
  7. Judith A Sprieser (Director)
  8. Douglas Foley (SVP)
  9. James W Namkung (CAO)
  10. Warren Gardiner (CFO)
  11. Elizabeth Kathryn King (Insider)
  12. Christopher Scott Edmonds (Insider)
  13. Stuart Glen Williams (COO)
  14. Martha A Tirinnanzi (Director)
Learn More about top insider investors at Intercontinental Exchange.

Who are the major institutional investors of Intercontinental Exchange?

Intercontinental Exchange's top institutional investors include:
  1. State Street Corp — 4.12%
  2. Geode Capital Management LLC — 2.01%
  3. FMR LLC — 1.37%
  4. Parnassus Investments LLC — 1.37%
  5. Franklin Resources Inc. — 0.92%
  6. Ruane Cunniff & Goldfarb L.P. — 0.87%
Learn More about top institutional investors of Intercontinental Exchange stock.

Which institutional investors are selling Intercontinental Exchange stock?

Within the last quarter, ICE stock was sold by these institutional investors:
  1. Mawer Investment Management Ltd.
  2. Veritas Asset Management LLP
  3. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
  4. Wellington Management Group LLP
  5. Vontobel Holding Ltd.
  6. National Bank of Canada FI
  7. Public Sector Pension Investment Board
  8. Mediolanum International Funds Ltd
Within the previous year, company insiders that have sold Intercontinental Exchange company stock include:
  1. Intercontinental Exchange, Inc (Major Shareholder)
  2. Jeffrey C Sprecher (CEO)
  3. Benjamin Jackson (President)
  4. Mayur Kapani (CTO)
  5. Lynn C Martin (Insider)
  6. Andrew J Surdykowski (General Counsel)
  7. Judith A Sprieser (Director)
  8. Douglas Foley (SVP)
  9. James W Namkung (CAO)
  10. Warren Gardiner (CFO)
  11. Elizabeth Kathryn King (Insider)
  12. Christopher Scott Edmonds (Insider)
  13. Stuart Glen Williams (COO)
Learn More investors selling Intercontinental Exchange stock.

Which institutional investors are buying Intercontinental Exchange stock?

Within the previous quarter, ICE stock was purchased by institutional investors including:
  1. Janus Henderson Group PLC
  2. FMR LLC
  3. Two Sigma Advisers LP
  4. Assenagon Asset Management S.A.
  5. Franklin Resources Inc.
  6. Perpetual Ltd
  7. Worldquant Millennium Advisors LLC
  8. M.D. Sass LLC