John  Rondoni net worth and biography

John Rondoni Biography and Net Worth

John Rondoni is the VP of Product Devel., Operations & Quality at Inspire Medical Systems Inc.

What is John Rondoni's net worth?

The estimated net worth of John Rondoni is at least $1.72 million as of February 11th, 2025. Mr. Rondoni owns 10,424 shares of Inspire Medical Systems stock worth more than $1,723,921 as of March 25th. This net worth estimate does not reflect any other investments that Mr. Rondoni may own. Additionally, Mr. Rondoni receives a salary of $576,720.00 as CTO at Inspire Medical Systems. Learn More about John Rondoni's net worth.

How old is John Rondoni?

Mr. Rondoni is currently 44 years old. There are 8 older executives and no younger executives at Inspire Medical Systems. The oldest executive at Inspire Medical Systems is Mr. Timothy P. Herbert, CEO, President & Director, who is 61 years old. Learn More on John Rondoni's age.

What is John Rondoni's salary?

As the CTO of Inspire Medical Systems, Inc., Mr. Rondoni earns $576,720.00 per year. There are 5 executives that earn more than Mr. Rondoni. The highest earning executive at Inspire Medical Systems is Mr. Timothy P. Herbert, CEO, President & Director, who commands a salary of $1,360,000.00 per year. Learn More on John Rondoni's salary.

How do I contact John Rondoni?

The corporate mailing address for Mr. Rondoni and other Inspire Medical Systems executives is 5500 WAYZATA BLVD SUITE 1600, GOLDEN VALLEY MN, 55416. Inspire Medical Systems can also be reached via phone at (844) 672-4357 and via email at Learn More on John Rondoni's contact information.

Has John Rondoni been buying or selling shares of Inspire Medical Systems?

During the last ninety days, John Rondoni has sold $111,865.67 in shares of Inspire Medical Systems stock. Most recently, John Rondoni sold 583 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Tuesday, February 11th. The shares were sold at an average price of $170.49, for a transaction totalling $99,395.67. Following the completion of the sale, the chief technology officer now directly owns 10,424 shares of the company's stock, valued at $1,777,187.76. Learn More on John Rondoni's trading history.

Who are Inspire Medical Systems' active insiders?

Inspire Medical Systems' insider roster includes Randy Ban (Insider), Richard Buchholz (CFO), Philip Ebeling (COO), Jerry Griffin (Director), Timothy Herbert (CEO), Steven Jandrich (VP), Chau Khuong (Director), Georgia Melenikiotou (Director), Marilyn Nelson (Director), John Rondoni (CTO), and Casey Tansey (Director). Learn More on Inspire Medical Systems' active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Inspire Medical Systems?

In the last year, insiders at the sold shares 10 times. They sold a total of 87,503 shares worth more than $17,676,220.64. The most recent insider tranaction occured on February, 13th when insider Randy Ban sold 25,584 shares worth more than $4,694,664.00. Insiders at Inspire Medical Systems own 4.1% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Inspire Medical Systems.

Information on this page was last updated on 2/13/2025.

John Rondoni Insider Trading History at Inspire Medical Systems

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John Rondoni Buying and Selling Activity at Inspire Medical Systems

This chart shows John Rondoni's buying and selling at Inspire Medical Systems by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$112ksoldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$1M$0$1MTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

Inspire Medical Systems Company Overview

Inspire Medical Systems logo
Inspire Medical Systems, Inc., a medical technology company, focuses on the development and commercialization of minimally invasive solutions for patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in the United States and internationally. The company offers Inspire system, a neurostimulation technology that provides a safe and effective treatment for moderate to severe OSA. It also develops a novel, closed-loop solution that continuously monitors a patient's breathing and delivers mild hypoglossal nerve stimulation to maintain an open airway. The company was incorporated in 2007 and is headquartered in Golden Valley, Minnesota.
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Today's Range

Now: $165.38
Low: $162.35
High: $172.95

50 Day Range

MA: $180.09
Low: $158.65
High: $197.49

2 Week Range

Now: $165.38
Low: $123.00
High: $257.40


450,146 shs

Average Volume

580,185 shs

Market Capitalization

$4.92 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


