Ms. Paula R. Reynolds is a Chairman at National Grid Plc, an Independent Non-Executive Director at General Electric Co., a Senior Independent Director at BP Plc, a President & Chief Executive Officer at Prefer West LLC and a Chairman at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. She is on the Board of Directors at General Electric Co., BP Plc, TransCanada Trust and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Ms. Reynolds was previously employed as an Independent Non-Executive Director by CBRE Group, Inc., an Independent Director by Siluria Technologies, Inc., a Chairman by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, an Independent Non-Executive Director by TransCanada Corp., an Independent Non-Executive Director by BAE Systems Plc, a Vice Chairman & Chief Restructuring Officer by American International Group, Inc., an Independent Director by Anadarko Petroleum Corp., a President, Chief Executive Officer & Director by Safeco Property & Casualty Insurance Cos., a President & Chief Executive Officer by Safeco Corp. Asset Management, a Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer by SAFECO Insurance Company of America, Inc., an Independent Director by Delta Air Lines, Inc., a President & Chief Executive Officer by AGL Resources, Inc., a President, Chief Executive Officer & COO by Atlanta Gas Light Co., a President & Chief Executive Officer by Duke Energy Power Services LLC, a President & Chief Executive Officer by Duke Energy North America LLC /Midwest Operations/, a Chairman by KCTS Television, a President by PanEnergy Power Services, Inc., and a Senior Vice President by PG&E Gas Transmission Co. She also served on the board at TransCanada PipeLines Ltd., Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. /Old/, Air Products & Chemicals, Inc., CBRE Services, Inc., Circuit City Stores, Inc. and MetaJure, Inc. She received her undergraduate degree from Wellesley College.
What is Paula Rosput Reynolds' net worth?
The estimated net worth of Paula Rosput Reynolds is at least $48,680.69 as of December 12th, 2024. Ms. Reynolds owns 233 shares of General Electric stock worth more than $48,681 as of February 21st. This net worth estimate does not reflect any other investments that Ms. Reynolds may own. Learn More about Paula Rosput Reynolds' net worth.
How do I contact Paula Rosput Reynolds?
Has Paula Rosput Reynolds been buying or selling shares of General Electric?
Paula Rosput Reynolds has not been actively trading shares of General Electric during the last quarter. Most recently, on Friday, May 6th, Paula Rosput Reynolds bought 1,199 shares of General Electric stock. The stock was acquired at an average cost of $77.65 per share, with a total value of $93,102.35. Following the completion of the transaction, the director now directly owns 5,562 shares of the company's stock, valued at $431,889.30. Learn More on Paula Rosput Reynolds' trading history.
Who are General Electric's active insiders?
General Electric's insider roster includes H. Culp, Jr. (CEO), Alexander Dimitrief (SVP), Edward Garden (Director), Amy Gowder (President & CEO, Defense & Systems, GE Aerospace), Carolina Happe (Sr. VP & CFO ), Michael Holston (SVP), Jeffrey Immelt (Chairman), Riccardo Procacci (President & CEO, Propulsion & Additive), Paula Reynolds (Director), Leslie Seidman (Director), John Slattery (SVP), Russell Stokes (President and CEO, Commercial Engines and Services), Scott Strazik (SVP), and Thomas Timko (VP). Learn More on General Electric's active insiders.
Are insiders buying or selling shares of General Electric?
During the last year, insiders at the conglomerate sold shares 4 times. They sold a total of 74,817 shares worth more than $12,549,667.06. The most recent insider tranaction occured on November, 18th when SVP Russell Stokes sold 15,550 shares worth more than $2,772,409.50. Insiders at General Electric own 0.7% of the company.
Learn More about insider trades at General Electric. Information on this page was last updated on 11/18/2024.