Joseph Adamo Biography and Net Worth

Joseph Adamo serves as Chief Accounting Officer, Controller, Treasurer of the Company. Mr. Adamo has served as Genco’s Chief Accounting Officer since December 19, 2014. Mr. Adamo has been employed with Genco since June 2005. Mr. Adamo’s initial position with Genco was Controller until April 2010, when he was promoted to Treasurer and Controller. Mr. Adamo is responsible for overseeing Genco’s accounting department, including certain filings with the SEC. Prior to joining Genco, Mr. Adamo was a turnaround consultant providing restructuring advisory services to distressed companies. Prior to that, Mr. Adamo served as Chief Financial Officer for two private companies. Mr. Adamo started his career in public accounting working for Price Waterhouse, currently PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP. He has a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Pace University and is a licensed Certified Public Accountant.

What is Joseph Adamo's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Joseph Adamo is at least $390,898.53 as of February 24th, 2025. Mr. Adamo owns 26,829 shares of Genco Shipping & Trading stock worth more than $390,899 as of March 7th. This net worth estimate does not reflect any other assets that Mr. Adamo may own. Additionally, Mr. Adamo receives an annual salary of $506,880.00 as CAO at Genco Shipping & Trading. Learn More about Joseph Adamo's net worth.

How old is Joseph Adamo?

Mr. Adamo is currently 62 years old. There are 3 older executives and no younger executives at Genco Shipping & Trading. Learn More on Joseph Adamo's age.

What is Joseph Adamo's salary?

As the CAO of Genco Shipping & Trading Limited, Mr. Adamo earns $506,880.00 per year. There are 3 executives that earn more than Mr. Adamo. The highest earning executive at Genco Shipping & Trading is Mr. John C. Wobensmith, CEO, President, & Director, who commands a salary of $1,950,000.00 per year. Learn More on Joseph Adamo's salary.

How do I contact Joseph Adamo?

The corporate mailing address for Mr. Adamo and other Genco Shipping & Trading executives is 299 Park Avenue 12th Floor, NEW YORK NY, 10171. Genco Shipping & Trading can also be reached via phone at (646) 443-8550 and via email at Learn More on Joseph Adamo's contact information.

Has Joseph Adamo been buying or selling shares of Genco Shipping & Trading?

In the last ninety days, Joseph Adamo has sold $86,914.96 in Genco Shipping & Trading stock. Most recently, Joseph Adamo sold 6,226 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Monday, February 24th. The shares were sold at an average price of $13.96, for a transaction totalling $86,914.96. Following the completion of the sale, the chief accounting officer now directly owns 26,829 shares of the company's stock, valued at $374,532.84. Learn More on Joseph Adamo's trading history.

Who are Genco Shipping & Trading's active insiders?

Genco Shipping & Trading's insider roster includes Joseph Adamo (CAO), Robert Hughes (Insider), John Wobensmith (CEO, President, & Director), and Apostolos Zafolias (CFO & Exec. VP of Fin. ). Learn More on Genco Shipping & Trading's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Genco Shipping & Trading?

During the last year, insiders at the shipping company sold shares 4 times. They sold a total of 30,212 shares worth more than $434,219.52. The most recent insider tranaction occured on February, 24th when insider Jesper Christensen sold 13,602 shares worth more than $189,883.92. Insiders at Genco Shipping & Trading own 2.5% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Genco Shipping & Trading.

Information on this page was last updated on 2/24/2025.

Joseph Adamo Insider Trading History at Genco Shipping & Trading

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Joseph Adamo Buying and Selling Activity at Genco Shipping & Trading

This chart shows Joseph Adamo's buying and selling at Genco Shipping & Trading by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$87ksoldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$100k$0$100kTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

Genco Shipping & Trading Company Overview

Genco Shipping & Trading logo
Genco Shipping & Trading Ltd. is an international ship owning company, which engages in the transportation of iron ore, coal, grain, steel products, and other drybulk cargoes. The company was founded on September 27, 2004 and is headquartered in New York, NY.
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Today's Range

Now: $14.31
Low: $14.17
High: $14.62

50 Day Range

MA: $14.33
Low: $13.82
High: $14.90

2 Week Range

Now: $14.31
Low: $13.51
High: $23.43


596,107 shs

Average Volume

572,712 shs

Market Capitalization

$611.65 million

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


