Gregg C.  Sengstack net worth and biography

Gregg Sengstack Biography and Net Worth

Mr. Sengstack first joined Franklin Electric in 1988. Elected Chairperson of the Board in 2015, he has served as Chief Executive Officer since 2014, at which time he also became a director. Mr. Sengstack served as President and Chief Operating Officer from 2011-2014. Prior thereto he was Senior Vice President and President, Franklin Fueling Systems and International Water Group and has held numerous positions in the Company’s Finance organization before becoming Chief Financial Officer in 1999. He also serves on the board of Woodward, Inc.

What is Gregg C. Sengstack's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Gregg C. Sengstack is at least $1.71 million as of March 3rd, 2025. Mr. Sengstack owns 17,450 shares of Franklin Electric stock worth more than $1,709,577 as of March 27th. This net worth approximation does not reflect any other assets that Mr. Sengstack may own. Additionally, Mr. Sengstack receives an annual salary of $1,840,000.00 as CEO at Franklin Electric. Learn More about Gregg C. Sengstack's net worth.

How old is Gregg C. Sengstack?

Mr. Sengstack is currently 66 years old. There are 5 older executives and no younger executives at Franklin Electric. Learn More on Gregg C. Sengstack's age.

What is Gregg C. Sengstack's salary?

As the CEO of Franklin Electric Co., Inc., Mr. Sengstack earns $1,840,000.00 per year. Learn More on Gregg C. Sengstack's salary.

How do I contact Gregg C. Sengstack?

The corporate mailing address for Mr. Sengstack and other Franklin Electric executives is 9255 COVERDALE ROAD, FORT WAYNE IN, 46809. Franklin Electric can also be reached via phone at (260) 824-2900 and via email at Learn More on Gregg C. Sengstack's contact information.

Has Gregg C. Sengstack been buying or selling shares of Franklin Electric?

Gregg C. Sengstack has not been actively trading shares of Franklin Electric during the last quarter. Most recently, Gregg C. Sengstack sold 1,500 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Tuesday, November 5th. The shares were sold at an average price of $100.22, for a transaction totalling $150,330.00. Following the completion of the sale, the insider now directly owns 9,032 shares of the company's stock, valued at $905,187.04. Learn More on Gregg C. Sengstack's trading history.

Who are Franklin Electric's active insiders?

Franklin Electric's insider roster includes Paul Chhabra (VP), DeLancey Davis (Insider), Julie Freigang (VP), Jonathan Grandon (Insider), John Haines (CFO), Kenneth Keene (VP), Donald Kenney (VP), Gregg Sengstack (CEO), Jeffery Taylor (CFO), and Jay Walsh (Insider). Learn More on Franklin Electric's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Franklin Electric?

In the last twelve months, insiders at the industrial products company sold shares 7 times. They sold a total of 30,552 shares worth more than $3,179,897.12. The most recent insider tranaction occured on February, 26th when insider Delancey W Davis sold 961 shares worth more than $99,117.54. Insiders at Franklin Electric own 2.7% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Franklin Electric.

Information on this page was last updated on 2/26/2025.

Gregg C. Sengstack Insider Trading History at Franklin Electric

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Gregg C. Sengstack Buying and Selling Activity at Franklin Electric

This chart shows Gregg C Sengstack's buying and selling at Franklin Electric by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$0soldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$2M$0$2MTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

Franklin Electric Company Overview

Franklin Electric logo
Franklin Electric Co., Inc., together with its subsidiaries, designs, manufactures, and distributes water and fuel pumping systems worldwide. The company operates through Water Systems, Fueling Systems, and Distribution segments. The Water Systems segment offers submersible motors, drives, pumps, electronic controls, water treatment systems, monitoring devices, and related parts and equipment. Its motors and pumps are used principally for pumping clean water and wastewater in various residential, agricultural, municipal, and industrial applications; and manufactures electronic drives and controls that are used in motors for controlling functionality, as well as provides protection from various hazards, such as electrical surges, over-heating, and dry wells or tanks. The Fueling Systems segment provides pumps, pipes, sumps, fittings, vapor recovery components, electronic controls, monitoring devices, and related parts and equipment primarily for use in fueling system applications. This segment serves other energy markets, such as power reliability systems, as well as includes electronic devices for online monitoring of the power utility, hydroelectric, and telecommunication and data center infrastructure. The Distribution segment sells to and provides presale support and specifications to the installing contractors. It sells products produced by the Water Systems segment. The company sells its products to wholesale and retail distributors, specialty distributors, original equipment manufacturers, industrial and petroleum equipment distributors, and oil and utility companies through its employee sales force and independent manufacturing representatives. Franklin Electric Co., Inc. was founded in 1944 and is headquartered in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
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Today's Range

Now: $97.97
Low: $97.69
High: $99.50

50 Day Range

MA: $100.42
Low: $95.56
High: $106.03

2 Week Range

Now: $97.97
Low: $91.67
High: $111.94


179,018 shs

Average Volume

171,643 shs

Market Capitalization

$4.49 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


