Rajesh Kalathur is President, John Deere Financial, as well as Chief Information Officer for the enterprise, a position he has held since April 2019. Kalathur is responsible for ensuring that John Deere equipment customers throughout the world have ready access to competitive financing. He also oversees the company’s information technology function, positioning information technology as a strategic competitive advantage for Deere.
Since joining John Deere in 1996 in finance, Kalathur has held positions of increasing responsibility in the areas of finance, business development, logistics, operations, marketing, and general management in the U.S. and Mexico.
In 2005, Kalathur led an initiative to set up the John Deere Technology Center in India, subsequently leading to the integration of the Indian tractor joint venture. He was named Managing Director and CEO, John Deere India, in April 2006, with responsibility for the company’s business activities there.
Kalathur was appointed Vice President, Sales & Marketing, China/India/South and East Asia/Sub-Saharan and South Africa, for the Agriculture & Turf Division in 2009. He was named Deputy Financial Officer for Deere & Company in 2012. Most recently, he served as Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Information Officer.
Kalathur is a native of India and a U.S. citizen. He has a master’s degree in industrial engineering from the University of Alabama and an MBA from the University of Chicago.
What is Rajesh Kalathur's net worth?
The estimated net worth of Rajesh Kalathur is at least $35.97 million as of February 18th, 2025. Mr. Kalathur owns 74,878 shares of Deere & Company stock worth more than $35,974,237 as of March 25th. This net worth approximation does not reflect any other assets that Mr. Kalathur may own. Additionally, Mr. Kalathur receives an annual salary of $1,850,000.00 as Insider at Deere & Company. Learn More about Rajesh Kalathur's net worth.
How old is Rajesh Kalathur?
What is Rajesh Kalathur's salary?
As the Insider of Deere & Company, Mr. Kalathur earns $1,850,000.00 per year. There are 5 executives that earn more than Mr. Kalathur. The highest earning executive at Deere & Company is Mr. John C. May II, Chairman and CEO, who commands a salary of $8,110,000.00 per year. Learn More on Rajesh Kalathur's salary.
How do I contact Rajesh Kalathur?
Has Rajesh Kalathur been buying or selling shares of Deere & Company?
Within the last three months, Rajesh Kalathur has sold $12,304,993.80 in Deere & Company stock. Most recently, Rajesh Kalathur sold 24,580 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Tuesday, February 18th. The shares were sold at an average price of $500.61, for a transaction totalling $12,304,993.80. Following the completion of the sale, the insider now directly owns 74,878 shares of the company's stock, valued at $37,484,675.58. Learn More on Rajesh Kalathur's trading history.
Who are Deere & Company's active insiders?
Are insiders buying or selling shares of Deere & Company?
During the last twelve months, insiders at the industrial products company sold shares 2 times. They sold a total of 37,950 shares worth more than $17,353,906.90. The most recent insider tranaction occured on February, 18th when insider Rajesh Kalathur sold 24,580 shares worth more than $12,304,993.80. Insiders at Deere & Company own 0.3% of the company.
Learn More about insider trades at Deere & Company. Information on this page was last updated on 2/18/2025.