Wendy Rummler Biography and Net Worth

Insider of Credit Acceptance

Ms. Rummler joined Credit Acceptance from Arthur Andersen LLP as a Senior Financial Analyst in December 2001. She moved into Treasury in 2003 and was promoted to Assistant Treasurer in 2005, Director of Finance in 2008, Vice President of Finance in 2010, and Senior Vice President of Finance in 2013. While in Finance, she led a variety of Finance and Human Resource teams. She was named Senior Vice President of Human Resources in May of 2021, and Chief People Officer in September 2022.

What is Wendy A. Rummler's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Wendy A. Rummler is at least $945,161.07 as of February 2nd, 2023. Ms. Rummler owns 1,834 shares of Credit Acceptance stock worth more than $945,161 as of March 26th. This net worth estimate does not reflect any other investments that Ms. Rummler may own. Additionally, Ms. Rummler receives a salary of $427,310.00 as Insider at Credit Acceptance. Learn More about Wendy A. Rummler's net worth.

How old is Wendy A. Rummler?

Ms. Rummler is currently 47 years old. There are 8 older executives and no younger executives at Credit Acceptance. The oldest executive at Credit Acceptance is Mr. Douglas W. Busk, Chief Treasury Officer, who is 64 years old. Learn More on Wendy A. Rummler's age.

What is Wendy A. Rummler's salary?

As the Insider of Credit Acceptance Co., Ms. Rummler earns $427,310.00 per year. There are 5 executives that earn more than Ms. Rummler. The highest earning executive at Credit Acceptance is Mr. Kenneth S. Booth, CEO, President & Director, who commands a salary of $1,020,000.00 per year. Learn More on Wendy A. Rummler's salary.

How do I contact Wendy A. Rummler?

The corporate mailing address for Ms. Rummler and other Credit Acceptance executives is 25505 W. Twelve Mile Road, Southfield MI, 48034. Credit Acceptance can also be reached via phone at (248) 353-2700 and via email at ir@creditacceptance.com. Learn More on Wendy A. Rummler's contact information.

Has Wendy A. Rummler been buying or selling shares of Credit Acceptance?

Wendy A. Rummler has not been actively trading shares of Credit Acceptance during the past quarter. Most recently, Wendy A. Rummler sold 1,834 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Thursday, March 9th. The shares were sold at an average price of $430.12, for a transaction totalling $788,840.08. Following the completion of the sale, the insider now directly owns 20,772 shares of the company's stock, valued at $8,934,452.64. Learn More on Wendy A. Rummler's trading history.

Who are Credit Acceptance's active insiders?

Credit Acceptance's insider roster includes Kenneth Booth (CEO, President & Director), Douglas Busk (Insider), Nicholas Elliott (Insider), Glenda Flanagan (Director), Donald Foss (Major Shareholder), Jonathan Lum (COO), Andrew Rostami (Insider), Wendy Rummler (Insider), Arthur Smith (Insider), Thomas Tryforos (Director), Daniel Ulatowski (Insider), and Jill Watson (Major Shareholder). Learn More on Credit Acceptance's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Credit Acceptance?

During the last twelve months, insiders at the credit services provider sold shares 3 times. They sold a total of 2,052 shares worth more than $962,236.80. The most recent insider tranaction occured on March, 20th when insider Nicholas J Elliott sold 300 shares worth more than $150,600.00. Insiders at Credit Acceptance own 5.3% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Credit Acceptance.

Information on this page was last updated on 3/20/2025.

Wendy A. Rummler Insider Trading History at Credit Acceptance

See Full Table

Wendy A. Rummler Buying and Selling Activity at Credit Acceptance

This chart shows Wendy A Rummler's buying and selling at Credit Acceptance by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$0soldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$1M-$500k$0$500k$1MTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

Credit Acceptance Company Overview

Credit Acceptance logo
Credit Acceptance Corporation engages in the provision of financing programs, and related products and services in the United States. The company advances money to automobile dealers in exchange for the right to service the underlying consumer loans; and buys the consumer loans from the dealers and keeps the amount collected from the consumers. It is also involved in the business of reinsuring coverage under vehicle service contracts sold to consumers by dealers on vehicles financed by the company. The company serves independent and franchised automobile dealers. Credit Acceptance Corporation was incorporated in 1972 and is headquartered in Southfield, Michigan.
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Today's Range

Now: $515.36
Low: $507.50
High: $517.68

50 Day Range

MA: $499.07
Low: $458.59
High: $525.64

2 Week Range

Now: $515.36
Low: $409.22
High: $614.96


28,437 shs

Average Volume

57,464 shs

Market Capitalization

$6.20 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


