Brad Cowles is president of Core & Main, a leading distributor of waterworks and fire protection infrastructure products in the U.S, with net sales of $5.0 billion in fiscal 2021. Cowles leads several areas for the Company, including fire protection, water and wastewater supply, smart meters and geosynthetics and erosion control.
Cowles was named chief operating officer of HD Supply Waterworks and Fire Protection in 2017 and helped carve out the division to become its own company, in partnership with private equity. Rebranded as Core & Main in late 2017, the company has more than doubled in net sales and became a publicly traded company (NYSE: CNM) in July 2021. Core & Main now employs 4,100 associates in 300 locations.
Cowles has more than 25 years of leadership experience in growth-focused organizations. He joined HD Supply in 2005 to lead the information technology integration of more than 30 acquired companies, followed by a divestiture carve-out of the entire business from The Home Depot, and an eventual IPO. He progressed through a series of leadership roles including divisional chief information officer (CIO) for three business units, and ultimately, CIO of HD Supply. In 2016, Brad was recognized with the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Year Award from the Georgia CIO Leadership Association.
Prior to joining HD Supply, Cowles spent 10 years with Michelin in the U.S. and France where he gained experiences in research and development, quality and manufacturing.
Cowles holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering with a concentration in gas dynamics and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering with honors from the University of Florida. He is fluent in French. Cowles serves as an outside director on the board of Johnstone Supply, a leading North American distributor of HVACR equipment, parts and services, with more than 400 locations across the U.S. and Canada.
What is Bradford A. Cowles' net worth?
The estimated net worth of Bradford A. Cowles is at least $794,736.40 as of February 10th, 2025. Mr. Cowles owns 16,010 shares of Core & Main stock worth more than $794,736 as of March 26th. This net worth estimate does not reflect any other assets that Mr. Cowles may own. Additionally, Mr. Cowles receives an annual salary of $925,990.00 as President at Core & Main. Learn More about Bradford A. Cowles' net worth.
How old is Bradford A. Cowles?
Mr. Cowles is currently 53 years old. There are 4 older executives and no younger executives at Core & Main. The oldest executive at Core & Main is Mr. John R. Schaller, President, who is 68 years old. Learn More on Bradford A. Cowles' age.
What is Bradford A. Cowles' salary?
As the President of Core & Main, Inc., Mr. Cowles earns $925,990.00 per year. There are 4 executives that earn more than Mr. Cowles. The highest earning executive at Core & Main is Mr. Stephen O. LeClair, Chair & Chief Executive Officer, who commands a salary of $2,590,000.00 per year. Learn More on Bradford A. Cowles' salary.
How do I contact Bradford A. Cowles?
Has Bradford A. Cowles been buying or selling shares of Core & Main?
During the past quarter, Bradford A. Cowles has sold $2,669,125.00 in Core & Main stock. Most recently, Bradford A. Cowles sold 25,000 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Monday, February 10th. The shares were sold at an average price of $54.48, for a transaction totalling $1,362,000.00. Following the completion of the sale, the president now directly owns 16,010 shares of the company's stock, valued at $872,224.80. Learn More on Bradford A. Cowles' trading history.
Who are Core & Main's active insiders?
Core & Main's insider roster includes James Castellano (Director), Bradford Cowles (President), Jeffrey Giles (VP), Orvin Kimbrough (Director), Stephen LeClair (Chair & Chief Executive Officer), Margaret Newman (Director), John Schaller (President), Laura Schneider (Insider), John Stephens (VP), Mark Whittenburg (General Counsel), and Mark Witkowski (CFO). Learn More on Core & Main's active insiders.
Are insiders buying or selling shares of Core & Main?
In the last twelve months, insiders at the sold shares 18 times. They sold a total of 651,994 shares worth more than $35,399,503.98. The most recent insider tranaction occured on March, 10th when EVP John R Schaller sold 21,868 shares worth more than $1,023,859.76. Insiders at Core & Main own 3.5% of the company.
Learn More about insider trades at Core & Main. Information on this page was last updated on 3/10/2025.