CNM Insider Trading

Insider Ownership Percentage: 3.49%
Insider Buying (Last 12 Months): $0.00
Insider Selling (Last 12 Months): $1,862,278,229.18

Core & Main Insider Trading History Chart

This chart shows the insider buying and selling history at Core & Main by year and by quarter.

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Core & Main Share Price & Price History

Current Price: $50.54
Price Change: Price Increase of +0.41 (0.82%)
As of 12/20/2024 06:31 PM ET

This chart shows the closing price history over time for CNM up to the past year.

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Days: 30 | 90 | 365

Core & Main Insider Trading History

Transaction DateInsider NameTitleBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionShares Held After TransactionDetails
12/3/2024Bradford A. CowlesPresidentSell50,000$55.07$2,753,500.0018,423View SEC Filing Icon  
12/3/2024Jeffrey D. GilesEVPSell25,000$54.71$1,367,750.0011,615View SEC Filing Icon  
12/3/2024Margaret NewmanDirectorSell15,000$55.25$828,750.0011,769View SEC Filing Icon  
12/3/2024Stephen O. LeClairCEOSell200,000$54.88$10,976,000.0092,349View SEC Filing Icon  
7/15/2024James G. CastellanoDirectorSell12,500$52.22$652,750.0011,769View SEC Filing Icon  
7/10/2024James G. CastellanoDirectorSell200$50.01$10,002.0011,769View SEC Filing Icon  
5/8/2024Mark R. WitkowskiCFOSell50,000$59.50$2,975,000.0023,898View SEC Filing Icon  
4/23/2024John Weldon StephensCAOSell9,497$55.19$524,139.434,281View SEC Filing Icon  
4/19/2024John Weldon StephensCAOSell5,503$54.23$298,427.694,281View SEC Filing Icon  
4/19/2024Mark G. WhittenburgGeneral CounselSell50,000$54.08$2,704,000.0012,933View SEC Filing Icon  
4/8/2024Mark R. WitkowskiCFOSell50,000$58.51$2,925,500.0023,898View SEC Filing Icon  
3/22/2024John Weldon StephensCAOSell15,000$57.91$868,650.004,281View SEC Filing Icon  
3/22/2024Mark G. WhittenburgGeneral CounselSell50,000$57.91$2,895,500.0012,933View SEC Filing Icon  
3/7/2024John Weldon StephensVPSell43,900$50.02$2,195,878.003,468View SEC Filing Icon  
3/4/2024John Weldon StephensVPSell1,100$50.02$55,022.003,468View SEC Filing Icon  
2/21/2024Orvin T. KimbroughDirectorSell313$45.00$14,085.009,320View SEC Filing Icon  
2/16/2024Orvin T. KimbroughDirectorSell187$45.00$8,415.009,320View SEC Filing Icon  
2/12/2024Jeffrey D. GilesVPSell40,000$44.14$1,765,600.008,217View SEC Filing Icon  
2/12/2024Laura K. SchneiderInsiderSell100,000$44.14$4,414,000.009,672View SEC Filing Icon  
2/12/2024Orvin T. KimbroughDirectorSell5,000$44.17$220,850.009,320View SEC Filing Icon  
2/12/2024Stephen O. LeClairCEOSell150,000$44.14$6,621,000.0073,692View SEC Filing Icon  
1/25/2024Cd&R Investment Associates X,Major ShareholderSell22,907,815$40.98$938,762,258.70View SEC Filing Icon  
1/16/2024John R. SchallerPresidentSell50,000$40.99$2,049,500.0015,903View SEC Filing Icon  
1/12/2024Orvin T. KimbroughDirectorSell5,000$41.06$205,300.009,320View SEC Filing Icon  
1/11/2024Jeffrey D. GilesVPSell40,000$40.64$1,625,600.008,217View SEC Filing Icon  
1/11/2024Laura K. SchneiderInsiderSell100,000$40.63$4,063,000.009,672View SEC Filing Icon  
1/11/2024Stephen O. LeClairCEOSell150,000$40.66$6,099,000.0073,692View SEC Filing Icon  
1/10/2024Cd&R Investment Associates X,Major ShareholderSell22,675,728$38.12$864,398,751.36View SEC Filing Icon  
12/11/2023Cd&R Investment Associates X,Major ShareholderSell20,375,728$35.54$724,153,373.12View SEC Filing Icon  
12/1/2023John Weldon StephensVPSell18,500$36.01$666,185.003,468View SEC Filing Icon  
11/15/2023Cd&R Investment Associates X,Major ShareholderSell2,850,000$30.44$86,754,000.00View SEC Filing Icon  
11/15/2023John Weldon StephensVPSell12,500$33.56$419,500.003,468View SEC Filing Icon  
11/15/2023Mark R. WitkowskiCFOSell40,000$34.01$1,360,400.0019,221View SEC Filing Icon  
11/14/2023Bradford A. CowlesPresidentSell25,000$33.05$826,250.0014,679View SEC Filing Icon  
11/9/2023Cd&R Investment Associates X,Major ShareholderSell22,125,728$30.44$673,507,160.32View SEC Filing Icon  
11/9/2023Mark R. WitkowskiCFOSell20,000$32.10$642,000.0019,221View SEC Filing Icon  
10/30/2023James G. CastellanoDirectorSell2,610$30.00$78,300.009,320View SEC Filing Icon  
10/12/2023Bradford A. CowlesPresidentSell50,000$31.94$1,597,000.0014,679View SEC Filing Icon  
10/11/2023John Weldon StephensVPSell11,800$31.04$366,272.003,468View SEC Filing Icon  
10/4/2023Mark R. WitkowskiCFOSell20,000$30.02$600,400.0019,221View SEC Filing Icon  
9/25/2023James G. CastellanoDirectorSell12,500$28.35$354,375.009,320View SEC Filing Icon  
9/25/2023Mark R. WitkowskiCFOSell40,000$28.44$1,137,600.0019,221View SEC Filing Icon  
9/19/2023Cd&R Investment Associates X,Major ShareholderSell21,125,728$29.01$612,857,369.28View SEC Filing Icon  
7/13/2023John R. SchallerPresidentSell25,000$31.96$799,000.0015,903View SEC Filing Icon  
6/27/2023Laura K. SchneiderInsiderSell49,904$30.03$1,498,617.129,672View SEC Filing Icon  
6/12/2023Cd&R Investment Associates X,Major ShareholderSell17,125,728$28.21$483,116,786.88View SEC Filing Icon  
6/6/2023Bradford A. CowlesPresidentSell24,889$28.10$699,380.9014,679View SEC Filing Icon  
6/6/2023Laura K. SchneiderInsiderSell50,000$28.28$1,414,000.009,672View SEC Filing Icon  
6/6/2023Stephen O. LeClairCEOSell4,288$28.76$123,322.8873,692View SEC Filing Icon  
5/18/2023Bradford A. CowlesPresidentSell25,000$27.31$682,750.0014,679View SEC Filing Icon  
5/18/2023Jeffrey D. GilesVPSell29,998$27.31$819,245.388,217View SEC Filing Icon  
5/3/2023Bradford A. CowlesPresidentSell30,000$27.04$811,200.0014,679View SEC Filing Icon  
5/2/2023John Weldon StephensVPSell12,500$26.53$331,625.003,468View SEC Filing Icon  
5/1/2023Bradford A. CowlesPresidentSell5,399$26.10$140,913.9014,679View SEC Filing Icon  
4/27/2023Jeffrey D. GilesVPSell31,175$26.01$810,861.758,217View SEC Filing Icon  
4/27/2023Laura K. SchneiderInsiderSell32,599$26.01$847,899.999,672View SEC Filing Icon  
4/24/2023Bradford A. CowlesPresidentSell14,712$26.01$382,659.1214,679View SEC Filing Icon  
4/24/2023Jeffrey D. GilesVPSell18,827$26.01$489,690.278,217View SEC Filing Icon  
4/24/2023Laura K. SchneiderInsiderSell17,401$26.01$452,600.019,672View SEC Filing Icon  
4/14/2023Cd&R Investment Associates X,Major ShareholderSell14,377,183$22.15$318,454,603.45View SEC Filing Icon  
4/13/2023John Weldon StephensVPSell25,000$25.03$625,750.003,468View SEC Filing Icon  
4/13/2023Mark G. WhittenburgGeneral CounselSell31,204$25.06$781,972.2410,512View SEC Filing Icon  
4/13/2023Orvin T. KimbroughDirectorSell10,000$25.01$250,100.005,393View SEC Filing Icon  
4/13/2023Stephen O. LeClairCEOSell40,000$24.91$996,400.0073,692View SEC Filing Icon  
3/3/2023Laura K. SchneiderInsiderSell66,763$24.03$1,604,314.894,866View SEC Filing Icon  
3/3/2023Mark G. WhittenburgGeneral CounselSell31,204$24.02$749,520.085,286View SEC Filing Icon  
2/24/2023Mark G. WhittenburgGeneral CounselSell24,793$23.04$571,230.725,286View SEC Filing Icon  
2/17/2023Mark G. WhittenburgGeneral CounselSell6,411$23.06$147,837.665,286View SEC Filing Icon  
9/19/2022Cd&R Investment Associates X,Major ShareholderSell11,000,000$23.53$258,830,000.00View SEC Filing Icon  
9/9/2022Mark G. WhittenburgGeneral CounselSell19,729$24.78$488,884.625,286View SEC Filing Icon  
8/25/2022Laura K. SchneiderInsiderSell33,333$25.08$835,991.644,866View SEC Filing Icon  
8/18/2022Mark G. WhittenburgGeneral CounselSell5,296$24.78$131,234.885,286View SEC Filing Icon  
8/18/2022Stephen O. LeClairCEOSell14,730$24.54$361,474.2035,742View SEC Filing Icon  
8/16/2022Mark G. WhittenburgGeneral CounselSell6,179$24.79$153,177.415,286View SEC Filing Icon  
8/16/2022Stephen O. LeClairCEOSell25,270$24.61$621,894.7035,742View SEC Filing Icon  
5/27/2022Jeffrey D. GilesVPSell30,000$25.04$751,200.004,146View SEC Filing Icon  
5/16/2022Jeffrey D. GilesVPSell2,600$22.12$57,512.004,146View SEC Filing Icon  
1/10/2022Cd&R Investment Associates X,Major ShareholderSell20,000,000$25.12$502,400,000.00View SEC Filing Icon  
See Full Table

SEC Filings (Institutional Ownership Changes) for Core & Main (NYSE:CNM)

94.19% of Core & Main stock is owned by institutions. Institutional ownership can be a sign of analyst confidence in the fundamentals of the stock.

Institutional Buying and Selling by Quarter

This chart shows the instiutional buying and selling at CNM by year and by quarter.

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Core & Main Institutional Trading History

Reporting DateHedge FundShares HeldMarket Value% of PortfolioQuarterly Change in SharesOwnership in CompanyDetails
12/19/2024Principal Financial Group Inc.1,215,942$53.99M0.0%-5.5%0.612%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
12/13/2024Lord Abbett & CO. LLC899,064$39.92M0.1%+6.9%0.447%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
12/13/2024B. Riley Wealth Advisors Inc.17,526$0.77M0.0%N/A0.009%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
12/6/2024Retirement Systems of Alabama254,759$11.31M0.0%+10.1%0.127%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/27/2024Franklin Resources Inc.189,651$8.59M0.0%-42.7%0.094%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/25/2024Tidal Investments LLC16,081$0.71M0.0%-56.8%0.008%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/25/2024Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB1,107$49K0.0%N/A0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/18/2024Teachers Retirement System of The State of Kentucky53,300$2.37M0.0%-2.7%0.027%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/16/2024Geode Capital Management LLC3,261,964$144.87M0.0%+14.5%1.622%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Vestcor Inc16,026$0.71M0.0%+233.9%0.008%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Duff & Phelps Investment Management Co.512,655$22.76M0.3%-6.2%0.255%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Barclays PLC248,909$11.05M0.0%-27.9%0.124%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio125,473$5.57M0.0%+10.0%0.062%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Nomura Asset Management Co. Ltd.3,085$0.14M0.0%-23.9%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Orion Portfolio Solutions LLC4,734$0.21M0.0%-5.7%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024XTX Topco Ltd31,322$1.39M0.1%N/A0.016%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Zimmer Partners LP1,303,000$57.85M1.1%+535.6%0.648%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024DF Dent & Co. Inc.837,693$37.19M0.5%+26.9%0.416%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024National Bank of Canada FI13,514$0.60M0.0%-6.5%0.007%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024United Services Automobile Association11,425$0.51M0.0%-14.1%0.006%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Wellington Management Group LLP231,319$10.27M0.0%-17.0%0.115%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Spruce House Investment Management LLC1,500,000$66.60M3.3%+400.0%0.746%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024State Street Corp5,522,009$245.18M0.0%+9.7%2.745%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Stifel Financial Corp7,849$0.35M0.0%-13.0%0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Quantinno Capital Management LP13,457$0.60M0.0%-4.0%0.007%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Royal London Asset Management Ltd.3,761,906$167.03M0.4%+39.9%1.870%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Redwood Investment Management LLC29,488$1.35M0.1%+4.1%0.015%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Point72 Asset Management L.P.221,116$9.82M0.0%-77.6%0.110%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024PointState Capital LP2,252,551$100.01M1.8%N/A1.120%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Polar Asset Management Partners Inc.68,100$3.02M0.1%N/A0.034%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Parallax Volatility Advisers L.P.6,166$0.27M0.0%-58.5%0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Millburn Ridgefield Corp2,664$0.12M0.0%N/A0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Jacobs Levy Equity Management Inc.193,072$8.57M0.0%+24.5%0.096%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Janus Henderson Group PLC5,015,867$222.73M0.1%-0.6%2.494%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024HighTower Advisors LLC27,319$1.21M0.0%-7.2%0.014%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024ArrowMark Colorado Holdings LLC786,916$34.94M0.4%-4.3%0.391%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2024Verition Fund Management LLC37,509$1.67M0.0%-75.9%0.019%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2024Captrust Financial Advisors29,444$1.31M0.0%+11.6%0.015%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2024Isthmus Partners LLC81,048$3.60M0.4%-16.1%0.040%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2024UBS AM a distinct business unit of UBS ASSET MANAGEMENT AMERICAS LLC689,739$30.62M0.0%-0.8%0.343%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2024Zurcher Kantonalbank Zurich Cantonalbank1,556,606$69.11M0.2%+0.9%0.774%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2024FORA Capital LLC7,882$0.35M0.0%-87.4%0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2024MetLife Investment Management LLC105,427$4.68M0.0%+11.0%0.052%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2024Forest Avenue Capital Management LP1,122,251$49.83M6.0%+18.4%0.558%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/13/2024Glenmede Trust Co. NA17,595$0.78M0.0%-36.4%0.009%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/13/2024Bridgewater Associates LP36,408$1.62M0.0%-75.0%0.018%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/13/2024Fernbridge Capital Management LP691,507$30.70M1.9%-16.3%0.344%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/13/2024Townsquare Capital LLC4,755$0.21M0.0%-11.2%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/13/2024Thematics Asset Management484,000$21.49M0.8%+15.5%0.241%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/13/2024Advantage Alpha Capital Partners LP93,100$4.13M0.9%N/A0.046%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/13/2024FMR LLC8,697,084$386.15M0.0%+28.0%4.324%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/13/2024The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company229,929$10.21M0.0%-55.4%0.114%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/13/2024CDAM UK Ltd1,276,796$56.69M8.4%+84.9%0.635%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/13/2024Loomis Sayles & Co. L P284,783$12.64M0.0%-14.6%0.142%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/13/2024Douglass Winthrop Advisors LLC70,272$3.12M0.1%+23.3%0.035%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/12/2024Summit Trail Advisors LLC8,923$0.40M0.0%+11.8%0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/12/2024Swedbank AB1,782,100$79.13M0.1%+8.2%0.886%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/12/2024Algert Global LLC166,845$7.41M0.2%-5.7%0.083%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/12/2024Cerity Partners LLC31,728$1.41M0.0%+53.9%0.016%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/12/2024Eagle Asset Management Inc.1,720,496$74.98M0.4%+2.6%0.855%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/12/2024Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc.1,544,525$68.58M0.0%-14.0%0.768%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/12/2024Pacer Advisors Inc.4,250,219$188.71M0.4%+1.0%2.113%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/9/2024Intech Investment Management LLC12,177$0.54M0.0%N/A0.006%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/8/2024Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Board17,870$0.79M0.0%-67.0%0.009%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/8/2024Advisors Asset Management Inc.54,140$2.40M0.0%+4.1%0.027%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/8/2024Commerce Bank13,364$0.59M0.0%-78.7%0.007%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/7/2024Quest Partners LLC11,957$0.53M0.0%+1,195,600.0%0.006%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/7/2024Swiss National Bank376,500$16.72M0.0%-0.4%0.187%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/7/2024Thrivent Financial for Lutherans109,225$4.85M0.0%+6.0%0.054%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/6/2024Mutual of America Capital Management LLC104,262$4.63M0.0%+6.5%0.052%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/6/2024Vaughan Nelson Investment Management L.P.19,385$0.86M0.0%-98.3%0.010%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/6/2024South Street Advisors LLC234,144$10.40M1.6%+36.0%0.116%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/6/2024Natixis Advisors LLC89,251$3.96M0.0%-71.9%0.044%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/6/2024Empowered Funds LLC100,681$4.47M0.1%+10.8%0.050%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/6/2024Sheaff Brock Investment Advisors LLC8,086$0.36M0.0%+10.4%0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/6/2024KBC Group NV1,358,955$60.34M0.2%+7.9%0.676%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/6/2024Plato Investment Management Ltd896$40K0.0%-77.6%0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/5/2024Victory Capital Management Inc.229,645$10.20M0.0%-71.2%0.114%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/4/2024Versor Investments LP25,810$1.15M0.2%+136.8%0.013%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/4/2024Ashton Thomas Securities LLC596$26K0.0%N/A0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/4/2024State of New Jersey Common Pension Fund D74,021$3.29M0.0%-3.3%0.037%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/4/2024Meritage Portfolio Management12,579$0.56M0.0%+11.5%0.006%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/4/2024Crossmark Global Holdings Inc.27,730$1.23M0.0%-41.2%0.014%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/1/2024Assetmark Inc.86,029$3.82M0.0%-1.0%0.043%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/1/2024Fiera Capital Corp173,076$7.69M0.0%+6.7%0.086%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/31/2024Principal Financial Group Inc.1,215,942$53.99M0.0%-5.5%0.605%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/30/2024Foster & Motley Inc.23,762$1.06M0.1%+146.5%0.012%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/30/2024Amalgamated Bank99,041$4.40M0.0%-3.2%0.049%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/30/2024Impax Asset Management Group plc2,013,880$89.42M0.4%+373.0%1.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/30/2024Asset Management One Co. Ltd.57,719$2.56M0.0%-7.8%0.029%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/29/2024Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V.17,761$0.79M0.0%+92.8%0.009%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/29/2024Pembroke Management LTD573,944$25.48M3.3%-1.1%0.285%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/29/2024Lmcg Investments LLC111,250$4.94M0.3%+1.1%0.055%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/29/2024VELA Investment Management LLC47,881$2.13M0.7%+79.8%0.024%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/28/2024Measured Wealth Private Client Group LLC4,568$0.20M0.1%-17.6%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/25/2024New York State Teachers Retirement System89,978$4M0.0%+3.8%0.045%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/25/2024Andina Capital Management LLC8,707$0.39M0.3%+3.5%0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/24/2024State of Alaska Department of Revenue22,405$0.99M0.0%+21.1%0.011%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/24/2024Clear Harbor Asset Management LLC233,940$10.39M0.8%+0.9%0.116%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/24/2024DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale27,276$1.21M0.0%+21.3%0.014%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
Data available starting January 2016

See Full Table
Core & Main logo
Core & Main, Inc. distributes water, wastewater, storm drainage, and fire protection products and related services to municipalities, private water companies, and professional contractors in the municipal, non-residential, and residential end markets in the United States. Its products portfolio include pipes, valves, hydrants, fittings, and other products and services; storm drainage products, such as corrugated piping systems, retention basins, inline drains, manholes, grates, geosynthetics, erosion control, and other related products; fire protection products, including fire protection pipes, and sprinkler heads and devices, as well as fabrication services; and meter products, such as smart meter products, meter sets, meter accessories, installation, software, and other services. The company's specialty products and services are used in the maintenance, repair, replacement, and construction of water, wastewater, storm drainage, and fire protection infrastructure. Core & Main, Inc. was founded in 1874 and is headquartered in Saint Louis, Missouri.
Read More on Core & Main

Today's Range

Now: $50.54
Low: $49.02
High: $50.97

50 Day Range

MA: $47.32
Low: $41.90
High: $55.78

52 Week Range

Now: $50.54
Low: $37.22
High: $62.15


10,195,289 shs

Average Volume

2,613,481 shs

Market Capitalization

$10.04 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield




Who are the company insiders with the largest holdings of Core & Main?

Core & Main's top insider shareholders include:
  1. Stephen O Leclair (CEO)
  2. Mark R Witkowski (CFO)
  3. Bradford A Cowles (President)
  4. John R Schaller (President)
  5. Mark G Whittenburg (General Counsel)
  6. James G Castellano (Director)
  7. Margaret Newman (Director)
  8. Jeffrey D Giles (EVP)
  9. Laura K Schneider (Insider)
  10. Orvin T Kimbrough (Director)
  11. Jeffrey D Giles (VP)
  12. John Weldon Stephens (CAO)
  13. John Weldon Stephens (VP)
  14. Cd&R Investment Associates X, (Major Shareholder)
Learn More about top insider investors at Core & Main.

Who are the major institutional investors of Core & Main?

Core & Main's top institutional shareholders include:
  1. FMR LLC — 4.32%
  2. State Street Corp — 2.75%
  3. Janus Henderson Group PLC — 2.49%
  4. Pacer Advisors Inc. — 2.11%
  5. Royal London Asset Management Ltd. — 1.87%
  6. Geode Capital Management LLC — 1.62%
Learn More about top institutional investors of Core & Main stock.

Which institutional investors are selling Core & Main stock?

During the previous quarter, CNM stock was sold by these institutional investors:
  1. Artemis Investment Management LLP
  2. Vaughan Nelson Investment Management L.P.
  3. Point72 Asset Management L.P.
  4. Victory Capital Management Inc.
  5. The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company
  6. Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc.
  7. Natixis Advisors LLC
  8. Franklin Resources Inc.
Within the last year, company insiders that have sold Core & Main company stock include:
  1. Stephen O Leclair (CEO)
  2. Mark R Witkowski (CFO)
  3. Bradford A Cowles (President)
  4. John R Schaller (President)
  5. Mark G Whittenburg (General Counsel)
  6. James G Castellano (Director)
  7. Margaret Newman (Director)
  8. Jeffrey D Giles (EVP)
  9. Laura K Schneider (Insider)
  10. Orvin T Kimbrough (Director)
  11. Jeffrey D Giles (VP)
  12. John Weldon Stephens (CAO)
  13. John Weldon Stephens (VP)
  14. Cd&R Investment Associates X, (Major Shareholder)
Learn More investors selling Core & Main stock.

Which institutional investors are buying Core & Main stock?

In the last quarter, CNM stock was purchased by institutional investors including:
  1. PointState Capital LP
  2. FMR LLC
  3. Impax Asset Management Group plc
  4. Spruce House Investment Management LLC
  5. Zimmer Partners LP
  6. Royal London Asset Management Ltd.
  7. Handelsbanken Fonder AB
  8. CDAM UK Ltd