Leslie  Tari net worth and biography

Leslie Tari Biography and Net Worth

Dr. Tari has over 19 years of experience in early stage drug discovery in both industry and academia. He has led a number of discovery programs and is an author or inventor on over 50 publications and patents. Previous to Cidara, Dr. Tari held positions of increasing responsibility at Trius Therapeutics from 2007 until its acquisition by Cubist Pharmaceuticals in 2013. At Trius, Dr. Tari led the efforts to generate and advance a novel class of dual-targeting broad spectrum antibacterial agents. Prior to Trius, Dr. Tari was a co-founder and Director of Structural Biology from 2003 to 2007 at ActiveSight Inc., where he led all research efforts in inflammation and oncology. From 2001 until 2003, Dr. Tari was a member of the scientific staff during the start-up phase of Syrrx Inc., where he participated in the design and development of the first industrial high-throughput structural genomics platform that aided in the discovery of Alogliptin, subsequently approved for the treatment of type II diabetes. Previous to his career in industry, Dr. Tari held an academic position as an Alberta Heritage Foundation Scholar for Medical Research at the University of Calgary, where he conducted research focused on antibiotic discovery. Dr. Tari holds a B.Sc. in Chemistry, and a Ph.D. in Chemistry and Structural Biology from the University of Manitoba.

What is Leslie Tari's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Leslie Tari is at least $349,919.70 as of March 11th, 2025. Mr. Tari owns 16,215 shares of Cidara Therapeutics stock worth more than $349,920 as of March 28th. This net worth approximation does not reflect any other investments that Mr. Tari may own. Additionally, Mr. Tari receives an annual salary of $845,100.00 as Insider at Cidara Therapeutics. Learn More about Leslie Tari's net worth.

How old is Leslie Tari?

Mr. Tari is currently 56 years old. There are 5 older executives and no younger executives at Cidara Therapeutics. Learn More on Leslie Tari's age.

What is Leslie Tari's salary?

As the Insider of Cidara Therapeutics, Inc., Mr. Tari earns $845,100.00 per year. Learn More on Leslie Tari's salary.

How do I contact Leslie Tari?

The corporate mailing address for Mr. Tari and other Cidara Therapeutics executives is 6310 NANCY RIDGE DRIVE SUITE 101, SAN DIEGO CA, 92121. Cidara Therapeutics can also be reached via phone at (858) 752-6170 and via email at britchie@lifesciadvisors.com. Learn More on Leslie Tari's contact information.

Has Leslie Tari been buying or selling shares of Cidara Therapeutics?

During the last ninety days, Leslie Tari has sold $38,935.08 of Cidara Therapeutics stock. Most recently, Leslie Tari sold 1,773 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Tuesday, March 11th. The shares were sold at an average price of $21.96, for a transaction totalling $38,935.08. Following the completion of the sale, the insider now directly owns 16,215 shares of the company's stock, valued at $356,081.40. Learn More on Leslie Tari's trading history.

Who are Cidara Therapeutics' active insiders?

Cidara Therapeutics' insider roster includes Neil Abdollahian (Insider), Paul Daruwala (COO), Timothy Franson (Director), Brady Johnson (VP), Jessica Oien (General Counsel), Preetam Shah (CFO), Jeffrey Stein (CEO), and Leslie Tari (Insider). Learn More on Cidara Therapeutics' active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Cidara Therapeutics?

In the last twelve months, Cidara Therapeutics insiders bought shares 1 times. They purchased a total of 8,000 shares worth more than $105,680.00. In the last twelve months, insiders at the biotechnology company sold shares 3 times. They sold a total of 4,361 shares worth more than $86,231.88. The most recent insider tranaction occured on March, 11th when COO Shane Ward sold 1,664 shares worth more than $36,541.44. Insiders at Cidara Therapeutics own 7.6% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Cidara Therapeutics.

Information on this page was last updated on 3/11/2025.

Leslie Tari Insider Trading History at Cidara Therapeutics

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Leslie Tari Buying and Selling Activity at Cidara Therapeutics

This chart shows Leslie Tari's buying and selling at Cidara Therapeutics by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$39ksoldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$20k$0$20kTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

Cidara Therapeutics Company Overview

Cidara Therapeutics logo
Cidara Therapeutics, Inc., a biotechnology company, focuses on developing targeted therapies for patients facing cancers and other serious diseases. The company's product includes rezafungin acetate, a novel molecule in the echinocandin class of antifungals for the treatment and prevention of invasive fungal infections, including candidemia and invasive candidiasis, which are fungal infections associated with high mortality rates. It also develops its Cloudbreak platform that enables development of novel drug-Fc conjugates, that includes CD388, a potent antiviral designed to deliver universal prevention and treatment of seasonal and pandemic influenza, which is in Phase 1 and Phase 2a clinical trials. The company was formerly known as K2 Therapeutics, Inc. and changed its name to Cidara Therapeutics, Inc. in July 2014. The company was incorporated in 2012 and is based in San Diego, California.
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Today's Range

Now: $21.58
Low: $19.83
High: $21.93

50 Day Range

MA: $21.88
Low: $17.85
High: $24.90

2 Week Range

Now: $21.58
Low: $10.00
High: $28.42


67,453 shs

Average Volume

67,303 shs

Market Capitalization

$236.37 million

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


