Laurence M.  Corash net worth and biography

Laurence Corash Biography and Net Worth

Insider of Cerus
Dr. Corash, a co-founder of Cerus, was appointed as our Chief Scientific Officer in 2009. He has held various medical positions within the company, including Chief Medical Officer from 1994-2015. Dr. Corash was a consultant to us from 1991 to 1994. He has been a Professor of Laboratory Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco since July 1985 and was Chief of the Hematology Laboratory for the Medical Center at the University of California, San Francisco from 1982 to 1997. From February 1990 to July 1994, Dr. Corash was a consultant to the FDA Advisory Panel for Hematology Devices. He currently serves on the U.S. Health and Human Services’ Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability.

What is Laurence M. Corash's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Laurence M. Corash is at least $2.73 million as of March 15th, 2021. Dr. Corash owns 1,913,391 shares of Cerus stock worth more than $2,726,582 as of March 26th. This net worth evaluation does not reflect any other assets that Dr. Corash may own. Additionally, Dr. Corash receives an annual salary of $697,770.00 as Insider at Cerus. Learn More about Laurence M. Corash's net worth.

How old is Laurence M. Corash?

Dr. Corash is currently 80 years old. There are 5 older executives and no younger executives at Cerus. Learn More on Laurence M. Corash's age.

What is Laurence M. Corash's salary?

As the Insider of Cerus Co., Dr. Corash earns $697,770.00 per year. The highest earning executive at Cerus is Mr. William M. Greenman, President, CEO & Director, who commands a salary of $1,040,000.00 per year. Learn More on Laurence M. Corash's salary.

How do I contact Laurence M. Corash?

The corporate mailing address for Dr. Corash and other Cerus executives is 1220 CONCORD AVENUE SUITE 600, CONCORD CA, 94520. Cerus can also be reached via phone at (925) 288-6000 and via email at Learn More on Laurence M. Corash's contact information.

Has Laurence M. Corash been buying or selling shares of Cerus?

Laurence M. Corash has not been actively trading shares of Cerus within the last three months. Most recently, Laurence M. Corash sold 30,307 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Monday, March 14th. The shares were sold at an average price of $5.04, for a transaction totalling $152,747.28. Learn More on Laurence M. Corash's trading history.

Who are Cerus' active insiders?

Cerus' insider roster includes Laurence Corash (Insider), Kevin Green (CFO), William Greenman (CEO), Vivek Jayaraman (COO), Chrystal Menard (Insider), Carol Moore (SVP), Gail Schulze (Director), and Daniel Swisher, Jr. (Director). Learn More on Cerus' active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Cerus?

In the last year, Cerus insiders bought shares 2 times. They purchased a total of 5,000 shares worth more than $9,675.00. In the last year, insiders at the biotechnology company sold shares 15 times. They sold a total of 511,140 shares worth more than $816,701.40. The most recent insider tranaction occured on March, 13th when COO Vivek K Jayaraman sold 29,985 shares worth more than $43,478.25. Insiders at Cerus own 3.4% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Cerus.

Information on this page was last updated on 3/13/2025.

Laurence M. Corash Insider Trading History at Cerus

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Laurence M. Corash Buying and Selling Activity at Cerus

This chart shows Laurence M Corash's buying and selling at Cerus by year and by quarter.

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2022202320242025$0bought$0soldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$100k$0$100kTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

Cerus Company Overview

Cerus logo
Cerus Corporation operates as a biomedical products company. The company focuses on developing and commercializing the INTERCEPT Blood System to enhance blood safety. Its INTERCEPT Blood System, a proprietary technology for controlling biological replication that is designed to reduce blood-borne pathogens in donated blood components intended for transfusion. The company offers INTERCEPT Blood Systems for platelets and plasma, which is designed to inactivate blood-borne pathogens in platelets and plasma donated for transfusion; INTERCEPT Blood System for red blood cells to inactivate blood-borne pathogens in red blood cells donated for transfusion; and INTERCEPT Blood System for Cryoprecipitation that uses its plasma system to produce pathogen reduced cryoprecipitated fibrinogen complex for the treatment and control of bleeding, including massive hemorrhage associated with fibrinogen deficiency, as well as pathogen reduced plasma, cryoprecipitate reduced. It sells platelet and plasma systems through its direct sales force and distributors in the United States, Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Middle East, Latin America, and internationally. Cerus Corporation was incorporated in 1991 and is headquartered in Concord, California.
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Today's Range

Now: $1.43
Low: $1.40
High: $1.48

50 Day Range

MA: $1.70
Low: $1.39
High: $2.15

2 Week Range

Now: $1.43
Low: $1.38
High: $2.54


1,270,175 shs

Average Volume

1,221,488 shs

Market Capitalization

$265.68 million

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


