Deval L.  Patrick net worth and biography

Deval Patrick Biography and Net Worth

Deval Patrick is a former governor of Massachusetts. In his two terms as Governor, Mr. Patrick oversaw the expansion of affordable health care to more than 98 percent of state residents, launched initiatives stimulating clean energy and biotechnology, won a national Race to the Top grant, and steered the state out of recession to a 25-year high in employment. Prior to his governorship, Mr. Patrick was an attorney and business executive, holding positions as a partner at two Boston law firms and a senior executive at Texaco and Coca-Cola. In 1994, President Clinton appointed him to the nation’s top civil rights post, Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. Most recently, Mr. Patrick served as a managing director of Bain Capital LLC, where he focused on investments that deliver both a competitive financial return and significant positive social impact. Mr. Patrick is a Rockefeller Fellow, a Crown Fellow of the Aspen Institute, and the author of two books, A Reason to Believe: Lessons from an Improbable Life and Faith in the Dream: A Call to the Nation to Reclaim American Values. He received a bachelor’s degree in English and American literature from Harvard College and a J.D. from Harvard Law School.

What is Deval L. Patrick's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Deval L. Patrick is at least $596,169.60 as of March 13th, 2025. Mr. Patrick owns 13,260 shares of Cerevel Therapeutics stock worth more than $596,170 as of March 14th. This net worth approximation does not reflect any other assets that Mr. Patrick may own. Learn More about Deval L. Patrick's net worth.

How do I contact Deval L. Patrick?

The corporate mailing address for Mr. Patrick and other Cerevel Therapeutics executives is 1535 Rancho Conejo Blvd, THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91320-1440, United States. Cerevel Therapeutics can also be reached via phone at 844-304-2048 and via email at Learn More on Deval L. Patrick's contact information.

Has Deval L. Patrick been buying or selling shares of Cerevel Therapeutics?

Deval L. Patrick has not been actively trading shares of Cerevel Therapeutics during the last ninety days. Learn More on Deval L. Patrick's trading history.

Who are Cerevel Therapeutics' active insiders?

Cerevel Therapeutics' insider roster includes Scott Akamine (Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary), Susan Altschuller (CFO), Paul Burgess (Chief Business Development and Strategic Operations Officer), Anthony Coles (Director), Kenneth DiPietro (Insider), Deval Patrick (Director), Ronald Renaud, Jr. (CEO), John Renger (Insider), Ramiro Sanchez (Insider), and Gabrielle Sulzberger (Director). Learn More on Cerevel Therapeutics' active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Cerevel Therapeutics?

In the last year, insiders at the biotechnology company sold shares 2 times. They sold a total of 75,000 shares worth more than $3,134,500.00. The most recent insider tranaction occured on July, 1st when Director N Anthony Coles sold 25,000 shares worth more than $1,029,500.00. Insiders at Cerevel Therapeutics own 5.1% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Cerevel Therapeutics.

Information on this page was last updated on 7/1/2024.

Deval L. Patrick Insider Trading History at Cerevel Therapeutics

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Deval L. Patrick Buying and Selling Activity at Cerevel Therapeutics

This chart shows Deval L. Patrick's buying and selling at Cerevel Therapeutics by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$0soldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$1M$0$1MTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

Cerevel Therapeutics Company Overview

Cerevel Therapeutics logo
Cerevel Therapeutics Holdings, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, develops various therapies for neuroscience diseases in the United States. It is developing Emraclidine, a positive allosteric modulator (PAM) that is in phase 1b clinical trials for the treatment of schizophrenia; and Darigabat, a PAM, which is in Phase 2 proof-of-concept trial in patients with drug-resistant focal onset seizures or focal epilepsy, as well as in phase 1 trial to treat panic symptoms model. The company's products also comprise Tavapadon, a selective dopamine D1/D5 partial agonist that is in phase 3 clinical trial for the treatment of early- and late-stage Parkinson's disease; CVL-871, a selective dopamine D1/D5 partial agonist, which is in Phase 2a clinical trial to treat dementia-related apathy; and CVL-354, a selective kappa-opioid receptor antagonist to treat major depressive disorder and substance use disorder. It is also involved in the development of an M4 agonist program for the treatment of psychosis and related indications; and PDE4 inhibitor for the treatment of psychiatric, neuroinflammatory, and other disorders. Cerevel Therapeutics Holdings, Inc. was founded in 2018 and is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
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Today's Range

Now: $44.96
Low: $44.96
High: $44.96

50 Day Range

MA: $43.67
Low: $40.30
High: $44.96

2 Week Range

Now: $44.96
Low: $19.59
High: $44.99



Average Volume

1,709,788 shs

Market Capitalization

$8.19 billion

P/E Ratio


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