Mr. Bakas is an Executive Vice President, at Ameresco, a leading energy efficiency and renewable energy company. He is a member of the founding management team of the 20-year old public company (NYSE:AMRC).
Mr. Bakas has nearly 30 years of experience in the energy industry and has been at the forefront of the strategic development of renewable energy assets while being instrumental in Ameresco’s corporate strategic planning and growth.
As a pioneer in the renewable energy industry, he drove and completed some of the earliest agreements that helped shape the markets in those states that first implemented renewable portfolio standards. Ever since, he has championed the growth of Ameresco’s renewable energy asset portfolio to become one of the leading energy services providers in North America.
Mr. Bakas directs Ameresco’s Distributed Energy Systems Group, which is primarily responsible for the development and operation of energy generation assets. This group has successfully developed in excess of 400 MWe of small infrastructure energy supply assets (primarily baseload/dispatchable generation) that have won numerous awards from the U.S. EPA, the Department of Energy, the Climate Change Business Journal, state agencies, and other leading industry organizations.
He has been key in fostering and supporting legislation that promotes the use of renewable resources. Mr. Bakas is an active member of the U.S. EPA’s Landfill Methane Outreach Program, National Association of Energy Engineers, and the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Energy Committee. Mr. Bakas sits on the Advisory Board for Microgrid Knowledge, the Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas (where he is Chair of the Sustainability Advisory Board), and the Advanced Energy Group.
As an industry expert, Mr. Bakas is often invited to speak at innovative industry and customer forums where he addresses topics such as Energy Efficiency, Distributed Energy Systems, Microgrids, Energy Storage, Renewable Energy, and Public Private Partnerships. He is regularly sought out for expertise and opinion, and has been involved in numerous national media outlets. Over his career he has been tapped to provide his expertise and guidance regarding energy issues in states from California to Massachusetts, as well as to participate in discussions setting direction for Federal, state and local energy policy. In June 2017, Mr. Bakas was invited to provide expert testimony before the Clean Air Congressional Roundtable session hosted by U.S. Senator Tom Carper at the U.S. Capitol. Mr. Bakas is frequently quoted in industry and business publications, most recently by Forbes and Fortune Magazine. Over the course of his career, he has written a number of articles and is most recently published in Distributed Energy Magazine.
Mr. Bakas earned a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and an M.B.A. from Boston College, The Carroll Graduate School of Management.
What is Michael T. Bakas' net worth?
The estimated net worth of Michael T. Bakas is at least $134,866.93 as of September 19th, 2024. Mr. Bakas owns 10,939 shares of Ameresco stock worth more than $134,867 as of March 26th. This net worth approximation does not reflect any other investments that Mr. Bakas may own. Additionally, Mr. Bakas receives a salary of $459,140.00 as EVP at Ameresco. Learn More about Michael T. Bakas' net worth.
How old is Michael T. Bakas?
Mr. Bakas is currently 55 years old. There are 5 older executives and no younger executives at Ameresco. The oldest executive at Ameresco is Mr. George P. Sakellaris P.E., Founder, Chairman, CEO & President, who is 77 years old. Learn More on Michael T. Bakas' age.
What is Michael T. Bakas' salary?
As the EVP of Ameresco, Inc., Mr. Bakas earns $459,140.00 per year. There are 3 executives that earn more than Mr. Bakas. The highest earning executive at Ameresco is Mr. George P. Sakellaris P.E., Founder, Chairman, CEO & President, who commands a salary of $1,550,000.00 per year. Learn More on Michael T. Bakas' salary.
How do I contact Michael T. Bakas?
The corporate mailing address for Mr. Bakas and other Ameresco executives is 111 Speen Street Suite 410, Framingham MA, 01701. Ameresco can also be reached via phone at (508) 661-2200 and via email at Learn More on Michael T. Bakas' contact information.
Has Michael T. Bakas been buying or selling shares of Ameresco?
Michael T. Bakas has not been actively trading shares of Ameresco over the course of the past ninety days. Most recently, Michael T. Bakas sold 104 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Thursday, September 19th. The shares were sold at an average price of $37.64, for a transaction totalling $3,914.56. Following the completion of the sale, the executive vice president now directly owns 10,939 shares of the company's stock, valued at $411,743.96. Learn More on Michael T. Bakas' trading history.
Who are Ameresco's active insiders?
Ameresco's insider roster includes David Anderson (EVP), Michael Bakas (EVP), Nicole Bulgarino (EVP), Mark Chiplock (CAO), David Corrsin (EVP), Douglas Foy (Director), Robert Georgeoff (EVP), Thomas Murley (Director), George Sakellaris (CEO), Nickolas Stavropoulos (Director), Joseph Sutton (Director), Lauren Todd (SVP), and Francis Wisneski, Jr. (Director). Learn More on Ameresco's active insiders.
Are insiders buying or selling shares of Ameresco?
During the last twelve months, Ameresco insiders bought shares 5 times. They purchased a total of 80,808 shares worth more than $785,273.84. During the last twelve months, insiders at the utilities provider sold shares 8 times. They sold a total of 48,306 shares worth more than $1,089,191.28. The most recent insider tranaction occured on March, 19th when EVP David J Corrsin sold 64 shares worth more than $762.88. Insiders at Ameresco own 42.0% of the company.
Learn More about insider trades at Ameresco. Information on this page was last updated on 3/19/2025.