Daniel  Kerzner net worth and biography

Daniel Kerzner Biography and Net Worth

Insider of Alarm.com
Daniel Kerzner serves as Chief Product Officer of the Company. Prior to joining us, from April 2013 to December 2013, Mr. Kerzner served as the Chief Executive Officer of Emotive Communications Inc., a software company. From March 2010 to April 2013, he served as Senior Vice President and General Manager of Mobile at MicroStrategy Incorporated. From July 2009 to February 2010, Mr. Kerzner was the Regional Director for PJM Interconnection at EnerNOC, Inc. Prior to this position, he was Vice President of Platform and Emerging Technologies at MicroStrategy. Mr. Kerzner holds a B.A. in Computer Engineering from Dartmouth College and an M.B.A. from The Wharton School.

What is Daniel Kerzner's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Daniel Kerzner is at least $3.44 million as of December 13th, 2024. Mr. Kerzner owns 59,668 shares of Alarm.com stock worth more than $3,442,247 as of March 26th. This net worth approximation does not reflect any other investments that Mr. Kerzner may own. Additionally, Mr. Kerzner receives a salary of $689,100.00 as Insider at Alarm.com. Learn More about Daniel Kerzner's net worth.

How old is Daniel Kerzner?

Mr. Kerzner is currently 48 years old. There are 6 older executives and no younger executives at Alarm.com. Learn More on Daniel Kerzner's age.

What is Daniel Kerzner's salary?

As the Insider of Alarm.com Holdings, Inc., Mr. Kerzner earns $689,100.00 per year. Learn More on Daniel Kerzner's salary.

How do I contact Daniel Kerzner?

The corporate mailing address for Mr. Kerzner and other Alarm.com executives is 8281 GREENSBORO DRIVE SUITE 100, TYSONS VA, 22102. Alarm.com can also be reached via phone at (877) 389-4033 and via email at dtrone@alarm.com. Learn More on Daniel Kerzner's contact information.

Has Daniel Kerzner been buying or selling shares of Alarm.com?

Daniel Kerzner has not been actively trading shares of Alarm.com within the last three months. Most recently, Daniel Kerzner sold 32,851 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Friday, December 13th. The shares were sold at an average price of $66.40, for a transaction totalling $2,181,306.40. Following the completion of the sale, the insider now directly owns 59,668 shares of the company's stock, valued at $3,961,955.20. Learn More on Daniel Kerzner's trading history.

Who are Alarm.com's active insiders?

Alarm.com's insider roster includes Jeffrey Bedell (Insider), Donald Clarke (Director), Stephen Evans (Director), Daniel Kerzner (Insider), Timothy McAdam (Director), Hugh Panero (Director), Daniel Ramos (VP), Mayo Shattuck, III (Director), Stephen Trundle (CEO & Director), Steve Valenzuela (CFO), and Simone Wu (Director). Learn More on Alarm.com's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Alarm.com?

During the last year, insiders at the software maker sold shares 9 times. They sold a total of 109,639 shares worth more than $7,253,603.91. The most recent insider tranaction occured on March, 12th when CFO Steve Valenzuela sold 3,436 shares worth more than $200,834.20. Insiders at Alarm.com own 5.6% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Alarm.com.

Information on this page was last updated on 3/12/2025.

Daniel Kerzner Insider Trading History at Alarm.com

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Daniel Kerzner Buying and Selling Activity at Alarm.com

This chart shows Daniel Kerzner's buying and selling at Alarm.com by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$0soldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$2M-$1M$0$1M$2MTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

Alarm.com Company Overview

Alarm.com logo
Alarm.com Holdings, Inc. provides various Internet of Things (IoT) and solutions for residential, multi-family, small business, and enterprise commercial markets in North America and internationally. The company operates through two segments, Alarm.com and Other. It offers solutions to control and monitor security systems, as well as to IoT devices, including door locks, garage doors, thermostats, and video cameras; and video monitoring and analytics solutions, such as video analytics, escalated events, video doorbells, intelligent integration, live streaming, secure cloud storage, and video alerts. The company also provides scenes, video analytics triggers, thermostat schedules, responsive savings, precision comfort, energy usage monitoring, places feature, whole home water safety, and solar monitoring solutions, as well as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning monitoring services. In addition, it offers demand response programs, commercial grade video, commercial video analytics, access control, cell connectors, enterprise dashboard and multi-site management, energy savings, protection for valuables and inventory, temperature monitoring, and daily safeguard solutions. Further, the company provides a permission-based online portal that provides account management, sales, marketing, training, and support tools; a unified interface that displays key operational and customer experience indicators, including technician performance, system reliability and customer engagement metrics; installation and support services; MobileTech Application and Remote Toolkit; video health reports; smart gateway; AI-powered enhancements to professional monitoring and false alarm reduction; Web services and business intelligence; sales, marketing, and training services; and home builder programs. Additionally, it offers electric utility grid and water management, indoor gunshot detection, and health and wellness and data-rich emergency response solutions. The company was founded in 2000 and is based in Tysons, Virginia.
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Today's Range

Now: $58.11
Low: $57.25
High: $58.42

50 Day Range

MA: $60.35
Low: $56.54
High: $63.82

2 Week Range

Now: $58.11
Low: $51.87
High: $74.25


69,717 shs

Average Volume

385,254 shs

Market Capitalization

$2.88 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


