Michel P. R.  Berthelin net worth and biography

Michel Berthelin Biography and Net Worth

EVP of Adient
Michel Berthelin joined Adient in 2018 as executive vice president, EMEA.

Previously, Berthelin was responsible for the EMEA Internal Combustion Engine and Powertrain division at Delphi Technologies. Prior to that, he served for 10 years in various global and regional leadership roles at ZF/TRW Automotive. Michel has also held positions at Visteon and Renault.

He specializes in operations management, lean manufacturing implementation and strategies for business growth.

Berthelin earned a degree in engineering from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers in Paris and an MBA in finance from Kellogg School of Management in Evanston, Illinois.

What is Michel P. R. Berthelin's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Michel P. R. Berthelin is at least $669,817.80 as of November 9th, 2022. Mr. Berthelin owns 44,453 shares of Adient stock worth more than $669,818 as of March 26th. This net worth approximation does not reflect any other investments that Mr. Berthelin may own. Additionally, Mr. Berthelin receives a salary of $1,050,000.00 as EVP at Adient. Learn More about Michel P. R. Berthelin's net worth.

How old is Michel P. R. Berthelin?

Mr. Berthelin is currently 54 years old. There are 5 older executives and no younger executives at Adient. The oldest executive at Adient is Mr. Jian James Huang, Executive Vice President of APAC, who is 63 years old. Learn More on Michel P. R. Berthelin's age.

What is Michel P. R. Berthelin's salary?

As the EVP of Adient plc, Mr. Berthelin earns $1,050,000.00 per year. There are 3 executives that earn more than Mr. Berthelin. The highest earning executive at Adient is Mr. Jerome J. Dorlack, President, CEO & Director, who commands a salary of $1,510,000.00 per year. Learn More on Michel P. R. Berthelin's salary.

How do I contact Michel P. R. Berthelin?

The corporate mailing address for Mr. Berthelin and other Adient executives is 49200 Halyard Drive, Plymouth MI, 48170. Adient can also be reached via phone at (734) 254-5000 and via email at mark.a.oswald@adient.com. Learn More on Michel P. R. Berthelin's contact information.

Has Michel P. R. Berthelin been buying or selling shares of Adient?

Michel P. R. Berthelin has not been actively trading shares of Adient within the last three months. Most recently, Michel Pierre Rose Berthelin sold 1,200 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Wednesday, November 9th. The shares were sold at an average price of $36.62, for a transaction totalling $43,944.00. Following the completion of the sale, the executive vice president now directly owns 44,453 shares of the company's stock, valued at $1,627,868.86. Learn More on Michel P. R. Berthelin's trading history.

Who are Adient's active insiders?

Adient's insider roster includes Michel Berthelin (EVP), Peter Carlin (Director), James Conklin (EVP), Douglas Del Grosso (CEO), Jerome Dorlack (President, CEO & Director), Gregory Smith (CAO), Jeffrey Stafeil (CFO), and Heather Tiltmann (EVP). Learn More on Adient's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Adient?

In the last twelve months, insiders at the sold shares 2 times. They sold a total of 15,707 shares worth more than $354,457.30. The most recent insider tranaction occured on December, 4th when EVP James Conklin sold 11,500 shares worth more than $232,875.00. Insiders at Adient own 0.7% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Adient.

Information on this page was last updated on 12/4/2024.

Michel P. R. Berthelin Insider Trading History at Adient

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Michel P. R. Berthelin Buying and Selling Activity at Adient

This chart shows Michel Pierre Rose Berthelin's buying and selling at Adient by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$0soldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$40k-$20k$0$20k$40kTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

Adient Company Overview

Adient logo
Adient plc engages in the design, development, manufacture, and market of seating systems and components for passenger cars, commercial vehicles, and light trucks. The company's automotive seating solutions include complete seating systems, frames, mechanisms, foams, head restraints, armrests, and trim covers. It serves automotive original equipment manufacturers in North America and South America; Europe, Middle East, and Africa; and the Asia Pacific/China. Adient plc was incorporated in 2016 and is based in Dublin, Ireland.
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Today's Range

Now: $15.07
Low: $14.53
High: $15.11

50 Day Range

MA: $16.16
Low: $13.48
High: $18.25

2 Week Range

Now: $15.07
Low: $13.34
High: $33.74


1,054,156 shs

Average Volume

1,287,649 shs

Market Capitalization

$1.26 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


