R. Dirk  Allison net worth and biography

R. Allison Biography and Net Worth

R. Dirk Allison has served as a director of the Company since 2010. He was President and Chief Executive Officer from January 2016 through March 2021 when he was named Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer. Since April 2019, Mr. Allison has served as a director of National Mentor Holdings, Inc., the holding company for Civitas Solutions, Inc., a home- and community-based health and human services provider. From 2013 to 2015, Mr. Allison served as a director of Curo Health Services, LLC, a hospice care provider. From 2013 to 2014, Mr. Allison served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Correctional Healthcare Companies, Inc., a national provider of correctional healthcare solutions. Prior to joining Correctional Healthcare Companies, Inc., Mr. Allison served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of CCS Medical, Inc., a provider of mail order diabetic supplies, from 2011 to 2013. Prior to that, Mr. Allison served as Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of Odyssey Healthcare, Inc. (Nasdaq: ODSY), a provider of hospice services. Odyssey Healthcare, Inc., was acquired in 2010 by Gentiva Health Services, Inc. (Nasdaq: GTIV), a $2 billion provider of home health and hospice services. Prior to joining Odyssey Healthcare, Inc. in 2006, Mr. Allison was Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Omniflight, Inc., an operator of aviation support services to the healthcare industry. Prior to Omniflight, Inc., Mr. Allison served for approximately three and a half years as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Ardent Health Services LLC, an operator of acute care and behavioral care hospitals, and for approximately four years as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of Renal Care Group, Inc. (NYSE: RCI), an operator of dialysis centers. Between 1987 and 1999, Mr. Allison served as President and Chief Executive Officer of several publicly and privately held healthcare companies, including a physician practice management company and several institutional pharmacy providers. Mr. Allison earned a Bachelor of Business Administration at the University of Louisiana at Monroe (formerly Northeast Louisiana University) and a master’s degree in business administration at the University of Dallas. Mr. Allison is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

What is R. Dirk Allison's net worth?

The estimated net worth of R. Dirk Allison is at least $7.54 million as of January 2nd, 2025. Mr. Allison owns 79,397 shares of Addus HomeCare stock worth more than $7,543,509 as of March 26th. This net worth estimate does not reflect any other investments that Mr. Allison may own. Additionally, Mr. Allison receives an annual salary of $2,290,000.00 as CEO at Addus HomeCare. Learn More about R. Dirk Allison's net worth.

How old is R. Dirk Allison?

Mr. Allison is currently 68 years old. There are 7 older executives and no younger executives at Addus HomeCare. Learn More on R. Dirk Allison's age.

What is R. Dirk Allison's salary?

As the CEO of Addus HomeCare Co., Mr. Allison earns $2,290,000.00 per year. Learn More on R. Dirk Allison's salary.

How do I contact R. Dirk Allison?

The corporate mailing address for Mr. Allison and other Addus HomeCare executives is 6801 GAYLORD PARKWAY, FRISCO TX, 75034. Addus HomeCare can also be reached via phone at (469) 535-8200 and via email at investorrelations@addus.com. Learn More on R. Dirk Allison's contact information.

Has R. Dirk Allison been buying or selling shares of Addus HomeCare?

Over the course of the past ninety days, R. Dirk Allison has sold $3,119,000.00 in shares of Addus HomeCare stock. Most recently, R Dirk Allison sold 25,000 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Thursday, January 2nd. The shares were sold at an average price of $124.76, for a transaction totalling $3,119,000.00. Following the completion of the sale, the chief executive officer now directly owns 79,397 shares of the company's stock, valued at $9,905,569.72. Learn More on R. Dirk Allison's trading history.

Who are Addus HomeCare's active insiders?

Addus HomeCare's insider roster includes R. Allison (CEO), Darby Anderson (EVP), W. Bickham (COO), Sean Gaffney (EVP), Esteban Lopez (Director), Laurie Manning (EVP), Brian Poff (CFO), Monica Raines (EVP, Chief Compliance & Quality Officer), Roberton Stevenson (Executive Vice President Chief Human Resource Officer), David Tucker (EVP), and Michael Wattenbarger (EVP). Learn More on Addus HomeCare's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Addus HomeCare?

During the last year, insiders at the sold shares 8 times. They sold a total of 62,993 shares worth more than $8,017,360.51. The most recent insider tranaction occured on January, 2nd when CEO R Dirk Allison sold 25,000 shares worth more than $3,119,000.00. Insiders at Addus HomeCare own 4.6% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Addus HomeCare.

Information on this page was last updated on 1/2/2025.

R. Dirk Allison Insider Trading History at Addus HomeCare

See Full Table

R. Dirk Allison Buying and Selling Activity at Addus HomeCare

This chart shows R Dirk Allison's buying and selling at Addus HomeCare by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$3.12MsoldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$2M$0$2MTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

Addus HomeCare Company Overview

Addus HomeCare logo
Addus HomeCare Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, provides personal care services to elderly, chronically ill, disabled persons, and individuals who are at risk of hospitalization or institutionalization in the United States. The company operates through three segments: Personal Care, Hospice, and Home Health. The Personal Care segment provides non-medical assistance with activities of daily living. This segment offers services that include assistance with bathing, grooming, oral care, feeding and dressing, medication reminders, meal planning and preparation, housekeeping, and transportation services. The Hospice segment provides palliative nursing care, social work, spiritual counseling, homemaker, and bereavement counseling services for people who are terminally ill, as well as related services for their families. The Home Health segment offers skilled nursing and physical, occupational, and speech therapy for the individuals who requires assistance during an illness or after hospitalization. The company's payor clients include federal, state, and local governmental agencies; managed care organizations; commercial insurers; and private individuals. Addus HomeCare Corporation was founded in 1979 and is headquartered in Frisco, Texas.
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Today's Range

Now: $94.74
Low: $94.99
High: $95.15

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MA: $110.45
Low: $89.83
High: $135.92

2 Week Range

Now: $94.74
Low: $87.88
High: $136.72


2,690 shs

Average Volume

148,710 shs

Market Capitalization

$1.72 billion

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