Joseph  Monahan net worth and biography

Joseph Monahan Biography and Net Worth

Joseph Monahan, Ph.D., has served as Aclaris’ Chief Scientific Officer since January 2021, and has more than 35 years of pharmaceutical research experience. Previously, Joseph served as Aclaris’ Executive Vice President, Research and Development.

Prior to joining Aclaris, Joseph founded the biotechnology company, Confluence Life Sciences, Inc. in 2010 and functioned as the Chief Scientific Officer. He has also held multiple research leadership positions at Pfizer Inc., including Executive Director, Inflammation Research, global kinase platform leadership team lead; site head of enzymology and biophysics, and inflammation research and development lead. Throughout his career, he led the advancement of project portfolios from early discovery through phase 1 and 2 clinical development. He has held adjunct and visiting professor positions at Washington University Medical School, University of Missouri and University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine. He has published over 85 peer-reviewed publications and is listed as co-inventor on 14 patents.

Joseph received his Bachelor of Science in biochemistry from the University of New York at Buffalo and Doctor of Philosophy in biochemistry from the University of South Carolina.

What is Joseph Monahan's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Joseph Monahan is at least $212,098.74 as of October 23rd, 2023. Dr. Monahan owns 129,724 shares of Aclaris Therapeutics stock worth more than $212,099 as of March 28th. This net worth estimate does not reflect any other assets that Dr. Monahan may own. Additionally, Dr. Monahan receives an annual salary of $492,430.00 as Insider at Aclaris Therapeutics. Learn More about Joseph Monahan's net worth.

How old is Joseph Monahan?

Dr. Monahan is currently 67 years old. There are 3 older executives and no younger executives at Aclaris Therapeutics. Learn More on Joseph Monahan's age.

What is Joseph Monahan's salary?

As the Insider of Aclaris Therapeutics, Inc., Dr. Monahan earns $492,430.00 per year. There are 2 executives that earn more than Dr. Monahan. The highest earning executive at Aclaris Therapeutics is Mr. Kevin Balthaser, Chief Financial Officer, who commands a salary of $581,520.00 per year. Learn More on Joseph Monahan's salary.

How do I contact Joseph Monahan?

The corporate mailing address for Dr. Monahan and other Aclaris Therapeutics executives is 640 LEE ROAD SUITE 200, WAYNE PA, 19087. Aclaris Therapeutics can also be reached via phone at (484) 324-7933 and via email at Learn More on Joseph Monahan's contact information.

Has Joseph Monahan been buying or selling shares of Aclaris Therapeutics?

Joseph Monahan has not been actively trading shares of Aclaris Therapeutics within the last three months. Most recently, Joseph Monahan sold 6,000 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Monday, October 23rd. The shares were sold at an average price of $5.08, for a transaction totalling $30,480.00. Following the completion of the sale, the insider now directly owns 129,724 shares of the company's stock, valued at $658,997.92. Learn More on Joseph Monahan's trading history.

Who are Aclaris Therapeutics' active insiders?

Aclaris Therapeutics' insider roster includes Kamil Ali-Jackson (Insider), David Gordon (Insider), Joseph Monahan (Insider), Frank Ruffo (CFO), and Neal Walker (CEO). Learn More on Aclaris Therapeutics' active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Aclaris Therapeutics?

During the last year, Aclaris Therapeutics insiders bought shares 11 times. They purchased a total of 3,275,789 shares worth more than $4,476,644.42. The most recent insider tranaction occured on November, 19th when Director Anand Mehra bought 666,666 shares worth more than $1,499,998.50. Insiders at Aclaris Therapeutics own 6.4% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Aclaris Therapeutics.

Information on this page was last updated on 11/19/2024.

Joseph Monahan Insider Trading History at Aclaris Therapeutics

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Joseph Monahan Buying and Selling Activity at Aclaris Therapeutics

This chart shows Joseph Monahan's buying and selling at Aclaris Therapeutics by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$0soldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$400k-$200k$0$200k$400kTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

Aclaris Therapeutics Company Overview

Aclaris Therapeutics logo
Aclaris Therapeutics, Inc. a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, engages in the development of novel drug candidates for immune-inflammatory diseases in the United States. The company operates through two segments, Therapeutics and Contract Research. The Therapeutics segment is involved in identifying and developing therapies to address significant unmet needs for immuno-inflammatory diseases. The Contract Research segment provides laboratory services. It develops Zunsemetinib (ATI-450), an MK2 inhibitor which is under Phase 1b/2 trials for the treatment of metastatic breast and pancreatic cancer; ATI-1777, a soft JAK 1/3 inhibitor, completed Phase 2b trails for the treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis and other dermatologic conditions; and ATI-2138, an oral covalent inhibitor of ITK and JAK3 inhibitor under Phase 1 trials as a treatment for T cell-mediated autoimmune diseases. The company was incorporated in 2012 and is headquartered in Wayne, Pennsylvania.
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Today's Range

Now: $1.59
Low: $1.58
High: $1.67

50 Day Range

MA: $2.09
Low: $1.55
High: $2.60

2 Week Range

Now: $1.59
Low: $0.95
High: $5.17


541,509 shs

Average Volume

1,172,506 shs

Market Capitalization

$171.59 million

P/E Ratio


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