Christian T.  Goralski, Jr. net worth and biography

Christian Goralski, Jr. Biography and Net Worth

Group President, Safety & Industrial of 3M

Chris Goralski is group president of 3M’s Safety and Industrial Business Group, which includes personal safety, adhesives and tapes, abrasives, industrial specialties, electrical markets, automotive aftermarket, and roofing granules.

Goralski previously led 3M’s Industrial Adhesives and Tapes business, responsible for setting strategy and driving growth in one of 3M’s largest global businesses. He also served as vice president of environmental stewardship, vice president of ERP deployment, and as director of corporate strategy.

He began his 3M career in 2005 in strategic business development. Before 3M, Goralski held research, product development and leadership positions at Syngas Technology, LLC, The Ford Motor Company, and The Dow Chemical Company.

Goralski holds a BSE degree in chemical engineering from the University of Michigan, as well as a PhD in chemical engineering and an MBA with an emphasis in strategic management from the University of Minnesota.

What is Christian T. Goralski, Jr.'s net worth?

The estimated net worth of Christian T. Goralski, Jr. is at least $768,993.54 as of January 24th, 2025. Mr. Goralski, Jr. owns 5,024 shares of 3M stock worth more than $768,994 as of March 25th. This net worth approximation does not reflect any other investments that Mr. Goralski, Jr. may own. Learn More about Christian T. Goralski, Jr.'s net worth.

How do I contact Christian T. Goralski, Jr.?

The corporate mailing address for Mr. Goralski, Jr. and other 3M executives is 3M CENTER BLDG. 220-11W-02, ST PAUL MN, 55144. 3M can also be reached via phone at (651) 733-1110 and via email at Learn More on Christian T. Goralski, Jr.'s contact information.

Has Christian T. Goralski, Jr. been buying or selling shares of 3M?

During the last quarter, Christian T. Goralski, Jr. has sold $944,098.74 in 3M stock. Most recently, Christian T. Goralski, Jr. sold 6,318 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Friday, January 24th. The shares were sold at an average price of $149.43, for a transaction totalling $944,098.74. Following the completion of the sale, the insider now directly owns 5,024 shares of the company's stock, valued at $750,736.32. Learn More on Christian T. Goralski, Jr.'s trading history.

Who are 3M's active insiders?

3M's insider roster includes John Banovetz (EVP), Karin Chavez (Insider), Victoria Clarke (EVP, Chief Public Affairs Officer), Joaquin Delgado (Insider), Zoe Dickson (EVP), Ivan Fong (VP), Christian Goralski, Jr. (Group President, Safety & Industrial), Eric Hammes (Insider), Ashish Khandpur (Insider), Jeffrey Lavers (Insider), Kristen Ludgate (EVP), Mojdeh Poul (Insider), Theresa Reinseth (CAO), Kevin Rhodes (EVP), Michael Roman (CEO), Denise Rutherford (SVP), Ty Silberhorn (SVP), and Michael Vale (EVP). Learn More on 3M's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of 3M?

In the last twelve months, insiders at the conglomerate sold shares 9 times. They sold a total of 121,414 shares worth more than $18,124,733.75. The most recent insider tranaction occured on January, 31st when EVP Victoria Clarke sold 1,750 shares worth more than $269,885.00. Insiders at 3M own 0.3% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at 3M.

Information on this page was last updated on 1/31/2025.

Christian T. Goralski, Jr. Insider Trading History at 3M

See Full Table

Christian T. Goralski, Jr. Buying and Selling Activity at 3M

This chart shows Christian T Goralski Jr's buying and selling at 3M by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table
2022202320242025$0bought$944ksoldQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1-$500k$0$500kTotal Insider BuyingTotal Insider Selling

3M Company Overview

3M logo
3M Company provides diversified technology services in the United States and internationally. The company's Safety and Industrial segment offers industrial abrasives and finishing for metalworking applications; autobody repair solutions; closure systems for personal hygiene products, masking, and packaging materials; electrical products and materials for construction and maintenance, power distribution, and electrical original equipment manufacturers; structural adhesives and tapes; respiratory, hearing, eye, and fall protection solutions; and natural and color-coated mineral granules for shingles. Its Transportation and Electronics segment provides ceramic solutions; attachment/bonding products, films, sound, and temperature management for transportation vehicles; premium large format graphic films for advertising and fleet signage; light management films and electronics assembly solutions; packaging and interconnection solutions; semiconductor production materials; data centers solutions; and reflective signage for highway, and vehicle safety. The company's Consumer segment provides consumer bandages, braces, supports, and consumer respirators; home cleaning products; retail abrasives, paint accessories, car care DIY products, picture hanging, and consumer air quality solutions; and stationery products. It offers its products through e-commerce and traditional wholesalers, retailers, jobbers, distributors, and dealers. 3M Company was founded in 1902 and is headquartered in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
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Today's Range

Now: $153.06
Low: $152.70
High: $155.00

50 Day Range

MA: $148.72
Low: $137.35
High: $155.25

2 Week Range

Now: $153.06
Low: $85.62
High: $156.35


2,419,744 shs

Average Volume

4,027,325 shs

Market Capitalization

$83.10 billion

P/E Ratio


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