CGNT Insider Trading

Insider Ownership Percentage: 62.70%
Insider Buying (Last 12 Months): $6,114,211.21
Insider Selling (Last 12 Months): $0.00

Cognyte Software Insider Trading History Chart

This chart shows the insider buying and selling history at Cognyte Software by year and by quarter.

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Cognyte Software Share Price & Price History

Current Price: $8.82
Price Change: Price Increase of +0.06 (0.68%)
As of 12/26/2024 06:36 PM ET

This chart shows the closing price history over time for CGNT up to the past year.

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Days: 30 | 90 | 365

Cognyte Software Insider Trading History

Transaction DateInsider NameTitleBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionShares Held After TransactionDetails
9/12/2024Topline Capital Management, LlInsiderBuy416,040$6.30$2,621,052.009,020,184View SEC Filing Icon  
9/11/2024Topline Capital Partners, LpMajor ShareholderBuy553,591$6.31$3,493,159.218,604,144View SEC Filing Icon  
See Full Table

SEC Filings (Institutional Ownership Changes) for Cognyte Software (NASDAQ:CGNT)

72.92% of Cognyte Software stock is owned by institutions. Institutional ownership can be a sign of analyst confidence in the fundamentals of the stock.

Institutional Buying and Selling by Quarter

This chart shows the instiutional buying and selling at CGNT by year and by quarter.

Skip Institutional Buying and Selling Chart and Table DataRead Chart Data in Institutional Trading History Table

Cognyte Software Institutional Trading History

Reporting DateHedge FundShares HeldMarket Value% of PortfolioQuarterly Change in SharesOwnership in CompanyDetails
12/26/2024JPMorgan Chase & Co.386,961$2.63M0.0%-14.1%0.538%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/27/2024Franklin Resources Inc.15,033$0.10M0.0%-12.8%0.021%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/25/2024Tidal Investments LLC59,902$0.41M0.0%+4.6%0.083%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio162,113$1.10M0.0%N/A0.226%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024XTX Topco Ltd24,955$0.17M0.0%N/A0.035%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Quadrature Capital Ltd18,091$0.12M0.0%-68.7%0.025%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Centiva Capital LP25,338$0.17M0.0%N/A0.035%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2024Atom Investors LP104,470$0.71M0.1%+100.3%0.145%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2024American Capital Management Inc.6,402,813$43.48M1.4%+8.5%8.906%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2024Scalar Gauge Management LLC440,032$2.99M1.6%+3.5%0.612%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2024Edenbrook Capital LLC6,283,226$42.66M18.1%+3.4%8.740%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/12/2024Senvest Management LLC1,459,825$9.91M0.3%-59.3%2.031%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/8/2024Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.831,550$5.65M0.0%-5.1%1.157%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/4/2024State of New Jersey Common Pension Fund D23,186$0.16M0.0%+34.4%0.032%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/31/2024ARK Investment Management LLC270,315$1.84M0.0%-18.5%0.381%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/29/2024Angeles Wealth Management LLC64,314$0.44M0.0%N/A0.091%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/16/2024IQ EQ FUND MANAGEMENT IRELAND Ltd71,199$0.48M0.1%-7.2%0.100%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/5/2024Silverberg Bernstein Capital Management LLC100,300$0.68M0.6%+2.0%0.141%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/15/2024Mackenzie Financial Corp20,981$0.16M0.0%-9.9%0.030%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/14/2024Scalar Gauge Management LLC425,032$3.25M1.9%+30.8%0.598%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/14/2024Marshall Wace LLP131,430$1M0.0%-47.9%0.185%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/14/2024Magnetar Financial LLC15,270$0.12M0.0%N/A0.022%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/13/2024Public Employees Retirement Association of Colorado10,835$83K0.0%-23.5%0.015%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/9/2024Renaissance Technologies LLC555,400$4.24M0.0%-20.1%0.782%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/9/2024Dimensional Fund Advisors LP98,070$0.75M0.0%-73.3%0.138%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/8/2024William Blair Investment Management LLC2,757,966$21.07M0.1%-0.2%3.883%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/8/2024State of New Jersey Common Pension Fund D17,246$0.13M0.0%-16.1%0.024%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/6/2024Acadian Asset Management LLC2,611,449$19.93M0.1%+13.3%3.633%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/31/2024nVerses Capital LLC3,600$28K0.0%N/A0.005%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/31/2024Legacy Advisors LLC143,790$1.10M0.1%+1.4%0.202%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/30/2024Signaturefd LLC3,311$25K0.0%+91.4%0.005%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/29/2024IQ EQ FUND MANAGEMENT IRELAND Ltd76,706$0.59M0.1%N/A0.108%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/26/2024ARK Investment Management LLC331,485$2.53M0.0%-9.3%0.467%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/24/2024DT Investment Partners LLC8,081$62K0.0%N/A0.011%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/12/2024Silverberg Bernstein Capital Management LLC98,300$0.75M0.7%+7.7%0.138%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/17/2024Tidal Investments LLC62,228$0.52M0.0%N/A0.088%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/15/2024Quadrature Capital Ltd47,174$0.39M0.0%+111.0%0.066%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/11/2024Covestor Ltd8,862$73K0.0%N/A0.012%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/11/2024Hillsdale Investment Management Inc.14,339$0.12M0.0%-49.4%0.020%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/10/2024Acadian Asset Management LLC2,304,970$19.04M0.1%+30.3%3.245%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/8/2024Edmond DE Rothschild Holding S.A.34,870$0.29M0.0%+446.6%0.049%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/8/2024William Blair Investment Management LLC2,763,614$22.86M0.1%-0.1%3.891%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/8/2024Russell Investments Group Ltd.15,166$0.13M0.0%-24.4%0.021%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/7/2024Sei Investments Co.129,122$1.07M0.0%+25.6%0.182%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/3/2024Essex Investment Management Co. LLC339,452$2.81M0.6%+1.6%0.478%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
4/30/2024Perigon Wealth Management LLC98,117$0.81M0.0%N/A0.138%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
4/11/2024Silverberg Bernstein Capital Management LLC91,300$0.76M0.7%-1.6%0.133%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
3/25/2024Quadrature Capital Ltd22,354$0.14M0.0%N/A0.032%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/15/2024G2 Investment Partners Management LLC1,366,163$8.78M2.6%+241.5%1.985%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2024Scalar Gauge Management LLC311,243$2M1.9%N/A0.452%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2024Tower Research Capital LLC TRC 5,793$37K0.0%N/A0.008%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/12/2024Senvest Management LLC3,452,305$22.20M0.9%-18.2%5.015%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/12/2024Legacy Advisors LLC131,032$0.84M0.1%+14.7%0.190%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/9/2024Trexquant Investment LP153,184$0.99M0.0%+43.0%0.223%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/9/2024Hillsdale Investment Management Inc.28,339$0.18M0.0%+32.8%0.041%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/8/2024Essex Investment Management Co. LLC334,208$2.15M0.4%N/A0.485%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/7/2024Jump Financial LLC50,200$0.32M0.0%+52.9%0.073%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/5/2024Russell Investments Group Ltd.20,066$0.13M0.0%+8,624.3%0.029%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/1/2024New York State Common Retirement Fund93,978$0.60M0.0%+108.5%0.137%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
1/30/2024Mackenzie Financial Corp21,986$0.14M0.0%+56.1%0.032%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
1/17/2024ARK Investment Management LLC408,067$2.62M0.0%-7.8%0.593%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
1/17/2024Silverberg Bernstein Capital Management LLC92,800$0.60M0.6%N/A0.135%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
1/16/2024Legato Capital Management LLC134,407$0.86M0.1%N/A0.195%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
12/6/2023Citigroup Inc.138,749$0.67M0.0%+3.0%0.211%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
12/4/2023Phoenix Holdings Ltd.279,400$1.34M0.0%+33.0%0.406%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2023GSA Capital Partners LLP230,614$1.11M0.1%+92.9%0.350%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2023Legacy Advisors LLC114,200$0.55M0.1%+10.7%0.174%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2023Senvest Management LLC4,222,826$20.31M0.8%-0.3%6.418%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2023Trexquant Investment LP107,111$0.52M0.0%N/A0.163%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/13/2023Algert Global LLC35,740$0.17M0.0%-29.2%0.054%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/13/2023Acadian Asset Management LLC1,578,537$7.58M0.0%+203.6%2.399%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/13/2023Phoenix Holdings Ltd.279,400$1.34M0.0%+33.0%0.425%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/9/2023William Blair Investment Management LLC2,820,995$13.57M0.0%-7.0%4.287%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/9/2023Citigroup Inc.138,749$0.67M0.0%+3.0%0.211%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/7/2023Quantbot Technologies LP11,857$57K0.0%N/A0.018%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/7/2023New York State Common Retirement Fund45,065$0.22M0.0%+662.4%0.068%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/7/2023Jump Financial LLC32,837$0.16M0.0%-45.5%0.050%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/30/2023Y.D. More Investments Ltd1,854,798$8.92M1.8%N/A2.819%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/25/2023Mackenzie Financial Corp14,087$63K0.0%-64.8%0.021%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/18/2023ARK Investment Management LLC442,401$2.13M0.0%-4.7%0.672%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/14/2023Westerly Capital Management LLC1,325,000$8.07M4.2%-22.3%1.884%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/11/2023Senvest Management LLC4,234,670$25.79M0.8%+16.7%6.022%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/11/2023William Blair Investment Management LLC3,034,800$18.48M0.1%+1.9%4.316%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/10/2023US Bancorp DE25,347$0.15M0.0%+633,575.0%0.036%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/7/2023Acadian Asset Management LLC519,862$3.16M0.0%+443.8%0.755%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/2/2023Bank of Montreal Can37,982$0.23M0.0%N/A0.055%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/20/2023Legacy Advisors LLC103,162$0.63M0.1%+24.6%0.150%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/10/2023ARK Investment Management LLC464,284$2.83M0.0%-25.8%0.674%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/12/2023William Blair Investment Management LLC2,978,976$10.10M0.0%+0.7%4.327%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/10/2023Vanguard Personalized Indexing Management LLC10,039$34K0.0%N/A0.015%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/10/2023Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.256,724$0.87M0.0%+2.0%0.373%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/3/2023American Capital Management Inc.4,915,875$16.67M0.6%+21.4%7.141%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/1/2023Legacy Advisors LLC82,778$0.28M0.1%+8.3%0.120%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
4/27/2023PBMares Wealth Management LLC21,102$72K0.0%-20.1%0.031%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
4/24/2023Mackenzie Financial Corp40,000$0.14M0.0%N/A0.058%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
4/18/2023ETF Managers Group LLC358,357$1.22M0.0%N/A0.521%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
4/17/2023ARK Investment Management LLC625,948$2.12M0.0%-16.7%0.909%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/15/2023American Capital Management Inc.4,049,343$12.59M0.5%+65.3%6.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2023Neuberger Berman Group LLC4,379,165$13.59M0.0%+8.2%6.490%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2023M&T Bank Corp11,158$77K0.0%N/A0.017%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
Data available starting January 2016

See Full Table
Cognyte Software logo
Cognyte Software Ltd. provides an investigative analytics software to governments and enterprises worldwide. Its Actionable Intelligence for a Safer World, an open software designed to help governments and enterprises accelerate and enhance the effectiveness of investigations. The company offers network intelligence analytics, threat intelligence analytics, decision intelligence analytics, and operational intelligence analytics solutions. Its solutions are designed to support various use cases and support a range of users, including data analysts, investigation managers, and security operations center operators, as well as operational field teams. In addition, the company provides customer support, professional, and integration services. Its government customers include national, regional, and local government agencies. Cognyte Software Ltd. was incorporated in 2020 and is headquartered in Herzliya, Israel.
Read More on Cognyte Software

Today's Range

Now: $8.82
Low: $8.70
High: $8.85

50 Day Range

MA: $7.70
Low: $6.45
High: $9.50

52 Week Range

Now: $8.82
Low: $5.44
High: $9.59


253,765 shs

Average Volume

308,142 shs

Market Capitalization

$634.11 million

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield




Who are the company insiders with the largest holdings of Cognyte Software?

Cognyte Software's top insider shareholders include:
  1. Topline Capital Management, Ll (Insider)
  2. Topline Capital Partners, Lp (Major Shareholder)
Learn More about top insider investors at Cognyte Software.

Who are the major institutional investors of Cognyte Software?

Cognyte Software's top institutional investors include:
  1. American Capital Management Inc. — 8.91%
  2. Edenbrook Capital LLC — 8.74%
  3. Senvest Management LLC — 2.03%
  4. Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd. — 1.16%
  5. Scalar Gauge Management LLC — 0.61%
  6. JPMorgan Chase & Co. — 0.54%
Learn More about top institutional investors of Cognyte Software stock.

Which major investors are selling Cognyte Software stock?

In the previous quarter, CGNT stock was sold by these institutional investors:
  1. Senvest Management LLC
  2. JPMorgan Chase & Co.
  3. ARK Investment Management LLC
  4. Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.
  5. Quadrature Capital Ltd
  7. Franklin Resources Inc.

Which major investors are buying Cognyte Software stock?

In the last quarter, CGNT stock was acquired by institutional investors including:
  1. American Capital Management Inc.
  2. Edenbrook Capital LLC
  3. Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio
  4. Angeles Wealth Management LLC
  5. Atom Investors LP
  6. Centiva Capital LP
  7. XTX Topco Ltd
  8. Scalar Gauge Management LLC
During the last year, these company insiders have bought Cognyte Software stock:
  1. Topline Capital Management, Ll (Insider)
  2. Topline Capital Partners, Lp (Major Shareholder)
Learn More investors buying Cognyte Software stock.