Patricia A.  Little net worth and biography

Patricia Little Biography and Net Worth

Patricia A. Little serves as Independent Director of the Company. Ms. Little’s qualifications include (i) senior executive experience at a publicly traded multinational company, (ii) general management experience in international operations, (iii) consumer marketing experience, (iv) a detailed knowledge of the food industry and (v) a high level of financial literacy. Ms. Little has over 25 years of experience across a broad range of roles in accounting, treasury, and finance functions at both the corporate and operating levels. Most recently, Ms. Little served as the Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer of The Hershey Company from 2015 until her retirement in May 2019, which required management of an internationally-based financial organization. Responsibilities included the oversight of internal controls and financial systems on an international basis, the identification of enterprise risks, the oversight of the performance of the organization’s public accountants in the preparation, auditing and evaluation of financial statements, and capital planning for the Hershey Company. As Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, she regularly interacted with the audit committee of the board of directors of that company. Prior to joining The Hershey Company, Ms. Little’s service at Kelly Services, Inc. as Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer from 2008 to 2015 entailed similar responsibilities as at The Hershey Company. Prior to that, her position at the Ford Motor Company as its general auditor and head of global accounting included responsibilities for managing global internal and external audit functions. As was true of her service with the Ford Motor Company and Kelly Services, her position at The Hershey Company required travel to, and a detailed understanding of, her company’s international operations and the local legal and accounting requirements bearing on her area of oversight.

What is Patricia A. Little's net worth?

The estimated net worth of Patricia A. Little is at least $1.79 million as of April 1st, 2024. Ms. Little owns 24,732 shares of McCormick & Company, Incorporated stock worth more than $1,786,145 as of June 1st. This net worth estimate does not reflect any other assets that Ms. Little may own. Learn More about Patricia A. Little's net worth.

How do I contact Patricia A. Little?

The corporate mailing address for Ms. Little and other McCormick & Company, Incorporated executives is 24 Schilling Road Suite 1, Hunt Valley MD, 21031. McCormick & Company, Incorporated can also be reached via phone at (410) 771-7301 and via email at [email protected]. Learn More on Patricia A. Little's contact information.

Has Patricia A. Little been buying or selling shares of McCormick & Company, Incorporated?

Within the last three months, Patricia A. Little has sold $1,511,400.00 of McCormick & Company, Incorporated stock. Most recently, Patricia A. Little sold 20,000 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Monday, April 1st. The shares were sold at an average price of $75.57, for a transaction totalling $1,511,400.00. Following the completion of the sale, the director now directly owns 24,732 shares of the company's stock, valued at $1,868,997.24. Learn More on Patricia A. Little's trading history.

Who are McCormick & Company, Incorporated's active insiders?

McCormick & Company, Incorporated's insider roster includes Brendan Foley (Insider), Freeman Hrabowski, III (Director), Lawrence Kurzius (CEO), Patricia Little (Director), Michael Mangan (Director), Lisa Manzone (VP), Maritza Montiel (Director), Margaret Preston (Director), Jeffery Schwartz (VP), Michael Smith (CFO), Malcolm Swift (Insider), and Jacques Tapiero (Director). Learn More on McCormick & Company, Incorporated's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of McCormick & Company, Incorporated?

In the last twelve months, insiders at the sold shares 11 times. They sold a total of 134,658 shares worth more than $10,157,384.22. The most recent insider tranaction occured on May, 21st when Director Lawrence Erik Kurzius sold 80,000 shares worth more than $5,900,000.00. Insiders at McCormick & Company, Incorporated own 22.9% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at McCormick & Company, Incorporated.

Information on this page was last updated on 5/21/2024.

Patricia A. Little Insider Trading History at McCormick & Company, Incorporated

Transaction DateBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionShares Held After TransactionDetails
4/1/2024Sell20,000$75.57$1,511,400.0024,732View SEC Filing Icon  
6/30/2020Sell5,000$179.14$895,700.0016,288View SEC Filing Icon  
11/5/2018Sell5,000$146.13$730,650.0014,637View SEC Filing Icon  
1/29/2018Sell6,250$108.63$678,937.5015,497View SEC Filing Icon  
7/5/2016Sell3,750$107.22$402,075.0013,227View SEC Filing Icon  
See Full Table

Patricia A. Little Buying and Selling Activity at McCormick & Company, Incorporated

This chart shows Patricia A Little's buying and selling at McCormick & Company, Incorporated by year and by quarter.

Skip ChartChart Data in Insider Trading History Table

McCormick & Company, Incorporated Company Overview

McCormick & Company, Incorporated logo
McCormick & Company, Incorporated manufactures, markets, and distributes spices, seasoning mixes, condiments, and other flavorful products to the food industry. It operates in two segments, Consumer and Flavor Solutions. The Consumer segment offers spices, herbs, and seasonings, as well as condiments and sauces, and desserts. This segment markets its products under the McCormick, French's, Frank's RedHot, Lawry's, Cholula Hot Sauce, Gourmet Garden, Club House, and OLD BAY brands in the Americas; Ducros, Schwartz, Kamis, LA Drogheria, and Vahiné brands in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa; McCormick and DaQiao brands in the Asia/Pacific; McCormick, Aeroplane, and Gourmet Garden brands in China; and the McCormick brand and other brands in Australia, as well as markets regional and ethnic brands, such as Zatarain's, Stubb's, Thai Kitchen, and Simply Asia. It also supplies its products under the private labels. This segment serves retailers comprising grocery, mass merchandise, warehouse clubs, discount and drug stores, and e-commerce retailers directly and indirectly through distributors and wholesale foodservice suppliers. The Flavor Solutions segment offers seasoning blends, spices and herbs, condiments, coating systems, and compound flavors to multinational food manufacturers and foodservice customers. It serves foodservice customers directly and indirectly through distributors. The company was founded in 1889 and is headquartered in Hunt Valley, Maryland.
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Today's Range

Now: $72.22
Low: $70.65
High: $72.54

50 Day Range

MA: $74.47
Low: $69.94
High: $78.27

2 Week Range

Now: $72.22
Low: $59.13
High: $94.39


4,091,088 shs

Average Volume

1,302,466 shs

Market Capitalization

$19.38 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


