Charles R.  Corbin, Jr. net worth and biography

Charles Corbin, Jr. Biography and Net Worth

Charles Corbin serves as Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer & General Counsel of Hilton Grand Vacations (HGV), a role he assumed in January 2017 following a six-year stint as a senior lawyer in Hilton’s Legal department. As a key member of the executive leadership team, Mr. Corbin is a trusted business partner and leads the company’s global legal and compliance functions.

Aligned with HGV’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, Mr. Corbin serves as executive sponsor of the company’s Military Team Member Resource Group.

Following a successful career as a trial lawyer and partner in a boutique commodities and securities litigation law firm based in Washington, D.C., Mr. Corbin has been an in-house lawyer for nearly 20 years. He has earned a reputation as an innovative legal thinker and dynamic leader who brings a commercial perspective and risk-adjusted approach to providing practical advice and counsel to business partners and enterprises in a variety of industries.

Prior to joining Hilton, Mr. Corbin served as in-house counsel to Sunrise Senior Living, Inc. and The Mills Corporation.

Mr. Corbin holds a juris doctorate from the University of Dayton School of Law and a bachelor’s degree in English from The Citadel.

How do I contact Charles R. Corbin, Jr.?

The corporate mailing address for Mr. Corbin, Jr. and other Hilton Grand Vacations executives is 6355 METROWEST BOULEVARD SUITE 180, ORLANDO FL, 32835. Hilton Grand Vacations can also be reached via phone at (407) 613-3100 and via email at [email protected]. Learn More on Charles R. Corbin, Jr.'s contact information.

Has Charles R. Corbin, Jr. been buying or selling shares of Hilton Grand Vacations?

Charles R. Corbin, Jr. has not been actively trading shares of Hilton Grand Vacations during the past quarter. Learn More on Charles R. Corbin, Jr.'s trading history.

Who are Hilton Grand Vacations' active insiders?

Hilton Grand Vacations' insider roster includes Charles Corbin, Jr. (Insider), Carlos Hernandez (Senior Vice President & Chief Accounting Officer), Stan Soroka (Insider), and Mark Wang (Insider). Learn More on Hilton Grand Vacations' active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Hilton Grand Vacations?

In the last year, insiders at the sold shares 4 times. They sold a total of 95,472 shares worth more than $4,426,752.26. The most recent insider tranaction occured on March, 28th when insider Jorge Pablo Brizi sold 28,000 shares worth more than $1,316,000.00. Insiders at Hilton Grand Vacations own 2.3% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Hilton Grand Vacations.

Information on this page was last updated on 3/28/2024.

Charles R. Corbin, Jr. Insider Trading History at Hilton Grand Vacations

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Charles R. Corbin, Jr. Buying and Selling Activity at Hilton Grand Vacations

This chart shows Charles R Jr. Corbin's buying and selling at Hilton Grand Vacations by year and by quarter.

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Hilton Grand Vacations Company Overview

Hilton Grand Vacations logo
Hilton Grand Vacations Inc., a timeshare company, develops, markets, sells, manages, and operates the resorts, plans and ancillary reservation services under the Hilton Grand Vacations brand. It operates through Real Estate Sales and Financing, and Resort Operations and Club Management segments. Real Estate Sales and Financing segment market and sells the VOIs, and source VOIs through fee-for-service agreements with third-party developers; and provides consumer financing and services loans. Resort Operations and Club Management segment manages and operates the clubs which offers exchange, leisure travel, and reservation services, as well as engages in the rental of inventory made available due to ownership exchanges through its club programs, and provides ancillary services including food and beverage, retail and spa at timeshare properties. Hilton Grand Vacations Inc. was founded in 1992 and is headquartered in Orlando, Florida.
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Today's Range

Now: $41.33
Low: $40.80
High: $41.78

50 Day Range

MA: $43.68
Low: $40.46
High: $47.71

2 Week Range

Now: $41.33
Low: $33.13
High: $49.02


790,571 shs

Average Volume

671,061 shs

Market Capitalization

$4.29 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


