Narasimha  Kini net worth and biography

Narasimha Kini Biography and Net Worth

EVP of ExlService
Kini leads the risk advisory services of EXL (EXLBPRS) and has the overall responsibility for client acquisition relationship management and service delivery for clients across the globe. He joined EXL in 2001 and has held responsibilities for internal audit risk management legal & regulatory compliance and information security. Kini has led EXLBPRS since its inception and has managed several large projects on business process and technology risk advisory services. Kini is a Chartered Accountant and a Certified Public Accountant licensee candidate. His other credentials include CISA CIA CFM and CMA. He has successfully completed qualifying examinations and is a licensee candidate for CISM and CISSP credentials. He has over 15 years experience in public accounting consulting financial management and risk advisory services. Prior to EXL he worked with two of the Big Four accounting firms in their business assurance and consulting divisions where he has extensively served varied clients in the financial services manufacturing retail and energy sectors.

How do I contact Narasimha Kini?

The corporate mailing address for Mr. Kini and other ExlService executives is 320 Park Avenue 29th Floor, New York NY, 10022. ExlService can also be reached via phone at (212) 277-7100 and via email at [email protected]. Learn More on Narasimha Kini's contact information.

Has Narasimha Kini been buying or selling shares of ExlService?

Narasimha Kini has not been actively trading shares of ExlService during the past quarter. Most recently, on Monday, March 14th, Narasimha Kini bought 2,500 shares of ExlService stock. The stock was acquired at an average cost of $24.90 per share, with a total value of $62,250.00. Learn More on Narasimha Kini's trading history.

Who are ExlService's active insiders?

ExlService's insider roster includes Ajay Ayyappan (SVP), Pavan Bagai (COO), Vikas Bhalla (EVP), Vivek Jetley (EVP), Rohit Kapoor (CEO), Narasimha Kini (EVP), Anita Mahon (EVP), Samuel Meckey (EVP), Nalin Miglani (EVP), Som Mittal (Director), Maurizio Nicolelli (CFO), Clyde Ostler (Director), Garen Staglin (Director), and Jaynie Studenmund (Director). Learn More on ExlService's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of ExlService?

In the last year, insiders at the business services provider sold shares 9 times. They sold a total of 171,851 shares worth more than $5,244,426.15. The most recent insider tranaction occured on May, 28th when insider Vivek Jetley sold 4,000 shares worth more than $121,120.00. Insiders at ExlService own 3.8% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at ExlService.

Information on this page was last updated on 5/28/2024.

Narasimha Kini Insider Trading History at ExlService

Transaction DateBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionShares Held After TransactionDetails
3/14/2022Buy2,500$24.90$62,250.00View SEC Filing Icon  
3/11/2022Buy2,500$25.00$62,500.00View SEC Filing Icon  
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Narasimha Kini Buying and Selling Activity at ExlService

This chart shows Narasimha Kini's buying and selling at ExlService by year and by quarter.

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ExlService Company Overview

ExlService logo
ExlService Holdings, Inc. operates as a data analytics, and digital operations and solutions company in the United States and internationally. The company operates through Insurance, Healthcare, Analytics, and Emerging Business segments. It also provides digital operations and solutions and analytics-driven services, such as claims processing, premium and benefit administration, agency management, account reconciliation, policy research, underwriting support, new business acquisition, policy servicing, premium audit, surveys, billing and collection, commercial and residential survey, and customer service using digital technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and advanced automation; digital customer acquisition services using a software-as-a-service delivery model through LifePRO and LISS platforms; subrogation services; and Subrosource software platform, an end-to-end subrogation platform. In addition, the company offers health care services related to care management, utilization management, disease management, payment integrity, revenue optimization, and customer engagement. Further, it provides financial planning and analysis, management reporting, forecasting and decision support, data management, regulatory reporting and risk, and compliance services; reservations, customer, and fulfilment services; freight billing, collections, claims management, freight audit, freight scheduling, supply chain management, and revenue assurance services; residential mortgage lending, title verification and validation, retail banking and credit cards, trust verification, commercial banking, and investment management; merchandising, pricing, and demand forecasting; and digital operations and solutions. The company offers predictive and prescriptive analytics in the areas of customer acquisition and lifecycle management. ExlService Holdings, Inc. was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in New York, New York.
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Today's Range

Now: $29.86
Low: $29.35
High: $29.89

50 Day Range

MA: $30.29
Low: $29.00
High: $31.80

2 Week Range

Now: $29.86
Low: $25.17
High: $33.40


941,842 shs

Average Volume

839,255 shs

Market Capitalization

$5.00 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield

