Katherine  Adkins net worth and biography

Katherine Adkins Biography and Net Worth

Insider of Affirm

As a C-suite executive, board, and audit committee member, Katherine Adkins brings 30 years of experience in the highly dynamic and changing worlds of the automotive, financial services, and fintech. Adkins currently serves as Chief Legal Officer for Affirm Holdings, Inc. and had previously served as a senior executive with Toyota Financial Services (“TFS”), a publicly listed SEC registrant with $120B in assets, the largest non-bank financial institution in the US. Ms. Adkins is known for building high-performance teams and delivering results without increasing budget, litigation risk, or headcount. While at TFS, Ms. Adkins was a member of TFS’s Executive, Enterprise Risk, and Audit Committees and chaired its Global Compliance Committee. She also served on the board of two private company affiliates within Toyota and was a founding board member of Toyota’s Political Action Committee.

Whether acting as a board member, executive, or legal advisor, Ms. Adkins is known for being a proactive and results-driven leader. Ms. Adkins has deep expertise in financial services and fintech and is Chief Legal Officer for Affirm. While at TFS, Ms. Adkins led the development of an enterprise compliance function from the ground up and led the development of a global compliance framework.

With an unwavering passion for business innovation, Ms. Adkins created a grassroots movement within TFS to instill creativity and innovation in the organization. She created and led a 20+ member team that provided training to employees on creativity, led creativity and innovation workshops, and facilitated company-wide innovation events. This work led to the company’s expansion into MaaS and other mobility platforms as well as a number of acquisitions.

Ms. Adkins oversaw 300+ employees globally across diverse areas such as procurement, compliance, legal, audit, and outsourcing. As an Audit Committee member, she also took the lead in achieving the move of TFS headquarters from California to Texas with no impact on financial reporting and she led an effort to professionalize the Audit Committee with more robust oversight and governance capabilities.

Currently, Katherine is serving as an Advisory Board Member for MoBi Consortium.

Giving back to her community, Ms. Adkins has served on the boards of the Dallas Theater Company and Levitt & Quinn, a nonprofit family law center. She is a frequent public speaker at finance industry, legal, and women’s conferences and has been recognized by organizations as diverse as Auto Finance News and Girl Scouts of America. Ms. Adkins is an alumni of the 2019 DirectWomen Board Institute. She is a member of NACD, ACC, and the California State Bar.

How old is Katherine Adkins?

Ms. Adkins is currently 61 years old. There are 6 older executives and no younger executives at Affirm. Learn More on Katherine Adkins' age.

How do I contact Katherine Adkins?

The corporate mailing address for Ms. Adkins and other Affirm executives is 650 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO CA, 94108. Affirm can also be reached via phone at 415-984-0490 and via email at [email protected]. Learn More on Katherine Adkins' contact information.

Has Katherine Adkins been buying or selling shares of Affirm?

Katherine Adkins has not been actively trading shares of Affirm during the last quarter. Most recently, Katherine Adkins sold 1,362 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Wednesday, November 3rd. The shares were sold at an average price of $160.57, for a transaction totalling $218,696.34. Learn More on Katherine Adkins' trading history.

Who are Affirm's active insiders?

Affirm's insider roster includes Katherine Adkins (Insider), Sharda Del Castillo (Insider), Siphelele Jiyane (VP), Michael Linford (CFO), Jeremy Philips (Director), and Keith Rabois (Director). Learn More on Affirm's active insiders.

Are insiders buying or selling shares of Affirm?

During the last twelve months, insiders at the sold shares 6 times. They sold a total of 3,259,048 shares worth more than $126,712,933.68. The most recent insider tranaction occured on May, 1st when Director Keith Rabois sold 9,276 shares worth more than $297,945.12. Insiders at Affirm own 13.1% of the company. Learn More about insider trades at Affirm.

Information on this page was last updated on 5/1/2024.

Katherine Adkins Insider Trading History at Affirm

Transaction DateBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionShares Held After TransactionDetails
11/3/2021Sell1,362$160.57$218,696.34View SEC Filing Icon  
11/1/2021Sell10,924$154.17$1,684,153.08View SEC Filing Icon  
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Katherine Adkins Buying and Selling Activity at Affirm

This chart shows Katherine Adkins's buying and selling at Affirm by year and by quarter.

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Affirm Company Overview

Affirm logo
Affirm Holdings, Inc. operates a platform for digital and mobile-first commerce in the United States, Canada, and internationally. The company's platform includes point-of-sale payment solution for consumers, merchant commerce solutions, and a consumer-focused app. Its commerce platform, agreements with originating banks, and capital markets partners enables consumers to pay for a purchase over time with terms ranging up to 60 months. The company has active merchants covering small businesses, large enterprises, direct-to-consumer brands, brick-and-mortar stores, and companies with an omni-channel presence. Its merchants represent a range of industries, including sporting goods and outdoors, furniture and homewares, travel and ticketing, apparel, accessories, consumer electronics, and jewelry. Affirm Holdings, Inc. was founded in 2012 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California.
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Today's Range

Now: $29.27
Low: $28.75
High: $30.08

50 Day Range

MA: $32.81
Low: $28.72
High: $37.33

2 Week Range

Now: $29.27
Low: $12.81
High: $52.48


3,497,015 shs

Average Volume

6,973,187 shs

Market Capitalization

$9.05 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield


